Fuck the bosses in this game


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I was the kid on the schoolyard who helped my stupid faggot friends beat this game. what the fuck do you need help with

they are all so fucking easy what are you stuck on?

Even as a kid the only challenging part was SA-X because she scared the fucking shit out of me.

Really? Yakuza kicked my ass a few times on my first playthrough.

>every boss is themed around the power you get from it
took like 6 playthroughs for me to notice that.

You know NOTHING about [Metroid. You are a fucking ameteur to me. You know bat shit ass dick fuckem about Metroid. You are fucking nothing to me.
You are a level one space pirate sitting in the first wild grass just sitting on his ass sucking dick, doing nothing with his life and I'm fucking done.

I already beat it, just venting. It's not that it was too hard, just annoying as fuck

Also it pissed me the fuck off I couldn't explore before the final bosses

git gud

I specifically made a save file that stayed at the point just before SA-X so I could fight it as much as I pleased, the clone-showdown was too hype for me.

Nightmare was kinda annoying when I first fought him otherwise.

>graduated on the top my class from the space bounty hunter college
What the fuck did you just say to me, you little bitch?

You're right, fuck the bosses in Fusion. They're way too easy.

except ridley, he gives you the screw attack for some reason

Because screw you, thats why

the bosses are easy but they creep the fuck out of me

Well, Ridley has that spinny-tail attack that's kinda like the Screw Attack I guess.

[incessant screeching]

To this very day, I still can't fucking kill the X infected samus suit at what I think is the end of the game because I won't know for sure until I fucking beat it.

I don't want to see a guide or cheat but fucking damn, is it just me that I suck or didn't get enough life tanks or something

The bosses in fusion aren't even bad unless you're playing for 1%.
Beating Nightmare with fucking nothing is the kind of thing that decides the men from the boys.

Otherwise Fusion was cake.

>playing with headphones on
>volume is at comfortable level
>fight ridley
>almost go fucking deaf

Cuz he screwed your life up.


The actual SA-X bossfight is easily the hardest in the game and still can fuck me up to this day.
Yakuza was really rough until you realized that everything it does during it's second form puts it in perfect position to get hit by diagonal missiles.

charge beam
how is that hard?

>we are never going to have a good metroid game ever again

they have a solid formula, i just don't get why they don't wanna just do what they do best. Sure I get people say its the same game but everyone I played never felt like it was the exact same game.

That and you can hide from the yakuza grabbing you by morphballing into either corner (though it can still sometimes get you)

Because Prime games.

why not both? huuurrraaaughhh

They just got Federation Force. Hopefully the next game is for real fans.

It's one of my favourites, BUT it's a linear bitch especially when the plot comes knocking. Good on you for sticking with it. Now try to get the secret cutscene.


fusion's suits are rad

Being a Metroid fan in the mid 2000's was not the suffering it feels like now. 2 Prime Games, Fusion and Zero Mission all released in ~4-5 years made us a very happy group. Prime 3 was announced, extremely mysterious in its production, and Hunters had been teased with the first round of DS's.

I think something happened between Prime 2 and 3. I probably just got a little too old, but it feels like the series lost a little something. Prime 3 had a fair amount of hand holding, and Hunters was simultaneously everything it promised and a Tracer addled, unbalanced mess.

When Mario Kart DS rolled around, and Metroid Prime Pinball was quietly released, I think that's when a lot of us knew we were seeing the end.

The Zero suit became the new icon of the series and, though I think that secured ol Seamus in the Super Smash Bros games forever, it in maturing with its fans own sexuality Nintendo also spelled doom for the character. Metroid could no longer be an ominous robot lurking in the background of promotional materials, now he was a she, with big fucking tits. and that was it.

I'd never have complained about it at the time. Zero Suit Samus is user approved. But looking at her now, I just feel numb.

nightmare is so fucking cool

How? Nightmare was the only really annoying boss in my opinion. Every other boss was challengingly fun.

AM2R came out though.

I legitimately flinched when I dropped down from that vent and the SA-X is there and starts to chase you after the spider boss (or maybe right before, kinda forget)


SA-X and when doopliss takes your body in paper mario are both some of the freakiest moments to me as a child.

git gud. seriously the bosses are easy

Actually the whole game map is open to you right after Ridley. You just have to find the connectors between sectors.

If you ever found screw attack blocks outside of the ridley fight, those are barriers that you can break through to get items that you missed.

Now play Japanese hard mode.