How to into Shantae?
How to into Shantae?
Play the games?
Shantae (GBC), then Risky's Revenge, then Pirate's Curse.
>Wait some more
>play gamu for 7-8 hours
>shitpost on Sup Forums
currently we're on phase 2
What's the best way to fap to Shantae?
Fapping while shoving a #2 pencil into your urethra.
>How to into Shantae?
i'm certain a lot of men and women want to know that
lead or eraser end?
sharpened or unsharpened?
Pirates curse is the only good game
once you play that ignore the others and just fap to the fanart like everyone else here
was it made by es jay double yous? I got to know
No, wayforward goes out of their way to make their characters sexually attractive.
Shantae games are boring and uninspired generic platformers. Fap and move on, that's the only reason you're interested.
t. someone who played all the games
What about 1/2 Genie?
The Arabian Nights theme isn't all the appealing.
Fun but not as good/hard as the last two.
dulled lead to warm up
then sharpened to a point
then three eraser ends with lead jammed in them at once while asphyxiating yourself
>open rule34.paheal or gelbooru
>search Shantae
Half genie hero was hard as fuck for me because the game kept glitching and if I would die I would get locked into a part of the map and wouldn't be able to progress.
Do I have to delete it and re-download it or is it just RIP?
Slow at first, then faster, faster, then slow, deep, and hard strokes, faster, faster, then you grab her hips and get so deep inside her you're touching the back of her throat, and release.
>female characters dress as skimpily as possible
>MC is a sixteen year old
>pic related is one of the official Steam wallpapers
>occasional morbid dark humor
>games aren't walking simulators with "deep lore"
WayForward is the fucking opposite of essjaydubyas.
Play Bayo instead
>pic related is official artwork
Legitimately wouldn't have guessed.
They're entirely different genres. That's like recommending someone who wants a game where you fight aliens to play Halo over XCOM
>"Stay down you Djinn pest!"
Not really a fight since Shantae could win in a few seconds.
With a penis
Is Half Genie Hero worth full price or a sale?
>Shantae X Kuroinu
NO, This shit is NOT ok.
Sale. Not a bad game, but it's short as shit and way more linear than the old ones.
Then get ready for some heresy
>still haven't beaten the first game
>really liked what I played but I've been playing lots of new games
I'm never going to get to play the new lewd ones am I?
Had the same problem. You got to get into the right mind set, get comfy, turn OFF your phone or laptop and just go for it.
First you have to like bad games because they have half naked girls in them.
Then you can into Shantae.
Look mom, I posted it again.
>games with pretty girls are bad because they have pretty girls in them
It's not as good as Pirate's Curse but it sure as fuck is better than Risky's Revenge.
>not as hard
The only remotely difficult Shantae game is the original. Everything after that has been devoid of any kind of challenge.
Why doesn't Sup Forums like Rottytops?
It's always Shantae this and Shantae that, but no mention of best girl.
Rottytops is best but there's comparatively little fan art and most of the stuff out there is shit.
She's cute, but trying to fuck a decaying necrotic zombie would be the same as trying to fuck a mummy, they'd probably disintegrate if you went too hard.
Just how long are they gonna wait on that dlc?
Hasn't it already been almost a year?
Surely the dlc can't take as long to make as the main game.
When are they going to add the thing every one wants?
Sale, at least until WF finishes adding all the remaining content in.
This with the bottom part
Her having a gigantic cock
make a bunch of say something nice about her threads and then jack off while pretending the games are good
>still no blue Shantae costume
How fucking hard is it to hand out a palette swap?
Only one worth playing is Pirates Curse. Other ones suck. You can like them ironically though, I guess.
Kat is the better brown waifu
Perhaps you should've done that first considering where you are and all.
>gf likes watching me play platformers
>play mostly memey stuff, rogue legacy, shovel knight, etc.
