Moster Hunter XX confirmed for Switch!!!
Wonder if they are going to announce western version at E3 or will it be in a new direct a few months later.
Hopefully they started localization early so we can get it august/july or whatever.
>Shitty rehash
>wish shitty 3DS graphics
played it on 3DS and it's crap
>inb4 Monster Hunter Two Generations
Why didn't they just fucking leave it X or Cross?
If it's just a port we should have it quickly enough. Hell Capcom been talking about wanting to get both Japan and western versions out at the same time. And so this could be the first to do that.
Fuck if this sells well (and it will), it all but cements further monster hunter support on Switch
>also available on PS4 and PC
When will MH drop Nintenbro fisher price toys and actually develop for a real platform like PlayStation 4 Pro?
Sony Niggers BTFO
I can't wait to play a 3DS game at 720p
it's a big step up from 240p LMAO
When Vita outsells 3DS aka: never ever.
3U did and I ended up getting both versions.
Hopefully it lets me continue my Gen save from 3ds to switch since I don't think i'll do that again.
Apples sure are delicious.
Wtf I hate 3ds, nintendo and MH now
It's hapenning?
>XX widely considered to be a piece of shit
>but now it's on switch so people pretend to care
Sonybros on suicide watch
Ultra Street Fighter 2 was the red herring, this is the real game.
Sadly I don't think that is possible. 3U did but it was such a weird way to do it with the 3DS needing a special software. But I used that so many fucking times.
>Wii U online
>Visit friends and play some more locally
Was pissed 4U and Gen wasn't on Wii U to do it some more.
You forgot ™
You will have MH5, stop crying.
Next one is on Ps4, screencap this.
I'm not even joking.
>Ultra Street Fighter 2 was the cashgrab, this is also a cashgrab but its a cashgrab we want since the west never got this game.
Wasn't Monster Hunter on Wii and 3DS too? Why is this different?
they better do the same thing, my friends are 3DS fags. I used to just take the console over and not even use a TV (unless i forgot to switch back to pad mode)
and you won't
So which does the west get? On one hand i'd like to carry all my shit from gen and not to all the shit quests again, on the other hand no 3ds resolution. I dunno how to feel
wii had trash graphics, wii u 3 ultimate literally reused the wii's graphics and threw anti aliasing on it slightly, 3ds resolution is fucking horrible.
everyone had hopes that sony was going to get the new next gen monster hunter. Calling it now, XX is going to be a shit port from the 3ds version, so the graphics won't be anything special, so there is still a chance that monster hunter will finally get a next gen version on ps4 or something new.
Didn't they do the same thing as Monster Hunter Tri G on Wii U or something, and no one gave a shit?
Really? What were the main complaints? Genuinely curious. Haven't heard much about it since the initial few days of release.
I feel it won't happen but who knows. But now it's on Switch I can just easily bring it over my friends place and we can just enjoy lan again.
Mount spamming is even worse than 4U because of Aerial. Hunter artes significantly lowered the skill floor.
X was alright, but I really hope the mainline does not pick up hunter artes (even tho it probably will)
>TFW no MHXX on vita
>or ps4
guess ill buy a switch then
>Monster Hunter
>on a system that can output at a resolution higher than 240p
It is raining! is raining sony niggers tears! and they taste delicious! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Sony ponys BTFO how will they recover???
I mean if it's a 3U thing where it's a port, I'm sure no major changes will take place.
I just want my G rank to return desu, senpai.
This is why a console version of MonHun is a bad idea, Japan just doesn't care about console monhun.
They like to be social in person with the game.
I'd expect a Vita or Vita 2 version before a PS4 vesion.
I'm getting a switch now fagget :^)
The reason 3DS monhan is shit is because it's on the 3DS.
It ran like complete shit on top of that. Anyone hyped for this has absolutely no history with the series whatsoever, otherwise they'd know better.
HAHAHAHA!!! Switch is a portable console japs can still go social and Sony can keep geting fucked! everyone wins but sony! Is perfect! :^) !!!
>deviants being the worst endgame of the entire series is because of 3DS
>hunter arts being fucking retarded is because of 3DS
>aerial and adept styles are because of 3DS
Guess that settles it for me. All I was waiting to get a switch was a monster hunter game
so are all nintendo threads nintendofags posing as sonyfags and vice versa for sony threads
They were working on a PS3 version of MH3 and realized it would look like shit and need new models, textures, animations, etc. They said fuck that, and went to develop for Wii lmao. Series will die before it upgrades it's engine at all.
