Do you enforce a "One-girl-only" standard on your gaming groups?

Do you enforce a "One-girl-only" standard on your gaming groups?

Other urls found in this thread:

>your gaming groups
what the fuck faggy shit is
>2k17 Sup Forums

Guys who "main" do this, I've seen it happen all the time.
But this is getting special attention because le girls are catty maymay.
I'm no tumblrite but that's some sexist garbage.

I don't do this because I don't know any girls who play video games at a not mediocre level.



>linking to kotaku

It's okay I got you senpai

>vapid cunt blaming everybody for something that literally doesn't matter
Riveting news, this definitely warranted an article.

>you will never get paid for writing dumb shit like this

why so many kotaku threads lately?

I'd rather enforce "No girls" rule

No couples, one girl. They always fucking fight without fail and I dont get it. I've been in 10 different wow guilds and every one died because of girl drama.

>linking to kotaku

>you will never be payed to report on personal feelings and gossip from sites you already frequent anyway

Feels bad. I want internet chimp money.

Most of the time its the girls who do this shit so they can be the sole princess in shitty hugbox group/guild and get free shit from their white knight orbiters.

>one girl
>having any girls at all

Fuck that shit, they always cause unnecessary drama whether it's their fault or not. Men and men only.

Even when they say they know people personally, it seems like these short-story writers only know the worst kind of people.

I guess they flock together or something.

No, my friends and I enforce a strict "0 girls only" rule.

>they're diamond/master



That's unfortunately pretty true.
It's not so much that females have a unique need for causing drama, it's that if you get a bunch of single teenagers and young adults together of mixed sexes someone's going to be interested in fucking someone, or is going to be paranoid about others wanting to fuck someone.


And the fuck are you?


these types of threads should be instantly deleted whenever OP doesn't link an archive

So what does linking to an archive do differently?

Just trying to avoid view counts?

I've never had this problem ever. Usually the girls get along really well in games I've played, but they'll clash with a guy or two when the dude is being a dick or the girl is being a pissy cunt for whatever reason. But I only play shitty MMORPGs not stuff like Overwatch and League of Legends so maybe that's why?

The idea is that some consider kotaku and other websites to be extra scummy, and that clicking on the links to their site both continues the existence of said websites, and incentivises them to have controversial and/or clickbaity article names.

It shows OP isn't a faggot trying for views for one.

Worst part of this they never let me use lucio, considering I main lucio.

You're a tumblrite and it's 100% true.

Not an argument.

I recognize this art style but can't place where it's from. What is it? Reverse image search is as useless as it usually is with cropped shit.

That was a statement user.

Alright, summarize this article for me because reading anything that site shits out makes me want to kill myself.

The fuck kinda blog post is this trying to pass for an article about some benign shit, God damn is kotaku sad.

>Linking to kotaku
Kill yourself

yes, and it's equally some of the men's fault for being retarded assholes who can't control their dicks

women aren't the ones donating thousands of dollars so they can get their name read on a stream by some person

>unironically linking to kotaku
summer is a myth they said

>But I only play shitty MMORPGs not stuff like Overwatch and League of Legends so maybe that's why?

That's why. This shit only happens in normie infested video games.

I play in the top 500 and it's unreal how many granndmaster players carry their bronze-level girlfriends/female friends to GM

The women are virtually 100% mercy-only players as well, since this is the most brainless character to play

Girls are bitches to each other

I experienced it first hand when I worked for a tech startup full of women. I had to help them set up networking and other things but it was insane because the girl who got me the job told me straight up. Women talk and hate each other, but the second I come in for work, they all hushed up and acted nice towards me and passive agressive towards one another.

I'm no chad so I'll tell you straight up I don't understand women , but it's surprising they treat each other like this when no man is around

>What is Symmetra
>What is Torb
>What is Soldier 76

Blame society for coddling women. Every single one raised to believe they deserve everything in the world just for being female. That they should be protected above others just for being them. Of course it's impossible to be the one at the top when everyone is at the top, so relationships among women commonly involve waiting for the best chance to kick the other person down.

Blame feminism, probably.

Looks like the artist from Medaka Box.

This turns into a doujin, right?
I remember reading something rather similar.

All three require some kind of offensive/tactical mindfulness, and Soldier 76 requires actual aim. Mercy is just 'follow your boyfriend and hold mouse1 on him and press shift when an enemy comes close'

Mercy is so pretty....

>What is Symmetra
>What is Torb

Characters that don't require aiming but still don't have a one-button wonder ult with a huge impact.

>What is Soldier 76

A character that actually requires aiming and some semblance of skill to carry.

You can't carry any of these characters. You can always tell when you have a shit Soldier for sure.


Does anyone watch Fractions of a Cent on Youtube?

She's a mercy only player. She can only use a controller (KB+Mouse too hard for her)
and she bitches
every time someone calls her a shitter.

She's a grandmaster in the 3000+ range. She has some beta orbiter carrying her that she doesn't want to admit she has.

>linking to kotaku

>tfw egirl on a lowish level overwatch team
>the team's captain is mean to me all the time

not sure if he's overcompensating because he doesn't want to appear to give me special treatment, or what, but feels bad yo
if someone else makes a mistake, it gets pointed out and we move on, if i make a mistake i get ridiculed for 15 minutes


It's just basic human nature.

