> localize nip game
> make the worst dubs i've heard in the past 10 years
> english voice over only, no choice for jp audio
localize nip game
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when the fuck is this game coming out, Gamestop lists it as the 30th, Amazon on June, and some sites even say it came out on tuesday.
Give me the release date now.
Holy shit, those voices completely killed my will to play the game
I wouldnt be able to bear hearing that for 50 hours
Did they make a English OP like they did for SN5?
I like the type of voice Aty has, but they all just sound horribly bored.
The dialogue doesn't help either.
This is just horrible. There's no voice acting in this. They're just reading the lines without any voice acting.
It's so shit. I like it.
>It's so shit. I like it.
Holy shit, they should just rename this to Chaos Wars 2. It sounds about as bad as that game did.
Is this the only series where the spinoffs are generally more well-liked than the main games?
Sounds exactly like the voice acting in Valkyria Chronicles. Sounds like every other bip game too besidesz the big budget ones where more effort is put in. Stop talking shit faggots
>Sounds exactly like the voice acting in Valkyria Chronicles.
bullshit. Valkyria Chronicles sounded good. They did dubs right. This game on the other hand is a pile of shit.
Get back to work Vic. You already delayed ANOTHER game. AGAIN.
Jesus Christ, that is awful.
I'll just mute the voices I guess, reminds me of old rpgs and it's not so bad in its own way.
This reminds me to beat summon night 5.
You guys did go with the loli right?
How are these games compared to summonnight swordcraft stories? Why do all the guys in this game sound like they´re gay?
no jp audio, no buy.
Especially when the english dub is extremely bad like this.
if it's this bad, you can bet there's going to be an undub patch anyway
They're SRPGs. All of the main games at least. Before this we had Summon Night 5 which came overseas. Which was kinda mediocre.
So what are the qualifications to be hired to voice over a video game? It must be low for these people to get a job. Do they literally take people off the streets and pay them in donuts?
Usually when the voice acting is this bad, they literally didn't hire any one. It's the localizers themselves doing the voices. It's fine for games like Phoenix Wright where they only say one or two words at a time, but for a fully voiced game like this? Hilarious.
>you can bet there's going to be an undub patch anyway
How? PS4 isn't hacked yet and vita can't play new firmware games.
how you gonna do a undub patch?
what is wrong with these fucking retards releasing these games
>small niche audience
>ahhh fuck it we'll make a dub even though our audience just wants it subbed
>ahhh fuck it haha we'll censor everything even though our niche audience will hate that
>ahhh fuck real translations we'll just add in tons of memes even though our niche audience will hate that
>sorry guys game failed and we are going out of business since none of you bought our games!
Typical garbage Gaijnworks localization, will skip this one too. They just removed all the voice acting from the 5th game because they were too cheap to license the Japanese voices or dub it.
Part of the problem is a loud group of assholes known as SJWs pretending to be fans and telling these companies what they want despite never buying this shit.
Gaijinworks is Working Designs 2.0.
In Summon Night 5 they cut out the voice acting and added bugs. And according to Sup Forums the localization was extremely loose and questionably accurate.
But even ignoring gaijinworks, summon night 5 was pretty bad. Is this one a lot better? What are the differences?
I picked Arca as the MC and Spinel as the partner. The ending was just "girls can't love girls" which was pretty lame. Was it like that in the jap version or was that one of Vic's 'improvements'?
In the jap version it was pretty much /u/. Blame good ole Vic.
I'm 100% sure that guy voicing Magna is the same guy who voiced Hiro in Lunar 2. Vic the fat jew's always fucked up his games though so it's no surprise. We remember working designs fondly not because of their localizations, but because they picked such top shelf games to localize most of the time. They were good in spite of the content being replaced with 90s american pop references.
>Sounds exactly like the voice acting in Valkyria Chronicles.
There's more acting in SQUAD SEVEN, MOVE OUT! than that entire video.
Muting voices would've been an option but it looks like they butchered the translation as well.
I'll buy it if it goes on sale
tell me you can at least turn off voices
Fuck they're gonna fuck up my husbando Reim and make him less entertaining.
No SN6 is even worse than 5 and 4
Nah. I went with the titty monster.
can't really say that when a majority of people haven't even played the best game in the series cause it's moon only.
Nice choice.
Holy fuck that's the worst dub ever what the fuck?
I don't think you remember how bad Chaos Wars is.
Its PSN only nig.
>Gaijinworks is Working Designs 2.0.
Really? so those Grownlanser were also butchered? the one in ps2 I mean.
Holy shit, this is like Chaos Wars level of dubbing
>Gaijinworks is Working Designs 2.0.
As an elder weeaboo, I don't think any localization company will be as bad as Working Designs.
>Game has cardboard cutout of the characters
>Mandatory $70 price tag plus tax
gaijinworks is literally working designs under a new name, complete with victor ireland and all.
it's not some comparison.
> Brandon: Well, coming off of that―what are your views on censorship? And even self-censorship.
> Victor: Situational. In general I’d give censorship a NO. But I’d also argue there are cases where self-censorship is probably appropriate. People get really upset when games, and especially hentai games, are censored. But there are some things you just cannot do in the US, they aren’t appropriate.
> For example, and I’d love to do this one: THE iDOLM@STER. Those are great games, but they have some stuff that I don’t think would fly here. Basically, it’s borderline pedophilia. Those scenes, like it or not, are gonna either be removed entirely or repurposed for something else.
> Cody: I’ve actually worked with two games that were censored for the US release. Criminal Girls (editor’s note: featured above) was one of them.
> Victor: I think Criminal Girls’ censorship was pretty justified, though. I mean, half those girls were underage, and you’re spankin’ them and stuff. I just think that sort of thing doesn’t work in the US.
