Tfw you wait 10 years for a game, go through 3 different school graduations...

>tfw you wait 10 years for a game, go through 3 different school graduations, and when you finally play it it actually lives up to the hype

Its super apparent the point at which Nomura stepped down from being director though, but still probably my fourth favorite in the series.

Damn am I a few months too late to discuss this amazing game

>actually lives up to the hype

I really loved it too but this board has hated this game since 2013 so I wouldn't even try to discuss it here

Glad you liked it, OP. But you won't get any productive conversation here.

Sup Forums is obsessed with forcing people to remember FFXV as a disaster.

This. Ain't nothing good gonna come of this thread.

That is, of course, assuming that this isn't another bait thread. Because both sides of the aisle like to play that shit.

It did for me
Once I learned Nomura was stepping off I tempered my expectations because Im not retarded.

>tfw your standards are so low that you actually enjoyed XV

Your low standard doesn't mean anything though. The insane amount of hype this game generated trough different genrations should make it at least a 9/10 gaem. Instead we get ff xv.

I'm glad you enjoyed it OP.

Don't bother discussing it here since Sup Forums will hate it lol.

It met my expectations too

After I played duscae I dropped my expectations to 6/10 from my original 9.5/10 back in 2006

This sucks, all of my gamer friends irl think I'm a Square Enix fanboy because I've bought their remakes a few too many times so they probably won't even take my opinion on the game seriously

If you give just the tiniest fuck, remember to vote.

I fucked up and voted on this before beating the game and voted on the line of Lucis instead of Ardyn's past, although I guess that may work out anyway

Yeah some of these sound like they should go together:
Ardyn's Past and the Line of Lucis
The World of Ruin and Noctis' Disappearance

Why these 4 are separate, I have no clue.

Nice early access you got there senpai

Select the content you would most like added to FINAL FANTASY VI.
Story content: Phantom Train
Story content: the Opera House
Story content: Magitek activities
Story content: Ramuh story
Story content: the World of Ruin
Playable character: Mog
Playable character: Umaru
Playable character: Gogo
Playable character: Leo
Additional mode: Grind-required difficulty
Upgrade: summonable Esperes
Upgrade: Mode 7 support

They might spend two more decades on it and XV will still feel like an unfinished mess put together from several broken pieces.

>put together from several broken pieces.

But there's only a jarring difference between before Altissia and after

how many DLC have been released for this game?

1 relevant so far. With 2 more being confirmed. Everything else is still in the empty promises stage.

1 DLC - Episode Gladiolus.
Episode Prompto is next month and Episode Ignis is still TBD.

Everything else that has been added were apart of the free updates or stuff included in the season pass.

10 > 6 > 7 > 15 > 4 > 5 > 12 > 9 > 11 > 14 > 1 > 3 > 2 > 8 > 13

They should fix the combat before anything. Give Noctis some actual abilities besides different Warp Strikes and plain attacks. Launchers, sweeping moves, pickups etc. Also stuff like Jump. Also unfuck Armiger to not take away all control of the character from the player.

If they would just remap so Jump and pick up object weren't on the same button.

This list ain't bad but I would put 15 after 9.

>things that never happened

Fuck Tabata

Should I get FFX remaster

Versus XV when?

lol basic bitch

>Ardyn's Past
>World of Ruin
>Noctis' Disappearance

>Highly Needed
>Luna's Activities
>Ifrit's Betrayal

>Highly Desired
>Armiger change
>Stat magic
>Harder difficulty

>Ancillary Tier
>Playable Cor
>Playable Gentiana
>Playable Luna
>Playable Aranea
>Playable Iris

Your taste is idiotic.

too bad you didn't play the game that was announced 10 years ago.


i enjoyed the game a lot, but it didnt fill the hole i had for waiting so damn long for a game then to get hit by a mediocre storyline, which FFXV was supposed to excel at, instead its heres some "some" story, no go play in my huge open world game.
its a great game, just not a good Final Fantasy
still give it an 8/10

>Highly Needed
>Luna's Activities
>Ifrit's Betrayal

>Highly Desired
>Armiger change
>Stat magic
>Harder difficulty

Swap these.

FFX is garbage. Play Grandia 2 instead.

I thought the story was great although I wish it wasn't spread across so many differen't mediums

I'm glad I watched the movie beforehand, I don't think I would be lost without it but some things would feel very lacking. I still get the vibe that I need to watch the anime too because that one twist with Prompto, while not out of nowhere, felt like it was lacking in emotional depth.

Does anyone here believe the Pitioss Ruins theory?

About half of it. They clearly made some leaps and their heads got really big after the theory got popular.
Kingsglaive has such a disconnect from the main game, it really should have been handled better.

That Prompto "twist" makes even less sense if you watched the anime.

How so? It just means he was adopted, which I believe the Ultimania straight up says.

People who don't like XV generally have never experienced close friendship

A Magitek Trooper makes it all the way to Insomnia. Gets adopted. Gets fat. Goes to the same school as the crown prince.
Totally adds up.
I can guarantee you that the anime was written by someone who wasn't informed about this plot point.
Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the writing team wanted to pull that sleeper agent shit so bad they didn't even care which character to slap it onto.

Sure man, that totally makes up for the horrible empty world, bad fetch quests for the most part, bad last few hours and bad balance in gameplay

Oh I thought you were talking about the fact that Verastiel is his bio father.
>A Magitek Trooper
Wasn't that a case of NA localization being meh? I think there's a similar issue with Gladio having a girlfriend post timeskip in NA yet he doesn't in the other versions.

I think I saw it going around that the JP version just says he was born in Niflheim. In that case all you could say is someone saw how bad the shit was getting in the Empire and decided to take the kid and run.

