Queue for quickplay

>queue for quickplay
>our team has 5 assassins
>enemy team a perfect 2/2/1

Why is the matchmaking in this game just so god awful?


>queue for the next game
>matched against a similar team
>queue for the next 20 games, still matched well.

yes it sucks to get a wierd match, but dont overblow how common it is, its a rarity.

hero selection pre-match was a mistake

Varian is a fucking mistake

It's Blizzard, if you expect competent balance and effort, better build a fucking time machine and go at least a decade into the past.

Try lol with their reliance on blind pick and everyone jumping at each other in the lobbies. This is still miles better, they just should just balance team comps better.

>>its a rarity.
>$1.50 blizzbucks added to account

>It's a they have a varian episode
I just stopped playing QM unranked isn't that bad.

because its a casual moba that doesnt have player retention and balance

also made by blizzcuck

>playing assfaggots

You deserve it

>Try lol with their reliance on blind pick and everyone jumping at each other in the lobbies. This is still miles better
No it isn't. I'd rather actually have control over my team comp.

i used to have fun with Qm, but as the roster expanded and the game shifted to a paper/rock/scissor hero approach, QM is usually just a matter of picks.
unless you get one or two retarded teamates
I love how carrying is not in the game, but playing with random people in this game is just a pain. A single retard can shat on the entire team.

The player population is low which causes the match making to be bad.

>solo queuing
>queuing with less than 3 others
Get some friends then get gud senpai

QM has it perks sometimes
>tfw no one bothers on azmodan or nazeboo so you push core in 5 mins

Never play quick match ever again. You'll be a lot happier.

Switch to unranked draft already. People there usually got some common sense.

>he relies on his teammates to win the game
It's a shame 1v1 is not as popular anymore. No one but yourself to blame when you lose, probably why normies love these kind of games.

>control over my team comp
Sure you have with random LoL retards.

This is factually inaccurate.

But, user, my friends have good taste.

You have infinite times more than the literal zero you have in HotS

Most Blizz fanboys who don't exclusively play Waifuwatch will give HoTS a try because of the fan service from all the characters, and even overfags are playing it now for their D.va skins and shit.
If your friends play WoW or Starcraft or even Diablo they have no excuse to not try it at least.
Especially if they've played other MOBAs. If they haven't well shit nigger you'd had best quit or start queuing hero league and cross your fingers.

quick match doesnt count sonya zarya varian or dva as a tank
doesnt count medivh or tyrande as a support

Wrong faggit Medcih Tyrande and Zarya are all qued under support but not healer they are also with Abathur and tassadar

Have you ever actually played LoL? Even in blind pick, people dicksuck the 1/1/2/jungle meta like there's no tomorrow.

Meanwhile in HotS it's a complete crapshoot, I can't even change my own pick to better suit the comp

you must be playing a different game to me then.

>Dis nigga plays blindpick cancer normals


I don't, I didn't play league since 2013. Heard from a friend they removed draft pick for unranked.

quickmatching is for shit and giggles
well everything is for shit and giggles
i just won with a shitty team comp against aba/vikings/cho/morales
we didnt have any sort of stun and our sylvannas didnt take MC

What good picking support will do if you have 2 adc and a quitter or a guy spamming chat all the time, because you didn't let him pick mid? I don't count on the playerbase being better and more mature now.

Not Blizzard's fault your team is stupid.

>if you have 2 adc
You mean that thing that HotS does automatically all the time without even needing some sperg to do it?

>and a quitter or a guy spamming chat all the time
Can also happen in HotS

No argument
Being able to choose comp with the chance of things going sour is better than having zero control and things going sour being on a dice roll every game

It's not blizzard's fault that they coded the matchmaking poorly? It's my team's fault that they were randomly matched with other assassins beyond their control?

Play unranked draft instead. Quickplay is just to play that hero, not really play a structured game.

>queue for quickplay in a duo
>our team wins the lottery of shitty teams and has 3 supports and 2 high cc, low damage warriors

A game's matchmaking can only do so much. It certainly can't fix stupid.

queue for unranked draft then you giant retard

>queue for quick match
>our team has 5 assassins
>enemy team has 2/2/1
>they can't handle our dive and burst
>steamroll them in all teamfights

Do you even know how quickplay works, you drooling retard?

he's not wrong. I've played like 6 games back to back within the last couple of hours and I keep getting these types of games. I get no tanks so we just get rolled by their 3 tank 1 assasin supprt teams or nothing but tanks and 2 healers so we have no damage at all. This games matchmaking has been shit since alpha, after X amount of time it just queues you with whoever it can to get a game going

You're complaining about QUICK Play putting people into matches as QUICKLY as it can. Shitty comps can happen in QP, suck it up. If you really don't like it, either queue as a group of 3+ for at least some coordination, or play unranked draft.