WiiU was just a side thing to appease Western faggots. Since they're technically still developing for a new wave of handhelds I can't imagine them choking out their next primary platform.
every monster hunter has retarded broken shit in it. hame sets have existed since forever. you can ignore all that garbage if you want.
meanwhile, you can't ignore the shit performance and controls of the 3DS
My biggest issue with this is that the Switch still doesn't have anything easy to work with on a party voice chat level like the PS4/Vita, but the Switch is a great little console otherwise and a hell of a step up from the fucking abysmal 3DS.
So who's going to buy a switch now?
Massive ban of 3ds and now this. Gee i wonder
I guess I have an excuse now.
Sony niggers could kill for this """shit game""".
it will once nintendo releases their App this summer.
>waaaahhh Capcom is gonna put MH only on PS4 now because they said they want to expand to the western market to that means ps4
>switch comes out and is selling 10% faster than the Wii
>mhxx at E3 Nintendo direct confirmed
>Sony fanboys were actually this retarded to think Capcom would abandon glorious nippon
>PS4 is an american console
>Mount spamming is even worse
>This optional feature in the game I choose to willingly abuse makes the game bad
Literal autism. Work on your self control.
Yet Portable 3rd HD looked great on the PS3, and it was an uprez of a psp game.
Sonybros thought they would get Monster Hunter back this generation, that's what's different.
Isn't that a fucking 3DS port? Why are you freaking out?
Fucking ordered my Switch.
Can't wait for the NA release.
It may aswell be, only the west cares about it.
uh wtf I just read a Sup Forums thread earlier today saying how nigtendos dont have plans for switch
FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!
It's ok bros, we still have Dauntless
Well Sony moved their main offices to USA so you tell me.
It is. Sony has done its damnedest to appeal to westerners.
Because it's an HD remake, not just a regular port. Ontop of that, all future main titles will also be exclusive to Switch, Sony will maybe get the shitty freedom games sometimes, but they'll be Jap exclusive.
What do you think? Take a look around you and tell me what you see
So you're happy because an upscale and console war?
>Splatoon, Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter all in the same console, with Pokemon eventually as well
>That console is a portable
It's over. Nintendo has won Japan.
MHXX only had like 10 hours of content over MHX, and MHX only had a fraction of the replay-ability of MH4G. Even in the situation where you could transfer your save file from the 3DS version, why the fuck would you repurchase a game that already sucks dick? Why would you choose to restart a new save file too, when these games only really have replay value on a single save file for collectathon purposes?
Nevermind that playing XX without a second screen will be near impossible because of how many extra functions are on the touch screen.
lmao holy shit literally who the fuck cares.
I wonder if these posts are being made by legit shills or nintenbros act like shills on their own behalf.
Most people were complaining about Monster Hunter games being capped at 240p, so it's not really a surprise they're excited about this.
They don't start localizing MH games until after they've been released in japan. Capcom JP has a hateboner for the west because the games only sell well in japan and it's somehow the rest of the world's fault that MH games are largely unenjoyable.
Say goodbye to japanese exclusives forever Sonybros, the only actual japanese console is here.
The point is that it will look nicer and sony will never get it my boi.
I'm happy because of the upscale yes. Never played XX as I don't usually import MH games. Others are obviously happy about console warring though, I was just stating the obvious.
I thought nintenqueers didn't cared about graphics?
Well I'm hoping it's an exception for that rule.
They would have known they were porting it to the switch for a while.
Best timeline indeed, a new golde age is ahead.
another port for the port machine
You might as well just set up a laptop with Skype or whatever voice chat program you want. Having it as a phone app feels so god damn pointless.
>muh eyecandy
It will be the same assets at a higher resolution and better framerate.
and who fucking cares who gets it, XX was a shit lacking 'g' upgrade to X.
I knew someone would post these responses lol..
The way they keep saying mh is going to be on piss4 lmao
Sony iggers lost.
Ah, a reason to buy a Switch?
Thanks, bro.
For MH5, not for a simple port.
Don't be stupid.
Finally. i want to get into this series but I don't want to play on 3DS, I want to play on my telly.
mmm... yes... let it flow... let the butthurt flow! I love it!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
ninteniggers are such degenerate idiots.
>all future main titles will also be exclusive to Switch
Be ready my little nintenboy
Just as your post says. Going PS4 implies capcom will actually have to make new assets and we both know that's not happening