PSP or PS2?

PSP or PS2?

fes on ps2 then psp for femc

PSP if you value portability and don't mind point and click movement for the city map. (Dungeon is still 3D movement) Also allows full party control and a female protagonist.

PS2 if you want to play the original game with AI party members who occasionally do really stupid shit but are alright most of the time. Also all movement is 3D and the PS2 has the FES version with an expanded storyline taking place after the ending. The extra story has mixed feelings among the community.

PS2 first, PSP for replays.

PS2 because no feMC.


Wait for the HD Remake with both FeMC and The Answer along with P4G's QoL improvements.

PSP, since p3p works flawlessly even on older smartphones with PPSSPP. Perfect bedside vidya.

PSP so you can actually control your damn teammates

PSP is better

PS2 has the retarded AI partners.

This is coming from somebody who played through Persona3 on PS2 and then later on PSP


you have direct control over your party. That alone makes it the superior version

But the game is easy enough to beat with tactics, and you lose the whole slice of life aspect on p3p

PC, PSP version has better combat but is otherwise shit

FES the first time through for the full experience. The VN sequences really don't convey the scenes as well as the 3D models being animated does.

PSP for the FeMC route afterwards.

Persona 3 FES and don't look back.

Is the answer worth playing or should i just move on to 4?

it's shit

PS2 for first playthrough, PSP for repeat playthroughs. This is inarguably correct,

It's Tartarus, but super condensed and much grindier. It's also more challenging than the normal game and Aigis' weapon is ass to handle, unlike the MC's weapons. Play it if you're up to some challenge.

That depends.
Weeb? Get FES.
Non-weeb? Get P3P.

Damn, did Haru steal mitsuru's tea animation?

Is it true that you can /ss/ Ken in the pso?


>AI party members who occasionally do really stupid shit

This must be posted.

Play FES.

>the VN version
Negro que?

Only a weeb would put up with the shitty AI because muh cutscenes and lifeless 3d environment.

I liked it. It's straight up dungeon crawling with none of the S.Link bullshit. It's also a bit harder since you can't access the compendium and don't get bonus EXP during fusions. Play it if you're up for a challenge.

FES for the love of god

The presentation in portable is terrible

You know you can always force your teammate to do a regular attack if you use the rush button. It makes things much more manageable.

>PSP or PS2?

Anybody recommending P3P is memeing you, it's shittier in every single way and the developers admitted that FeMC was a mistake.

FES for first playthrough, portable for second super slutty genki adventures playthrough

Ai controlled party only makes an already boring combat system(turn based) even more boring. You only need to switch strategies like once or twice per boss.

Please tell me you can date Junpei and make him happy.

Junpei friendzones you sorry
SEES battle is the coolest shit

The AI makes the characters seem more like real people who think for themselves.

At that point either you friendzone him first or he friendzones you. Atleast you get to seduce Ken and Shinjiro

>seduce Ken
Explain further.

What's to explain
Get you some sweet /ss/ action

Anyone think there's even a tiny, miniscule chance that P3 will get a another remake announced at the concert in August? I'm in the mood to replay P3 (would be FES), but I want to hold off to see if they announce a new version. Then again, it'd take like a year for it to release anyway.

Can you get FES on ps4? Like a ps2 classic? If not I guess I can emulate it.

I doubt it. Didn't they just announce a Strange Journey remake? I doubt they'd make another so soon.


SMT =/= Persona

PSP, FeMC is best MC.

You don't have access to the Compendium.
It's garbage.

Its quite refreshing after playing with regular MC. Her responses are so bubbly. Still always take Elizabeth though, she swings both ways and is still miles better than Theo.


>boss has two minions weak to fire
>use ma-agi
>dodge fire activates.

I liked it, not having the compendium is a throwback to older games, but never again.

Please god let this happen

Only in comparison. Emoboy sucks ass.

Nope. You can on PS3 though. Would be nice of them to port FES (and 4, although not sure how needed that is with Golden existing) to PS4, since at least they make them 1080p when they port them.

Truly a patrician's fetish.