Your favorite game is dead

>your favorite game is dead

whats her name Sup Forums

>favorite series
>the games are actually shit
>I know it

Red Orchestra 1. I would give anything to have that game come back to life.


CS 1.6

and Ragnarok Online

>CS 1.6

oh fuckn please you can still find servers for that no prob

>The Might & Magic series
>The Heroes series
I can always replay the old ones, but man, NWC was a class act.

I mean it definitely wasn't my favorite game but I wish wildstar did a lot better than it did. That housing was tip top comfy and I finally found a combat style I didn't completely hate

>Skies of Arcadia
>Tony Hawk Underground
>Def Jam fighting games
>the old Pokemon formula
>and now, possibly the old Zelda formula

Everything is dead and I'm considering dropping vidya for working out and gaining more life experience.


Every fun multiplayer game.

what went wrong?

Morrowind will never die.



what's weird is that it's still really popular in japan.

Phantasy Star Online

yes I know private servers, but its just not the same.


Medal of Honor Spearhead

Gamespy servers got fucked

>tfw favorite game is getting remastered
Feels fucking good

dead but not dead

Club Penguin

It still hurts user...

Tribes: Ascend

Musashi is dead.
Breath of Fire is dead.
Onimusha is dead.
Star Ocean is dead (5 was shit).
Wild Arms is dead.
Theresia is dead.
Hotel Dusk will never have a proper ending.
The RTS genre is an undead corpse.
The FPS genre is an undead corpse.
Pokemon is shit.
Parasite Eve is dead.
Resident Evil is shit.

GetAmped Splash Fighters for americans.

>Dragon's Dogma
Fifth anniversary and they decide instead of a sequel. They'll re-release the games on PS4 and Xbox One after already re-releasing on PC.

Another favorite game/series that is dead is True Crime and Sleeping Dogs.

I'm pretty sure there's more on the list of games I used to care about, but are essentially dead because of shitty publishers or idiotic developers doing dumb shit like making F2P games after releasing a successful and promising game that needed sequels.


>90% of these "dead" games are either single player or multiplayer with active servers


you gotta go replay some megaman games. I doubt you have them all memorized perfectly. It's amazing how fresh a megaman game feels when you haven't played a particular one for a few years.

There are so many that they will stay fresh forever if you just cycle through them.

Splinter Cell. And they killed it because people didn't like their casualized garbage and didn't buy it.

that's very true, but i'm starting to get a little tired of playing the same few games all the time

quake team fortress
ultima online

That's basically my relationship with Star Ocean, goddamn.

>i'll never be able to go back in time to the end of tbc and beg blizzard not to kill wow

Guild wars was my first mmo. God damn I miss those days.

Ragnarok Online

but i want something new, i truly miss those times ;-;

Star Wars Galaxies

4, 5, and XF.

Tribes Ascend
Strike Vector
I just wanna go fast

Ebin get. Also came here to post this.

>Star Wars Galaxies died so Tortanic could be born
>EA's blood sacrifice ritual claimed another innocent and pure game

Lineage II

trash game, but it's the only MMO I will ever love



>capcom - "dragon's dogma is a successful franchise!"
>releases dark arisen in a way that fractures the community
>release DD online in japan only
>refuses to talk about a sequel
>remaster the first game, again.

>Those MASSIVE guild fights between Ketra and Monastery

I sucked at that game and i can remember those fights.

Virtua Fighter

Not even Japan cares about it anymore

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory...
Dirty Bomb only sort of fills the hole.
I've started playing Quake Live to substitute the feeling of the Quake 3 Arena.


Dino Crisis , Bloody Roar
So much potential.

Valkyrie Sky. Class based shmup mmo. I'll never forget you ;_;

Jedi Academy (Outcast too).

The worst part is people keep pushing this mod I despise, Movie Battles II. Maybe it improves the original Siege mode in some aspects, specially balance, but I can't stand its saber combat.

Kwonho, Drift City, Gunz, Section 8 Prejudice... everything I touch dies

Brink don't hate

tibia was so good 16 years ago

Pic related
And Syphon Filter

Outcast with vanilla patch was GOAT. I miss hanging out in duel servers.

>Been teased that a sequel is coming for the past 12 years

I don't even want a sequel at this point. They'll fuck it up somehow.

Halo 3...


This game was one of Double Fine's gems and they dropped it after one dlc and released a broken piece of shit PC port. This is honestly one of the best tower defense games I've ever played and had so much potential. Now it's literally got a population of 0 on Xbox and PC because of it being an old Xbox 360 game and a broken port on PC, and Double Fine shows no sign of making a sequel. They'd rather blow 3.3 million bucks on expensive voice actors for a shitty story game.

I bought the 4-pack for myself and some friends for this on Steam too, only to find out that it was completely unplayable multiplayer. Was so pissed.

Vigilante 8 :-(

Halo 2
Halo 3

>taste is normie enough for a remastering
>bragging about this

wew la

>Hotel Dusk

This series needs more love.


this game's good but i stopped playing like a year ago cause it became too dead

I wouldn't call it my favourite game, but the Iron Grip mod for HL2 was great. It was RTS on one side vs a team of FPS resistance on the other. There were several capture points scattered around each map, with the idea for the RTS side being to capture them in x amount of time, and the FPS side to stop that from happening. I think I was the only good RTS side player in the world. It was pretty fantastic, honestly. Then they made some shitty Quake 2 engine version of it without the RTS side that they honestly expected people to pay for and it fucking sucked. Damn shame.

There was a giveaway of this game a couple days or a week ago. Maybe there's more players right now.

Devil May Cry
Metal Gear
Good Call of Duty games

At this point, they're are more dead or zombified than alive.

wasnt this just league 2.0

went F2P yesterday



At least they show up in Marvel

Legacy of kain : (

Too Human never got the sequel it deserved.

breath of fire.

Oh it got every sequel it deserved.

Dead Rising.

It still hurts, so damn much


Dragon's Dogma.

and also Bannerlord


I will never not be mad.

Command and Conquer


I'm so sad now

MechWarrior: Living Legends

>Making shit spew out your mouth because he didnt agree with your negative views or be forced to feelnsad about something

seek help


In what sense? My favorite games are ready to be replayed on the shelf. Im not an autist that needs sequels forever.

The Pocky and Rocky series.
The SNES original was the only one I enjoyed.

Munster Hunter and monster hunting-esq games. The only titles worth a damn are emulator ISOs now combined with Nintendo's japanese gaming holocaust, shitty handheld hardware, and Capcom's misuse of the series.

Monster Hunter was a gem that had not been given enough potential to show its luster....
Also homebrewfags ruined the series too. Who wants to put in another full 4U sized game when /vg/ will just ruin any good that comes out of it.

saints row 2

I'll always love that game

Dark cloud.

It aint fair.

Battlefield 2142

Jedi Knight series, there's probably a server or two up. But never again will I be able to join an RP server as a bounty hunter, fly into the Jedi Councils chambers in the middle of their gay meeting, and nuke the fuck out of all of them, before flying away then getting banned for not RPing properly.

As a friend of a competitive player its like sfv, the comp between 1.6 and CSGO are different but the scene will only support CSGO.

He is forced into a game he doesn't enjoy as much as the previous therefore it might as well be dead.

Hotel dusk and Last windows

he's talking about online multiplayer
>Im not an autist
Yes you are.


Dead Space