So do we have proof now that sex sells?
So do we have proof now that sex sells?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not roller derby nova and cheerleader kerrigan with heart tyrande
ur dum
the entire Japanese game's industry
>not pirating sex
That DRM still hasn't been cracked.
Why is there so little art/SFM/anything of the girls from HotS?
The fan art is there and the models are fairly high quality.
Because the people who make those are focusing on Overwatch, since that's where the money comes from.
Don't mind me just pirating this woman, I'll marry her if I like her haha.
I think he's talking about masturbation
> sex sells
> post a f2p game
2017 Sup Forums get even dumber.
Damn, Tyrande got T H I C C
there's proof of that since beggining of time dumbfuck
The sexy skin for zagara is one of the most expensive and it makes me rage.
> Wow, male are attracted by the female body!
So... This is what civilized humanity has become.
Please don't fetish shame.
Why is Kerrigan wearing a swimsuit bottom?
Got 20 heroes for free. With the gold you get while playing each of them, you can buy any other heroes.
If you feels the need to spend money on it, you're seriously brain damaged.
> can get all heroes for free
> can get all skins/mounts/tags/emotes/etc for free
> quests and leveling give a shit tons of gold
Where is the part you HAVE to buy something?
is this THICC?
To virgins. Which is 90% of gamers.
All those girls who play facebook games dont count
>it's free, you just have to spend a few hundred hours grinding so you're less likely to drop a game you invested your time into
If you enjoy grinding you're also brain damaged.
>If you enjoy grinding you're also brain damaged.
Why? What is wrong with enjoying grinding?
> Get gold with 30mn daily quest
> Get got with account leveling
> Get gold with hero leveling
Gentlemen, these are the hardcore gamers of 2017. A bunch of tards who think that playing a game 30mn a day is grinding.
Summer is coming.
>So do we have proof now that sex sells?
Blizzards just learning from Japan how to hide your mediocre game behind great tits and butts.
Because it's mindless skill-less bullshit that only exists to pad out play time, coerce you into paying money to skip the grind, or both.
Not even naked girls would make me play HotS.
I'd definitely load the game if I could see naked Kerrigan though
>farming isn't grinding
Why don't you just cut the bullshit and go play some MMO? At least you get more shiny numbers to fill that void in your unfulfilling life.
> A quest per day is farm
Stop embarassing yourself and go shitposting somewhere else.
sex sells to perverts, it misses the majority market by a large margin though.
People who think 'sex sells' and that it sells /better/ than almost anything else are vacantly fucked retarded.
Who the fuck needed proof?
>daily repeated activity isn't farming
Keep digging.
her hiney 2 shiny
Ass is too big
her crack broke her back
>daily repeated activity is farming
Seems like everything in life is farming.
Who's digging now?
It's weird how people will en masse flock to a game filled with attractive characters, i can't wrap my brain around it.
>sex sells to perverts, it misses the majority market by a large margin though
Sex sells to men, which are the majority market for games.
>meanwhile looks at porn industry
Sex is the #1 drive for humans ya dink.
We should all embrace this rather than go with the uptight asshole path and get offended by everything.
Sex is in pretty much every entertainment industry in one way or another.
I guess the cast majority of corporations are retarded huh
It is. Which is why you keep the repetitive scams to things you get paid for, not a terrible Dota clone or any of these online games strictly designed to waste your time and create a perceived value out of how much time you wasted on it.
>Seems like everything in life is farming.
And now you truly see
But why does that matter if it's fun?
I don't know either user, but if i find out the answer i'll let you know. There's money at stake after all.
>playing the only modes in the game gives you gold
Sex sells in the sense that people like looking at attractive people. This is a fact of life and no amount of delusion or denial will change this. If the main character of a game is good looking, whether male or female, then people are more inclined to try it or are more open to it.
Sex doesn't sell in the sense that if you put a model in her underwear holding your perfume brand in her hand as your advertisement that it'll sell more or better. People like seeing hot people so it makes the advertisement easier on the eyes but people are not going to give a shit about your perfume because of that.
If it comes to playing a game or watching a movie then yes it helps because the person has to be invested to actually enjoy those things.
>Sex doesn't sell in the sense that if you put a model in her underwear holding your perfume brand in her hand as your advertisement that it'll sell more or better.
It does though and has worked for hundreds of years.
> instead of farming in video games, I will spend my free time shitposting on Sup Forums
Sounds brilliant.
>thicc diablo skin IS the most expensive in the game
>makes her crawl around on all fours like a cum beast
At least the slutty kerrigan skins are super cheap.
>exposing transparent schemes to clueless retards is shitposting
A daily reminder that it's only sexual harrassment if you're ugly.
Sex sells to gamers, of which the majority are perverted and sexually deprived
tell me the last time you or anyone you know actually paid for porn.
most are run by jews, and jews are literally retarded.
It can help, but it does not supersede most other aspects involved in the product
sex sells to perverted men, which is not a majority of western men that actually have money.
>People who think 'sex sells' and that it sells /better/ than almost anything else are vacantly fucked retarded.
>People who think 'sex sells' and that it sells /better/ than almost anything else are vacantly fucked retarded.
>People who think 'sex sells' and that it sells /better/ than almost anything else are vacantly fucked retarded.
get good and give wood
If this were true, Dead or Alive 5 and Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 would have sold very well
they didn't.
>can literally buy them with triangles
I'm sure DoA would sell a whole lot more if Team Ninja got over their doll face fetish. It ruins all girls.
Name a more obscure game with less marketing
That is virtually what DOA5 was.
They upped the sex factor for DOA5 over previous DOA by a lot, but the rest of the game was shit and a virtual gameplay mechanic downgrade over most previous DOAs. Or it was more like it was a mechanical flop from the getgo and the only thing they could afford to 'add' value to it was an inane amount of fetishy DLC, which still didn't save it. Even DOAX3 ended up being just a reskin of DOAX2 with the updated character models from DOA5, not like the DOAX games are doing anyone any favors - and ironically only a reskin because they couldn't afford anything else, ironic because had they just reskinned DOA4 with the updated models for DOA5, it would have sold much better and actually allowed them leeway for future development.
It's hard to think of a better example of just how little value 'sex' adds to a product.
>living in this much denial
>proof now that sex sells?
We needed proof?
DOA5/X3 have had nearly daily shill threads on Sup Forums since they were released. You might have had a point if we were talking about it anywhere else but here.
No one likes smelly night elves
Oh man, this guys shit is top tier.
>makes diablo skinnier
sex sells primarily to sexless virgins, and since teens are fucking at younger and younger ages that basically means it doesn't sell at all..
Buddy, just because you've sworn off sex for being a kissless neet doesn't mean the rest of the men on earth have.
post more
Ay retard, just because you're jerkin your gurken every day doesn't mean every other man is
It's only sexual harassment if it's unwanted.
It's almost never wanted if you're ugly.
It's almost always wanted if you're attractive and funny.
what the fuck is this
The Future
post everything before ban
guys have it messed up.
Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual attention.
An attractive person can typically never sexually harass an ugly person.
Attractive people definitely can harass other attractive people and it happens all of the time, most cases in 1st world countries are probably this.
Because if you are an attractive person you aren't used to being denied.
You forgot cowgirl Valla
wud u fug britewing
Can a brother just get a link to an album or something I mean fucks sake
>Sex sells
>Literally just figuring this out
A handful of tumblr people screaming does not overpower the hojillion men who want to jerk it.
My grandpa is one of the nicest, kindest men in the world and one of the only people I genuinely respect and that motherfucker has a porn stash like you wouldn't believe.