What's this guys name again Sup Forums?

What's this guys name again Sup Forums?

Wreck it ralph.

Build-it Bill

Smash It Sam

Crush-it Karl

No its wreck it ralph.

Destroy-it Dan

Break-it Buddy

wow you must be fun at parties

His name is wreck it ralph

His name is Obliterate-it Oliver

Pretty sure it was Whack It Wallace

Wreck it ralph.

W-R-E-C-K I-T R-A-L-P-H you retards

Demolish it Denny

He is named wreck it ralph

Fuck it Frank

Strong bad

Slam-It Sloan

Wreck-It Ralph

Bash It Bob

Annihilate-it Alfred actually

Fix it Felix jr.

Crush it Joe

Dub-it Dill

Dang-it Bobby

Mike Pence

Someone has clearly never heard of deconstruction drone deliverer Dennis

Nuke It Nick

Fuck it Fug


This isn't a fucking game assholes. His name is Wreck-it-Ralph

Cotton Picker Joe

Exterminate-it Elias

Wreck it Romeny

John C. Reilly

Dan "The Man" Schneider

Teach me how to get this many yous please
Obliterate it Otus

You sure you're not thinking of Punch-It Once?

Bop-It Barry

Crunch It Christian

Meme it mike


Second best disney movie next to wall e.

This movie is fucking garbage
>muh medal
>waaahh I'm a villain and nobody appreciates me

Explain this, faggot

You guys are really starting to piss me off. It's Wreck-It-ralph

Its Crush-It Carl

Randy bo bandy

Squash-It Squilliam

Pulverize-it Pedro

Disintegrate-it Donald

Break-It Bob

Oderus Urungus


>Be the headliner and serve the most vital role in your game but get no appreciation
>Everyone else just assumes your actually an asshole because you PLAY a villain
>Even in the cannon game Ralph is just chilling in the forest until the townspeople tear it down
He deserved that medal

Ruin-it Randall

Video game vinnie

Delegate-it Dahnald

Chester Check This 5


Smash it Sam

Pure and unfiltered autismo

Wreck dat pussy Ralph


Punch-it Peter

Hammerin' Harry

Donkey Kong

I want sex with Vanellope.

Bam Bam Billy

Guillotine Gorilla.

Time for round 2.

What is this guys name?

Wreck-It Ral


Harm-it Harold


The movie was great but the sugar rush shit is where I had it. Little Nico was a nice friend for Ralph but it would have been so much better if they spent more time not only exploring Ralph's own game and history but other games as well like turbo.
I hope that Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet is going to introduce a great plot and give Mario an important role next year. Looking at the promo art it's just a Meme adventure like the Emoji Movie.

Fight It Fellow