Do you report toxic behavior in your games, Sup Forums?

Do you report toxic behavior in your games, Sup Forums?

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Only time I report is if they're cheating

I don't engage in shit talking but I find it hilarious

Absolutely. Games are meant to be fun. If you can't behave like a mature adult, then don't play a multiplayer game.

I report people that use "toxic".

I just mute people./

I prefer environments where people can say what ever they damn well choose. I don't fly off the handle but people reacting genuinely is more entertaining than people trying not to offend me or whatever.
I will mute people if they're being annoying and just spamming nigger over and over again or something.


>mature adult
pick ONE

>You're a worthless piece of garbage
>Crossing the line

>You're a literal piece of trash

Am I being rused?

I don't see whats wrong with the hitler one, its kinda funny

I need to up my insult game. The third line was pretty good.

Anyone have some one liners for me?

special snowflake thread?

>tfw can't be an immature dumbass in games


We can all play games from time to time. Nothing immature about that.


>If I could go back in time and abort you or Hitler, I'd choose you.

That's top tier bantz, these pussies need to grow a pair

I mute


>yukino yukinoshita plays online games.jpg
season 3 never

I just play singleplayer games, no attention whores spamming their mics, no kids sperging out.

The only multiplayer games I play are Red Orchestra 2 (RS2:vietnam also) and maybe Arma ... There's not many kids and attention whores get told fast.

It really is, if someone said that to me i'd find it funny.

That image was made by an overly sensitive baby. All I'm seeing in the "correct" sayings (who says what is correct or incorrect to say, by the way) is milder versions of the insults above.

Ask yourself this: Would you say those things to a close friend seriously? Of course not, the only reason people say mean hurty-feeling things is because they are talking to complete strangers that they will never meet and thus they are of no consequence, regardless of their actions.

God, people need thicker skin.

Like this

Are there people that unironically verbally say AWPer?

I play with a few Scottish/Irish people.
I always call them 3/5th British.

Problem with the image is that it attempts to establish an objective point of where the line is when all of this just depends on the people who are playing. You could be in a lobby where no one cares if you say 'kill yourself'. Maybe it was funny. Maybe you nailed the delivery just right.

More innocent things can be more harmful depending on who is involved. 'My little sister is a better awper'. Well maybe xXx420dunkMASTERxXx lost his little sister recently.

what the fuck is the difference between the top and bottom?

They're just different things people say but one is "toxic" and the other isn't? wtf is the difference?

That's conditional on you choosing to cross the line after it's been established so to object to that would be the height of hypocrisy.

one time in rising storm some british dude (or australian, idk, fight me anglos) got really fucking drunk and decided to be our team leader. He kept yelling at us to play the game like nips and be more sneaky.
Good times.

Who the fuck would abort Hitler knowing how things turned out today?

post the bo bo bo edit


What the fuck is a Whiff? Recover from a whiff? What? Also rounds? Gun rounds? Game Rounds? That whole fucking statement doesn't make fucking sense.

The only time I have every reported someone was when I gave a black guy my holy symbol in castle wars, because he said he would bless it and he didn't give it back.

Reporting people is for fags.

i talk shit like every single hots game

i can't lose, because

1. i don't get banned and continue having fun with the game

2. i finally get banned, thus can concentrate more on my studies

win win baby

Of course context matter but when you're dealing with autists you can't do that so you have to give them clear guidelines.

>red orchestra 2
not for long user
soon the serbs will be deader than ostfront's
>tfw no banzai charges in RS2


>muh moderate


sounds like whoever made this sucks ass at csgo, got told a bunch of times he's shit and then proceeded to get ass blasted about it enough to draw this piece of shit. He should probably literally kill himself.

It's a bit inappropriate, though. Reacting like that to something that happens in a game just makes you look ultra-mad.

You don't have to try so hard to fit in.

You could have just googled whiff or used those context clues you learned about in school before summer vacation. The rounds is obviously talking about the popular fps, counter strike.

Try not to make it so obvious that it's your first summer here.

This, aborting Hitler would be the worst thing you could do desu

leave underage redditor


I don't think an ultra-mad person would be able to put that together

Yes, mentally ill people should just go away. But mostly I just mute them and continue playing.

>talking shit in a video game = mental illness

8 years cuck


Thanks for proving his point.

That last one gets me every time lmao

It's so specific for a tumblr image

>Mr. Pajama-Wearing = Insult to his clothes.
>Basket-Face = Insult to his hat.
>Slipper-Wielding = insult to his shoes.
>Clype-Dreep-Bachle = From the gutter / Out of it / at his last straw - Old / worn out.
>Gether-Uping-Blate-Maw = Mommy's Boy.
>Bleathering = Speaking a load of crap.
>Gomeril = Dog
>Jessie = Pansy / Sissy / Girl
>Oaf-Looking = Look like a retard.
>Scooner = A half pint aka short man.
>Nyaff = Out of date
>Plookie = Dumbass / stupid looking
>Shan = person who speaks and comes from an ethnic minority.
>Milk-Drinking = Pussy / Guy who can't handle his drink.
>Soy-Faced Shilpit = Insulting him as an asian stereotype.
>Mim-Moothed = Small speaker (not big with his words / speaks submissively)
>Sniveling = Complainer / Moans about stuff.
>Worm-Eyed = Small minded / Can't see for heck
>Hotten-Blaugh = Waste of space
>Vile-Stoochie = Dirty / Unclean
>Cally-Breek-Tattie = Extremely Lazy / Can't lift a finger

>being a sensetive cunt
No, that shit is gay. I'm there to play a game, not make friends with some faggot who cannot handle some banter.

name one good thing about hitler except for putting a dent in the jew take over

No, only ban hackers that bring pain and suffering and no fun.

