Injustice 2

hey Sup Forums Is it any good? should I buy it?

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>playing NRS trash

I got the Ultimate Edition as an early birthday present. If you liked the original, you'll like this.

The whole upgrade system is retarded, but the story mode is fun, the new characters are fun (I love Black Canary), and we've been promised new DLC characters (which you get automatically if you get the Ultimate Edition).

I'd probably give it somewhere between a 7/10 and an 8/10, but only because I've read all the comics, so I can appreciate the story it's telling.

weebs hate it

Literally better than Guilty Gear

Best fighting game ever made.

/The facial animations are good. Voices are 9/10.
Gameplay is a little wonky sometimes.

Story is pretty good.
There's a guild system where you can do dailies against hard ai and get gear to fight more ai.

The gear system is a cool way to change things, although for competitive everything has to stay at baseline, otherwise it's a level 20 vs a level 1.

Overall: 7.5/10

Why -2.5?
No arcade mode (yea it's in the multiverse, but it's not the same).
Clash system breaks up combat a bit too much sometimes.
All supers have basically the same startup.
No Fatalities. :(

>weebs hate it
This. It's a good game, but if you're a Capcbro or a Weeb you won't like it since it's Capeshit.

Everything except the actual fighting is good

I mean, I'm not a total weeb, but I'd probably fall into the category (I've got a bunch of anime games and like three Naruto fighting games on Steam), but I'm so that should speak to its quality. Also speaking to its quality is that I'm usually not a DC fan, I'm more of a Marvel guy, but it's a solid fighter with solid mechanics.

The only real problem I have with it is the upgrade and loadout system, which is just pants-on-head retarded.

Also, the DLC characters aren't out yet. We'll be getting Red Hood, Starfire, Sub-Zero, and a bunch more.

Sure is better than other fighting games

Sonic is extremely good at finding early cheese

>Capcom drones mad that this game is destroying SFV

if you liked the first one, you'll like this

wait for game of the year edition

>thinking it's Capcom

Are you afraid to name the weeb?

Yeah its pretty fun
Buy it if you have friends

As a sf5 fag the gameplay isn't that appealing (just personal preference) but as a dc fag the roster is awesome and I love how much you can personalize the look of your characters. It's pretty good, I'm just not crazy about the floaty feel of nrs games.

Very good story mode, though.

>better than Guilty Gear
>better than SFV

It's a fun fighter that's easy to learn and hard to master with some slick animations and decent graphics. It does have some balancing issues it needs to kinked out, but overall is really well polished.
I wouldnt say its better than guilty gear, they are just two incredibly different kinds of fighters. Injustice is a fairly easy game to play with iconic characters and easy special moves to pull off, its some shit you can just turn on and play. Guilty Gear is an old school fighter with precise timing for combos and more difficult special moves to pull off, it takes time and practice to get really good but once you do it's a fucking blast.

Yes, the story mode alone is fantastic, weebs are just buttblasted

Guilty Gear is shallow unga bunga shit. Inj2 has way more depth and is for people with higher IQs

>has way more depth and is for people with higher IQs
My little sister, who is fucking 11, can melt both health bars with captain cold faster than I can take a piss, it's baby's first fighter senpai.

wow congrats my 5 year old son can do the same with Leo by mashing

>Constantine not playable