Yes, that is the solution, but OP's complaint is with the quickplay matchmaking and you're backpedaling away from your implications about how it works

HotS isn't a serious game, when I feel like playing it I just want to jump into a match and shut my brain off and melt some health bars so QP is what's best for that, and it really wouldn't be hard for Blizz to actually make the matchmaking do what it's supposed to

I played 20 matches for Overwatch and I didn't know that hots is so shit.

Im just glad that they haven't done a promotion forcing you to play the dumpster fire that is OW for stuff in HotS

same here
these 20 matches were a fucking drag

they cant, OW isnt free. Be thankful that they dont force you to play Hearthstone for other blizz game stuff

Quickplay has rules to prevent this. If you queue as a group with a shitty comp then this might occur. My biggest gripe is that Varian isn't classified as a warrior so you can have no warrior vs Varian tank which is brutal.

It does count varian as a tank and that pisses me off
>1 tank for them, varian for us
>we're a bunch of squishy fucks and the enemy has divers so peel is absolutely vital
>varian goes fucking arms
>V: team?

do you have access to blizzard's api or something

Play unranked, takes less time to find a game and the comps won't suck as much.

>enter queue
>tab out
>game moves to front
>tab out again
>game moves to front again
I hate this shit

>literally tells you the match is starting when alt tabbed

Why would you not want this?

>queue for quickplay
>Why is the matchmaking in this game just so god awful?

So I tried Brightwing out, and there's clearly a spec for Arcane Flare spam.

But it's slow as shit and pretty much impossible to hit anything that isn't a bot, and you don't get any mana reduction from the build.

How are you supposed to hit people with it/have mana?

It does it for almost everything
>leader put you in queue
>match found
>match is loading
>match just started
I only find it acceptable on the last 2.

when i run it in windowed fullscreen the icon in the taskbar just flashes. when i used to play in fullscreen there was always this 1.5 sec delay every time i tabbed out as well.

>tfw only play azmodunk
>farm orb of annihilation all game long while shoving lanes
>contest points by lobbing damage capped orbs into objectives while still pushing my lane
>get dusted by bursty assassins

this is my jam

Please respond.

I'm pretty sure next to nobody here actually plays this game and takes it seriuosly

The big problem is on having a rock/paper/scissors nemchanic on heroes.
so even if you have the same comp(like tank/supp/assa/assa/spec)one build can be insanely better than the other due to the game beign simply no fun.
The only "real"quick match is unranked.
no diea why they waited so fucking much for adding it.

>how to hit with arcane flare
just shoot it where an enemy is trying to run from/ in the path of an enemy planning to attack one of your friends
it's pretty simple


This is why you got a random team. It's not designed to be balanced. You will sometimes play heroes who are not good on certain maps, and sometimes you get the perfect map.

If you want to draft picks and counterpicks and pick for the right map play unranked or ranked.

pretty much Arcane flare is small scale area denial, which means you're not supposed to actually hit anybody with it, just scare them with the red circle

I want HotS Tyrande's ass on my face

>get the absolute worst shitty team composition
>still win

This is the best feeling git gud

>Join up with friends for the Overmeme shit usually going 1 Support, 2 Assassin
>The other 2 would literally always be Assassins while the enemy team was regularly a premade 5-man
>We still usually won because that premade was all overshitters and I had enough experience under my belt to obliterate them cause they don't know how to pressure team-fights or push out Butcher and just give him kills
Feels good.

Isn't the damage on it pretty shit?

You realize there's a ranked and unranked draft mode right?

What is the worst map and why is it Hanamura?

Seriously though, fuck all the maps where you can't attack the enemy base directly.

Try reading the rest of the conversation

I think you meant to say Numbani. Literally the worst map in the game. That first point is impossible.

When you get to the count-down screen you can see the party composition. You can then, if the composition is bullshit, just exit the game by alt-f4.
You will get out the party and you can restart the game and re queue without the penalty for leaving.