>girl sees a whole ton of guys

>girl joins because it's a whole ton of guys

>now the girl can pick and choose among which guy she would breed with or not since now she get's said guys attention

>girl2 joins in later

>girl1 and girl2 get competitive over each other for the boys attention

>boys say it's a good thing because girls are hot so they allow this

>Drama ensues

Seen it happen in my art club in highschool and videogame and anime club in college.It's pretty normal.

So did you just come back here after accidentally posting in /u/?

zarya and hands-oh

>your gaming groups

But 90% of gamers are girls anyway right? They should have no trouble at all forming most/full girl gaming groups if they don't want to be a 'lone girl'

He has to look tough by putting you in your place. Look at how this board constantly feels threatened by every female char in a game, and has to shit on them constantly. Insecurity is in overdrive in the gamer psyche.

lrn2shield and lrn2aim

not that hard, b

I like to bully as well.

>But 90% of gamers are girls anyway right?

Yea user, didn't you know that 93% of gamers are women? When 95% of a group is women, it shouldn't be so hard for them to find the other 97% around and group together.

Stop posting political bait threads and talk about video games. Fuck off. You know all you're trying to do is start a shitfest. Fuck off.

>One of two girls in a gaming group
>Both good at our chosen roles, which don't intersect
>Both of us absolutely refuse to use mics on voice chat

Clearly women should be seen and not heard.

Fuck, I don't even have a gaming group

>guys do a thing
>girls pretend to like that thing and infiltrate it to get their attention

it's crazy how you never hear the reverse of this

Girls suck so usually I refuse to party up with them as I focus on competitive high rank gametypes in my shooters.

But Mercy main girls are usable in Overwatch.

So yes One girl only because you can't hero stack.


>linking kotatu directly

have you never heard of pastebin you fucking retard?

No, because i play video games with a group of dykes and they all get along like people.

I'll sum up the article for you.

>Women are rotten cunts to other women and deserve to have their uterus fall out
>This is the fault of those evil men somehow.


>it's crazy how you never hear the reverse of this
Are you retarded?

Smutty is that you

>two girls, who play Mercy and ONLY Mercy, throw a bitch fit because they want to have the singular attention of all the guys

I remember when I was younger and comedians made jokes about not being able to understand women. These days, women are way too predictable. I guess we have the internet to thank for that.

How is that even similar?

I will pretend to care about what girls say of that gets me laid.

>I don’t love having to beg all-male attendees at Smash tournaments to hand over a controller.

so this bitch doesnt even bring her own equipment to tournaments? what a bitch

>Both of us absolutely refuse to use mics on voice chat
That's because they are dudes.

It's exactly what was being described, a male pretending to be interested in shit a female is talking about.


I love how a majority of these posts consist of sexually frustrated neckbeards. Heck, half of you guys are insecure that girls can kick your ass in hurr durr muh vidya. Stay mad, silly boys ;-)

Nah, real life friends are involved in the group.

>linking to Kotaku

how new r u?

He's pretending to care about hershoit to get in her pants and leave, not joining her book club so he can change it from the inside out.


I bet you shit talk "leddit posters". Well, guess what, at least Reddit archive links goddam websites.

Uhhh, men read books more than women.


>underage "gamurr grrillls xD" are master/grandmaster
>i am still a silver shitter

Fuck my life.

First off, the Kotaku article is stupid as shit. Girls straight up don't play video games as much in comparison to men (population wise), so obviously yes they are a minority. It's not an actual fucking issue that merits an article.
The issue is that girls that previously didn't play video games are getting into it now for attention points, and you stupid cucks are playing into it. Case in point: everyone who insta-friends girls because they are girls.

The reason most girls play healers is because girls want to be seen as useful by their teammates, because half the time they are over-compensating for their own gender/don't want to be seen as bad at the game.

does anyone remember when snipers were the girl stereotype?

I remember. Particularly rangers and/or archers.

I'm shocked that I'm saying this about a Kotaku article in 2017, but this was actually decently well thought out and brought up a few interesting points. The biggest point being that the "One-Girl allowed" rule is almost always exclusively enforced by women, even admittedly by the woman who wrote the article.

Also, I've realized you can tell if a female player on your team is any good with an easy trick. If they are a support main, they're shit, and you should just leave the game, because you're going to lose. This goes double if they're in someone's duo.

To any women out there: Please learn to play more roles than support, so that you know how to properly help your teammates, and stop playing ranked with your boyfriend until you can play every role competently.

Except that's not what the article was about. It was about how in the rare situation you end up with two girls in the same gaming group, the social dynamic always forces the number back to one.

>but this was actually decently well thought out and brought up a few interesting points.

Did we read the same article?

go home gamer boys

Pretty much this

Show me the tourney results.

>To any women out there: Please learn to play more roles than support
Played wow a long ass time ago, girls are at their best in tank roles. Brings out the mama bear instinct. Guild tried to groom a Feral and a Paladin for tanking but the Druid chick kept wanting to dps and pulled aggro on the melee all the time and the Pally girl kept retreating to a healer role.

Tanking is the center of the group, maximum attention, you don't even have to flirt for gear. Men are much better healers and usually have a better rhythm for dps.

I wish a girl could kick my ass in 5.5k+ mmr doto...