>pretty bad at vidya and die a lot but have fun and it makes her laugh
>find shantae
>want to masturbate to shatae and shantae porn of course, but can't do so in front of gf
>try to convince gf I got shantae for reasons other than wanting to stimulate semen out of my balls and through the end of my penis
>start commenting on excellent platforming and design
>gf not fooled for one fucking second, probably because she knows me
>shantae starts doing sexy dance
>immediately aroused and stop talking mid-sentence
>gf says: "Right. the top-notch platforming."
>still no artbook
>still no tinkerbat form
>still no risky mode
>still no bolo, sky, or rotty mode
face it, we all got tricked into another kickstarter scam
I don't doubt that WF's going to release the shit they promised, but I have no idea why it's taking them so fucking long. I hope they don't pursue the kikestarter method for future projects, they've handled the whole thing sort of incompetently
You get in through the rear, he he he he Honest question, do you think Shantae would be into anal?
>How to into Shantae?
Hug the Monkae
play pirates curse and ignore the rest of the series
I still can't believe there were morons who got triggered by this. I would've loved Shanty in Smash but the chance was close to zero.
time for her to roleplay
At least they're working on Risky mode, and they straight up said that it's just Pirate's Curse mode. Shit's gonna be great.
Imagine she was doing that butt wiggle with your dick deep inside her guts
Rotty is cute.
She's just a kid you sick fuck.
Nice one.
She has fully developed tits, very noticeable curves along her waist, and she's dressed with intent to show it off in a vaguely sexual manner. I don't care if she was born yesterday, that body is one of sexual maturity.
user, im sure she has complete control of her insides too
Kid my ass, hips don't lie dude.
I ain't even seen a kid look like this.
Reminder: Never interrupt Shantae while she dances.
Unless you're into that sort of thing.
>shantae's wet insides twisting and squeezing around your dick as her round butt wiggles up and down in your lap
Yes please
>le 16 year old is mentally and emotionally equivalent to a 9 year old meme
Shantae a cute.
I am in fact very into that sort of thing
You're making this sound too freaky. I thought I was fucking Shantae, not pic related.
i seen one like that
but her tits got huge because she fucked up
Monkae is for petting and petting only.
Naw man, she needs hugs.
It'd probably be in your best interest to interrupt her then.
Perhaps Shantae would transform into all of her different animal forms while you're plowing her form behind, but they all have her silky smooth human vagina that's perfectly formed for your dick. Shantae is a woman of sexual magic, she can do anything for you.
You guys remember SJWs bringing up the whole "bikini armor" thing and memeing the fuck out of it? HGH might have been an unfinished game but I give them credit for blatantly putting an item called "bikini armor" in the shop, which actually doubles your defense no less.
Also the pic related conversation from Pirate's Curse where Shantae BTFOs critics who think she's not a strong female MC just because she embraces her femininity.
i was hoping that bikini armor would be an outfit too
but i was wrong
i wish they brought back the dance parlor
i miss watching shantae shake her hips and be showered in money for it
At least the first part..
Pirates curse IS the only good one.
of course, any bellydancer is
>she doesn't actually wear it
I dont think Shakira should provide you legal advice dude
i just remembered a YT vid of a belly dancer that slowly gets more preggo over her performances and she just looks better and better as time goes on
and no, i don't fucking remember the name or i'd post the vid
that was a nice goooooooood one
I have played the last three games and Pirate's curse was the only one I found genuinely good. The pirate's tools worked well because you used them with a press of a button and could thus chain the abilities together, mid combat, mid-air and the game had interesting platforming segments utilising this. 1/2 genie hero stupidly brought back the transformations from Risky's revenge, slowing down the gameplay as you have to stop, switch form, progress, stop again, switch to another form and progress further. There's no flow in the game anymore, you're just using this form to bypass these obstacles and this form to bypass these. Instead of a high paced platforming game with light exploration it's some weird puzzle shit.
That and they seriously downgraded the art from Pirate's curse.
but this arabian princess godess is. Ugh my dick.
>The biggest flaw of the Shantae games is its own trademark gimmick
This would be funny if it weren't hell for Wayforward, like I know it is. At least the shit pacing of transformations didn't stop the original game from being a real powerhouse of a GBC title, so that's 2/4 actually good games I'd say.