>Monster Hunter XX will be released for the Nintendo Switch
No proper console Monster Hunter for Switch
I'm okay with this. I can still play it on my TV.
Waiting for the .gif.
I'm in favor of this.
sweet fucking jesus
Fuck sake, when will these fucks take advantage of the switch's power?
Fucking capcom ALWAYS being lazy fucks
One step closer to the inevitable Monster Hunter porn game.
fuck yes
I had to drop the franchise because playing on a handheld was fucking agony.
So it's a good move imo. Won't buy a Switch for it, but I might pick this up if/when I eventually get one.
I'd put money on it being another MH3U situation, where the game runs like absolute trash on the powerful console compared to the 3DS because they just did a bad port.
Fuck time to get a switch
I want Rathalos and Rathian joycons
Looks like Sony got double-crossed yet again.
All those fucking rumors about MH coming on PS4...
Well time to get a switch i guess, is XX better than Gens? (i know it's pretty much the G-Rank version)
A Monster Hunter themed Switch would make my dick explode
>no second screen
>Not called "HD"
>just port a complete piece of shit instead of actually making a new game
Just when you think Capcom couldn't get any dumber, they do shit like this.
>No MH5U
No MH5U no Switch
this is it, lads; MH4 was the last monster hunter game. from here on out, it's just the same recycled content + one or two new mons for the rest of our lives. look forward to MHXXGXXGG+ in 2090.
as a sony nigger i'm sad, but now i must get a switch asap
Technically the rumors can still happen because they're about MH5 than a XX port.
Still fun to poke fun at those rumors though.
>also available on PS4 and PC
>no second screen
I dunno, like every other 1 screen MH game that exists maybe?
Probably like the Brave style bar over the player name in XX
MH3U ran great on the Wii U, though
Fuck are you on?
So this means MH5 for Switch then, right? This is the "practice" game so the team is used to the Switch, right?
Didn't this shit sell the least out of all recent MH
why the fuck did they port this instead of literally anything else or just even do a spin off
already have on 3ds reeee
After all these years holy FUCK
Waiting for the .gif
Looks like Sonys been..... Double crossed.
Is he still alive? Is the cat still alive?
>no more 240p Hunter
>no more 15fps Hunter
>time for comfy couch Hunter in 1080p
Yes my niggas.
So they'll remove all the item shortcuts, HUD shortcuts, map will again take up a 1/3rd of the screen, no hunting note song book display, and will assign the monster cam to a button?
Cool downgrade bro.
If by great you mean floating around 40, yeah. Ridiculous for a 3DS port.
>implying this will stop my shitposting
Pretty much. Since practice games are common as of last gen.
3DS is dead. Everyone is sick of playing it on shitty hardware. I'm a die-hard MH fan, and even I skipped it because I dreaded the hand cramps and being hunched over a low-res screen.
never gonna get a switch now since itll be sold out AGAIN cause this announcement
I imagine people may have not bought it in waiting for a switch port
>items shortcuts
>needing the Monster cam with a second stick
Disgusting player.
>ps4 never ever
iunno about that, but couch monster hunter is always nice
>XX that everyone hates
>XX that the nips already have and totally won't feel screwed over for buying on 3DS
>Not Gen 5
>People are actually praising this
so literally 3U of Wii U ?
user we're living in the west, MH still isn't all that popular here compared to Japan.
More news this Saturday, apparently.
Will this mean an E3 showing?
>YFW sonybros will never have MH ever again
Good thing it might be possible to do both with Switch.
This was a 3DS game, correct?
This is just an easy cash in to get a game on the system asap. They are probably working on a game built from the ground up for Switch. Regardless, I am glad to hear this and will definitely play it.
But I never got play XX and why would I care what you or the nips think
XX is actually pretty okay for the most part. It has Transmog.
>a """new""" switch game is announced
>it's another port
You can't make this up
Item shortcuts are insanely helpful.
I just imagine the hunter sets aside two items in a separate pocket for priority while the rest of the items are thrown together
like Monster Hunter Online, just little icons with the input shortcuts below them.
>MH still isn't all that popular here compared to Japan.
Would've preferred monhun 5 but this is still great news
Explain to me the appeal of the series and genre.
You're hitting a enemy that barely reacts to it for 10 mins with a party, where is the enjoyment?
Sony cucks would kill for this port m8
fug, I just got like mid-way through high-rank in XX, now I'm going to have to play through g-rank on both the Switch JP version and US versions
oh well, I love me some mon hun
they needed something for switch since sony paid capcom to make 5 a ps4 and vita exclusive.
At least it won't run as sluggishly like on the OG 3DS. It's why 3U is my favorite 3DS entry
MH is
coming back to sony
I'm sure the HUD won't look cramped at all on a 6 inch screen
>finally a new console MH
>it's on the switch so it's technically also a handheld MH
This is the best possible outcome. Why are people mad?
100 percent did not believe you. Now I am obligated to buy a switch when this comes out in human language.
Bet you'd like it on your nogaems station, yeah?
Hahaha.. hahahahahah... haha.. ha..
>tfw they'll let you transfer your data from your hacked 3DS copy of the game
Welp, time to hunt for a switch
>Why are people mad?
Delusional Sonyfriends are not people.
Kek you're probably right though
>all those anal-annihilated Sonybros
>phone autocorrects sonybro to Sonybro because it thinks it's a proper noun now
Today was a good day. Stay forever mad
Nips will probably buy it, they are already asking on twitter if it will have save data migration
>Why are people mad
>rehashed game
>capcom being lazy as fuck YET again not doing new games people want
They pissed me off woth dragons dogma and now this. Fuck this company.
any word on release or a special console edition?
once splatoon and this is out it will be the switch for awhile
The enjoyment was supposed to come from figuring out the monsters and weapon timings. Problem is the game is designed to be repetitive, so you have this disgusting MMO frame around it where you have to keep up consumables, craft equipment and do mandatory boss fight repeats over and over for resources and progression.
>mfw S0nygger is filtered
>tfw no monster hunter XX on vita
>or ps4
>implying there isn't always a second installment to an MH game
combat feel satisfying and learning enemy patterns and fighting stuff feels fun. weapons are really weighty and feel good to fight with, enemies react plenty to damage and the limb damage system is cool, it usually doesn't take more than 10 minutes to take down a monster in the single player mode, but doing something like g-rank solo is going to take a bit longer.
also (though this is less so in XX) the monsters feel mostly logical and feel like they could belong in the world they live in, they have their own ecologies, go about their business when your not killing them all, and react appropriately to a lot of junk in the map
Lol just two days ago people were freaking out that Capcom would judge Switch support based on how well Street Fighter II Sold.
>my niggas
>we got this
>they port a game that they can port quickly+easily
>follow up with a console exclusive
it's like you don't know how modern capcom works
There you are. Was worried for a second
thank you based crapcum
What's everyone so excited about? It's just XX. I thought hating on Gen/X was the latest meme around here.
There it is!
About fucking time
What does the 5-27 mean? More info? Surely it won't release soon.
Shut your whore mouth and be glad we have home console monhun again
Thank you senpai.
What did he mean by this?