Asking here because of anonymity

Asking here because of anonymity.

Do FC's like this exist ?

What I want

> No activity requirement because I'm not active much and may be working on achievements and lose progress if booted
> No super high level autism, hetero hate, RP, drama, endless "NOTICE ME SENPAI" spam, basically people that like the game and aren't there to jerk off to cat asses and anime
> Rank 8
> Large house to do Chocobo stuff with
> No voip requirements (shouldn't be a requirement unless raiding)

Not looking to leech or give the FC a bad name.

Other urls found in this thread:


My FC is like that, probably not on your server though.

>hetero hate

there are FC's like that? I've seen the whole "LGBBQ+ FRIENDLY XDDD" shit but not that

>hetero hate
but you should always hate heteros. Well maybe not hate but don't acknowledge them like they're people or anything

Is it possible to search FC's in game? I got kicked from a good one after being inactive for 6 months

>No super high level autism
>Working on MMO achievements
You invalidate yourself

> No activity requirement
Why do you need an FC if you're not gonna be active within it? Honest question. Guilds in this game basically do not matter at all, you might as well not be in an FC. As a method of communication linkshells do their job just as well, guilds don't provide a whole lot of meaningful bonuses (not anymore anyway now that you can get all the good stuff from squadrons) and there's no benefit to being in a guild from PvE challenge standpoint as there's no guild challenges or guild repair fund or a guild calendar or any advantage to guild raiding, the best you can get from an FC is a house with a couple of vendors which again don't sell anything exclusive.

Oh yeah and there were airships and stuff. Which you probably won't have an access to unless you're an FC officer.

Chocobos are useless too.

what server ?

Yes actually, some of it's passive, some of it happens without them realizing it. I haven't seen any actual anti hetero guilds.

You need a house to do stuff to the Chocobo like change its color and I don't play enough or have the will to earn enough money to buy a house.

Just ones over time, nothing crazy insane.

Like the winning 200 pvp matches or whatis needed has to be done in one FC, it can't be spread out, and I think it actually resets.


Depends, what server are you on?
I'd say my FC meets all those except the house isn't large, it's just medium.

>You need a house to do stuff to the Chocobo like change its color and I don't play enough or have the will to earn enough money to buy a house.
You can do this with an apartment my boy, and if you can't make, what was it, 500k? To get one, I don't know what to say because I usually end leveling with ~3m.

I thought the housing wasl ike 20 mil of something, I rarely play and there's still a ton I didn't know.

I wanted it to be new when that subject came up rather than researching everything first.

20 mil or something*

Apartments are just one room and a chocobo stable for people who don't want to be in an FC or can't for any reason, check it out, it's in the same housing wards as normal houses. Of course, an FC is probably free but if you just wanna color your chocobo or something you could probably easily join any of those "social" guilds, I've never seen any of them kick anyone for inactivity. Oh and there's basically no FC achievements to speak of.

I play like once or twice a year, so I'd definitely get licked.

Though I was thinking of changing that for SB.

So since I rarely play, losing progress on stuff would really suck.

I will check that out right now because I have 700k gil, thanks Sup Forumsro

How do apartments work, can I ever lose it by not logging on for a year ?

Thought you needed a large one to do certain things.

I'm on Siren.


700k is the most i've ever had, I don't mess with any of the professions.

Behemoth. It's a few friends and I, we have a large house with an airship, all the chocobo junk. No one is incredibly serious.

I thought about transferring, but come SB I'll be happy to be on a dead server especially with the datacenter wide PF.

The one aspect I never paid attention to was how dead my auction house may be, but I have no other experiences to go on since rolling a new toon in this game isn't exactly fast.

ah, my fc is on ultros
gl though

Plots are 3/16/40mil at the cheapest. The plots also scale in price based on your server population and relative age. A first ward house on my server Leviathan was close to 200mil when I last played and since they were so rare to open up people were selling closer to 400m.

Also unpurchased plots decay over time.

But if I buy one can I not sub for two years and come back to still own it ?

House? No. They go up for sale after a certain amount of inactivity. I think if you designate a tenant and the owner goes inactive, the tenant will eventually inherit the house.

If you continuously pay your sub it shouldn't be a problem though.

Do you get the gil back ?


Well, fuck.

Does anyone have the picture with all the ffxiv race stereotypes?

Cool blog m8

>hetero hate

Is this a serious thing these days?
Liberalism was a mistake.

>Asking here because of anonymity.
Are you telling me you unironically use the SE forums?