XIV: Shillblood thread. Less than a month faggots, what the hell are you trying to finish before the expansion drops?
I'm trying to cap some crafters and fishing personally. Maybe cap WAR.
XIV: Shillblood thread. Less than a month faggots, what the hell are you trying to finish before the expansion drops?
I'm trying to cap some crafters and fishing personally. Maybe cap WAR.
>unironically playing skinner boxes in the year 2010+7
Why did the Zenos face reveal thread get nuked?
thread got nuked because newfag janny thinks a video game general belongs on /vg/
Trying to find a reason to keep playing this 130ms game.
Just stop playing NIN.
Well, shucks that was rude of them. Anyone save the pics?
you can just open the archive and take them, summerfag
But it's my main I love it.
zero will to play this till the job changes hit
>playing any dps with 130
didn't expect people to want deliberately to be a burden to their statics
Was about to say. There isn't multiple threads, and there hasn't been much on Sup Forums outside of these past 2 months when we started getting a bunch more Stormblood info.
I killed a treefrog
Have you tried a good VPN?
I found this fat potato
What do I do with it?
Name one that would throw me below 50ms.
Throw it in the gas chamber with the rest of the popotos.
Never post that shit again
>people are going to look at xenos' facial structure and still claim that it's yda
What an ugly girl
Punt it off the nearest dock in Limsa,
Bury it under the hottest sand in Ul'dah,
Drown it in the nearest river in Gridania
Idk senpai, don't use VPNs myself. Have you tried shooting for at least less than 100ms? Like 90s or 80ms.
>there's a mansion on top of the weird bowl-like thing in Azim Steppe
Stop harassing Yoshida.
This guy looks like an Amano character
Did sephirot do this?
>tfw combat on the game is such a chore you consider making an AHK script
Just stop trying to double-weave. It's not an intended mechanic and it doesn't improve your DPS *that* much. You're not going for world first here, you've got breathing room in iLvl and understanding of how fights work.
I want to kill Yoshida. :3
There's barely a difference between 80ms and 100ms, I want to be at like 30ms to double weave.
I'm trying to clear creator with the rest of the rejects, talking breasts.
i want to level my crafters so i can dress up my lala in the cute outfits and give strangers expensive gifts but holy shit leveling them past 15 is fucking painful
Are you using the Ixali beast tribe quests?
>tfw you got stance dancing down on MCH
Too bad it will all be moot in 3 weeks.
Quick Sup Forums, what's your backup job if your main job turns out to be complete shit?
Bet we can't go there, it's just to add "flavour" and a feeling of the world being "huge".
I was deeply disappointed that I couldn't go into the fractured land beyond the southern tip of South Thanalan. I appreciate how pretty the environments are but they really don't satisfy my explorer's itch. SB probably won't be any different. If I can see it, I want to visit it, dammit.
nah. you can get them all to 60 in a few days
I hope 60-70 is harder
AST I guess, for when SCH gets nerfed into the ground
Already can't play NIN because of new ping
Have no idea what else to play
brd because bows are cool
blm probably wont be shit though since yoshi mains it ;^)
BLM or back to DRG I guess.
I main Ninja at the moment, will probably switch to either Machinist or Paladin. With cast times being removed from the former I've finally gotten the motivation to level it again since I dropped it at 52 for obvious reasons. Every time I hardcast Split Shot I die a little bit inside. It will be worth it once 4.0 hits though.
AST. I have a sneaking suspicion that they did not make WHM more useful or interesting to play, so back to AST I will go.
Where's my fucking tank and healer rebalance info, YoshiP? Where the fuck is it?
I can't play nin anymore so either blm or drg.
Or paladin
if sam is a bust i'm just gonna stick with ninja
gonna be the hokage BELIEVE IT etc.
Theyre nerfing tank and healer damage, and making SCH worse. Theres your rebalance
But DRG will never be complete shit
Planning to main SAM, if it sucks I'll go BLM.
how is sch worse?
>tfw WAR main
yeah nah I'm good m8
If they ruin MCH with the rework, I'll just go back to BLM.
A lot of rumors of Embrace being removed, so they need to heal more now to charge their fagmeter
Also, they lost Bio, Aero, and potentially Shadow Flare
meant for how the fuck did I manage that
I guess there are a lot of jobs I could fall into if my main doesn't work out. I've never thought about it though, so I dun really know.
>less damage because of cleric change
>removed dots
>removed virus
>likely removed ground abilities like Shadow Flare and Soil
>tether likely being new embrace requiring extra management for a gcd regen and maybe every other fairy ability
it's over jim
post hotbars
>I'm talking out my ass to spread misinformation and panic
Fuck off, we barely know anything. They aren't divorcing SCH from ACN so they will almost be guaranteed to keep their DoTs and such.
Awful. Bottom left, far left and far right shit should be at 80% or less. They should also be tucked away on the side all together.
why do you need your minimap in the middle of your screen essentially
wowfugee pls go
Been already confirmed by the beta testers. SCH is fucked.
>whm loses aero and gets insta cast aero 2
>but le scholar won't have skills merged
thank the playerbase for a butchered job
Didn't have one in Heavensward and I'll be damned if I start having one now.
i'm gonna put the job ui there
I'll just go back to DRG if that happens, but I'd like to change it up for Stormblood. I've been playing Lancer since 1.0.
How much does this bother you?
>would actually be interested in playing ninja
>lalafell NIN run looks fucking stupid
faggot you useed to use that same UI in wow
Potatoes look stupid at all times.
I have never played wow
> playing lala
ciel pls go
Only hyurs and female cats make good nin
>Obtain Shield Oath
>I've been tanking just fine in Sword Oath
metaphorically, figuratively, and literally who
Congratulations, you have already understood the current state of the tank meta.
My party panel is tucked nicely into the corner with my hotbars.
Fuck you guys I literally wasted 4 free Fantasias because I can't play anything else.
generals belong in /vg/
Fuck you, lalafells always get unique poses and runs, stop complaining.
I don't even know anymore. I just kinda log on and log off.
This isn't a general, this is an "expansion comes out within weeks and there has been new information" thread.
But thank you for your concern.
Shit tier ui.
We know at the very least that Bio and Aero are no more. The SCH and SMN instant cast Bio II in the job trailer
Fem ra is best NIN nerd
if PLD continues to be a boring piece of shit im playing DRG
WAR if DRK turns out to be meh.
He will. It was designed to be boring shit. Do not expect fun from him.
I can't wait to get rid of all the bloat on the top bar.
I don't actually use the CTRL modifier. I have those keys mapped to G1-6 on my keyboard.
Are there any infos on combat rework and skill "pruning" ?
Lalafells look stupid as anything. They need to remove that race.