I imagine the Prompto backstory was from Versus and would have been a big deal there, and because the game is a steaming mess they kept that element even though it no longer fit the new direction of the game.

>Does anyone here believe the Pitioss Ruins theory?

what theory? I never touched that place once I found out I needed to fly there.

All have to do is find the Regalia parts and finish the game.

I wouldnt call it a disaster.
It does have major problems.
>Characters are all faggy emos
>Cidney is in it for about 5% of the game. Even though she was heavily marketed.
>gameplay is simple enough to be button mashy but does show some moments where it shines.
>story is very disjointed and while the cutscenes look very nice it does nothing to help the story.
>the solo noctis section was fairly bad but not the worst thing possible. I heard they even updated to not suck as bad.
>the final story dungeon to kill the chancellor is a slog. It features reskins of previous enemies and just copy pastes them everywhere.

EMO boy band was a terrible choice for party. I have played and beaten every single FF and this game was just a complete slog to play through.

And finish a platforming dungeon with one of the worst jump mechanics in past years and even then the theory is DS lore video tier.

except that is optional for the Platinum.

Same with those Menace places

I thought you didn't play the dungeon?
>EMO boy band
I guess the definition of emo has changed since I last heard it.

Some guy on the FFXV subreddit had a theory about Pitioss ruins which, off the top of my head, stated that Pitioss ruins was created by Ifrit to retell his journey into the Underworld to rescue Etro from her prison after having a child with a mortal.

that... sounds like utter bullshit

The only thing that they got right that the Rock of Ravatough is associated with Ifrit.

How the fuck?

Noone said anything about platinum

>Characters are all faggy emos
>EMO boy band

Either you didn't play the game, or you don't understand the word emo.

I read it and watched a video about it and it's just a huge pull out the ass. It's just anohter try to give XV more depth than it actually has. Sadly the big fanboy everyone hates will forever use it as an excuse

>>Characters are all faggy emos
Are people still insisting this even after the game has come out
WOW THEY'RE WEARING ALL BLACK (they even joke about this themselves at a point) THEY MUST BE EMO

Hell, if they decided to do Ifrit's backstory we'll know how it plays out. Me? I'd like to see those attention whores knocked down a peg.

I don't actually believe anyone likes XV. The game literally does everything to make you hate it. It's probably the most cringe-worthy FF of all time.

The thing is, i doubt they even had a backstory for most of the shit that is planned right now when the game came out. Most of the updates will probably feel like filler and the Ifrit thing might just be them looking at theory vids and shit to make it easy for themself.
They already rely way too much on feedback, so why stop there

Noctis does get a little emo sometimes

After people who are close to him die or have had something terrible happen to them

They wrote the backstory for them.

the music was nice.

No mater how bad games get, the music is always the thing that never seems to suffer.

Unless you are DmC and use fucking webstep.

why won't they fucking just do all of this? thats fucking stupid. just do all of them you dumb FUCKERS

The worst thing is, now they've shown to people what they're planning and people will bug them even more and will be dissapointed if some of it won't show up.
How fucked are you as a dev if you don't know yourself what's more important than other things

Its pretty obvious they're going to do them all the survey is to get an idea of what the fans want to see first

Pretty much, as long as they keep making money off of XV, we'll likely see all of it get made.

I know they already had an idea on what to do for Ardyn.

The average intelligence of neo Sup Forums captured in a single post.

so mensa qualified? thanks

Yeah a bit from the ingame text and artbook, i still can't believe how much we don't know about Ardyn unless you interpret some shit at the end he's basicly just a guy from your bloodline that wants things dead

Same here. FFXV is definitely a game which I will never stop playing.

Last time I heard a lot of people were voting for Ardyn's past for that very reason.

Hard mode > World of Ruin > Noctis > Playable characters > upgrades > Side character story content

Yes, I as well, fellow anonymous poster! I too thought Final Fantasy™ XV was a masterpiece. Make sure to buy The Season Pass for $14.99 on the Playstation™ Store to get a bonus Final Fantasy™ XV Regalia Skin.

World of Ruin was the worst shit ever, same with the island you just stay on for 10 years. You just wake up, come back, walk through WoR for like 2 minutes and then meet the only character that you actually see after the time skip, no Cindy, no Iris nothing, even your party still wears the exact same fucking clothes.
How many fucking corners can you cut

what would hard mode even be?

Enemies are even spongier now, like the ones you find late game.

Honestly, i don't even know. Even normal mode is unbalanced as fuck and if that carries over to hard mode basicly nothing would change since low level runs barely change the gameplay or difficulty either since you can be OP as fuck with food and stocking up on magic.
Unless they add more enemies or something, but that would be stupid too since the characters can barely keep up with some enemies to begin with

my idea of a hard mode would be to limit all healing potions and pheonix downs by 5.

then make it so if noctis's health drops to zero, you die immediately and get a game over. i think enemies are fine considering how bullshit they can be because they are hard to telegraph

I'm playing it for the first time right now And honestly the biggest problem is the downtime in the game.
Both driving and fast travel is so dang slow.

It's kinda sad that this is what it should've been to begin with and just shows that they had no idea how to balance a lot of it. Even a kids game like KH has instant game overs and 2-3 items per fight and some of the most challenging ARPG fights and it's the same company

Just a friendly reminder that if you defend this game, you don't care for artistic ingenuity and artistic integrity

Considering how they have swords and shit on Angelgard, I'm surprised they didnt let you explore that at all.

FFXV was designed with Tabata's skill level in mind.

I read and listen to/make music when I care about those things.