Define "crossing the line". Whoever made that image is that persons individual stance on what "crossing the line" entails, and not representative of an objective, universal truth.

For me, if I made that image, "crossing the line" would be bringing physical harm to me, other than that it's open season.

My point is that you should take this image with a grain of salt, because it's literally just one cucks opinion.


someone post the bobobo

No, I do mute idiots spazing out and or squeakers over voice com though

>no banter goys, you'll spook the advertisers!
esports is a mistake

>Do you report toxic behavior in your games
Only if someone's being obnoxious and shit at the game simultaneously, and I'll make sure to send a
>reported for sexist/ racist language ;)
in chat to tilt them and maybe get other players to report as well

Suicide and antisemitic jokes are never okay, but telling someone to stop swallowing cock good ol' family friendly jab

Don't forget to take your meds.

Only if it has a quantifiable impact on the game, like feeding kills or team killing. Even then it's rare I give enough of a shit to bother.



This is different, this guy is just being a colossal faggot and should have known better.

He's not trash talking he's just being a petulant child.

That last one implies I suck dick, as a lesbian transparent metalloid otherkin, I most certainly do not, over the line.

needs a more calligraph-ey fancy font

You need to overdose on some meds and kill yourself, you unfunny fuckface. Go back to your hugbox.

lol. Get help buddy.

>Playing multiplayer games
>Friend gets into it with black guy
>"Be quite. You'll never get into college so no one cares what you say."
>Different round, me to teammates
>"Hey guys, do you mind if I watch some porn while we play?"
>"Uh... Okay?"
>Proceed to literally take my headset if, place the mic directly on my speakers, and just start playing odd porn while I play
>Pretty sure there were kids on the team
>Different game, friend and I are playing with some guy we just met
>We're chatting and playing, going well
>Other friend joins group, first words out of his mouth are "Yeah! Put it in my butt "
>"Dude no! There's a guy here who doesn't know us!"
>New guy doesn't say a word for the rest of the game, and then quits after
I miss playing games with those guys.

Turned Germany from a shitty broken country (Versailles) into a superpower in less than a decade.

Whoever wrote this can't bant.

>it's lefty Sup Forums vs Sup Forums again

This guy was in a professional team in Overwatch, and was sponsored. His use of the word "nigger" was not in a casual setting.

So yeah, not relevant at all because most people aren't in the "pro" scene.

>Calling someone a worthless piece of garbage is crossing the line
>but it's okay if I call them literal pieces of trash



then crashed it into the fucking dirt so hard it took 50 years to recover in 5 years

>Treating people with respect vs. being an autistic manchild

Literally the same...

You need to get help because you're an overly-sensitive, sheltered individual who needs exposure to the big bad world.

Amazing how 4 simple characters can trigger people so hard.

His ability to unite a nation dying in the streets, put his country back on track within a couple of years and execute swift removal of the problem's source

no, because im not a little bitch.

>everyone deserves respect

of course a cuckold worm missing any masculine role model would say this

gg ez

Yeah, because, you know, most of the world was against him.

I wish this kid's ancestors would come back to physical form only for the time it would take to beat his worthless ass

women are inferior to men in every respect and do not contribute anything to society except giving birth


Not him but didnt your mother ever tell you to treat others the way you want to be treated?

Do people really get upset by gg ez still? If anything plain "easy" would tilt me more because the former is basically just a meme at this point

what triggers you in multiplayer games Sup Forums?

for me it's lol in conjunction with any form of trash talking triggers me the most though, eg: "LOL" or "easy lol" "ahahahaahahahaah"

Sick as fuck uniforms. Nice guns.

This, you have to earn respect to be given it, complete strangers deserve no respect and frankly can get hit by a bus for all I care.

>I want my mommy to watch me when I use the internet!!

try leaving your liberal arts campus you spineless little turd

What do you contribute to society exactly?

Why are the people who would suffer most under anarchy the ones most likely to be anarchists?

>and execute swift removal of the problem's source
Which was?

Yeah, my father also told me that isn't how the world works and I decided to take his advice instead.

>there's a difference between friendly trash talk and being a literal piece of trash
Ignoring the retarded use of the word "literal", do they not realize they're doing the exact thing they say you shouldn't be doing? When can we nuke e""""""""sports""""""""?

yeah, because, you know, people objected to him trying to conquer the world

You're a sociopath.

I always feel like this is some sorta misquoted thing, as I usually heard "everyone deserves the chance to earn your respect".

they're cute