> Cody: The other was Starless. It was made by the same people who made Bible Black, I don’t know if you’re familiar.
> Victor: Oh, yeah.
> Cody: Some of the stuff they cut out included: Beastiality, scat, and “something getting cut off that isn’t supposed to get cut off.” I’m assuming they meant dongs.
> Victor: Well, leave in the scat. You could just explain it away by saying they had too much Olestra and couldn’t control themselves. (Laughs) It was accidental!
> The other two are pretty cut and dry though. Really, if you’re that much of a purist that you absolutely need those things, learn Japanese and import the game. We had people complaining about some of the stuff we cut out in other games to make them more culturally relevant to the US, too. For people wanting direct translations, I’m sorry, but you’re just not the market.
>Localization company starts working on a lewd game
>Severely censor it, because it's lewd
Why does this keep happening?
Starless was localized?
I kinda like how bad it is. Half the cast seems to bored to care whats going on and the other half sound like they just stole their bodies and don't know how to act in them yet. I would play it just for shits and giggles.
>let's get a literal 4 year old to do a kid's voice
I was actually excited for this, because they got the Lunar voice actors to do some parts. I expected it to be a good kind of bad, but this is just bad. Aty's voice is especially a crime after we all heard what she's supposed to sound like from Project X Zone 2.
From what I understand they basically brought back everyone (save the one dude who's dead) who voiced characters in Lunar. I mean its kind of neat on the one hand, on the other hand voice acting has come a long fucking way in video games since Lunar SSSC; what was stellar in 1999 is pretty bad today.
Another year another group of morons giving gaijinworks money
>>ahhh fuck real translations we'll just add in tons of memes even though our niche audience will hate that
>And according to Sup Forums the localization was extremely loose and questionably accurate.
It was so bad that no one has even bothered making a redub for it.
In Gaijinworks' case it's because Ireland is a jew and isn't willing to pay for the Japanese voices because he doesn't think he'll make back the cost of investment in sales, which he explicitly stated as being the reason for SN5 removing the voices.
As much of a cunt as he is I at least appreciate that plain honesty compared to most companies refusing to say a single word about what's stopping them from getting the Japanese voices.
Just look at Persona 5, Atlus USA put out a translation that was for them at least comparatively faithful, and the gaming press have slammed them for it.
Be friends with the casting director. Skill is entirely unnecessary.
>Man you guys are full of shit, there's no way this could be as bad as Chaos Wa-
>ahhh fuck it we'll make a dub even though our audience just wants it subbed
In VA cases at least, licensing for keeping the Japanese dubs is apparently costly, especially for more professional actors or crossover games
this is also why so many games either replaced japanese insert songs or flatout resung them, because the devs often contract legitimate singers whose licensing would take a shit all over localization budget for smaller or more niche games that can't afford a resing/rearrange
There was never an undub made for 5.
They kept the Japanese battle voices, they just removed the story voices. Which is fucking bizarre, surely getting the voices in there at all would require the bulk of the licensing cost?
Yes. It removed a bunch of content but had an "unofficial" patch restoring it.
No way you'd see that happen with Ireland in charge.
>this is also why so many games either replaced japanese insert songs or flatout resung them
I never realized this was so common until I started playing more undubs of older games. All this time I grew up watching these openings and they'll just be the local less songs or a random soundtrack from the game(Tales of Symphonia) as the opening but most of the times they'll still leave the ending local songs left untouched.
>All new ballgame
I don't think ballgames have been invented yet
There was one user who claimed they would do it but never went through with it.
When will you nigbois just nut up and learn nipspeak? Localizations are always ass compared to the original, and if you only play jap games it's quite worth the time investment.
Why do you think I'm not learning already?
Could you explain the logic to me? Video games are the only thing in my life that bring me enjoyment, and I barely have enough time to play vidya as it is (wageslave life). Are you suggesting that I should give up all worldly pleasures for a couple decades in order to learn japanese, and then if I'm still alive I'll get so much more enjoyment out of moonrune vidya that it would be worth it?
Holy shit, this is unacceptable.
>Localization company starts working on a lewd game that features multiple underage characters
The guy talking is not wrong. The audience for it over here literally are the 'purists'. So just don't even bother.
That's really the problem: They think there is some mainstream audience for this stuff out there that they just haven't tapped into yet. It's like the dorky kid in school that is constantly trying to fit in with the normal kids who reject him, while believing he's above the other dorks. Nobody respects him, and he just doesn't get it.
Turning the voices off is a thing fortunately. Cant wait for that super slick Wonderful Edition.
That's a fair point. If you barely even have the time to play vidya, I don't see why you would care enough to learn Jap.
It's incorrect though that you have to drop everything and spend decades to learn Japanese. I've only been learning for about 1.5 years and I know enough to play really any game, save for maybe stuff like grand strategy. Idk if you know much about language learning methodology, but you can definitely get to a decent level in a relatively short amount of time (while still having a life).
>I've only been learning for about 1.5 years and I know enough to play really any game, save for maybe stuff like grand strategy.
>We're gonna censor shit and, if you do not like it, learn Japanese and import the game
god damnit I even bought the limited edition.
good analogy. And he keeps trying to get them to enjoy his 'hobbies' by dumbing it down and leaving out the important parts, leaving the coolkids uninterested and the other nerds wanting to enjoy the real thing.
And he responds 'you guy's aren't who I'm trying to hang with. If you want to actually do these nerdy things, go off and do the real thing by yourselves.'
At which point the other nerds fuck right off and go on doing the exactly that, while the coolkids continue to sit there and wonder why the hell this nerd is still hanging around them.
Read every article from top to bottom. I know it seems like a kooky website but trust me, it's extremely valuable information.
Watch this video beforehand if you want. After reading the website, I think you'll find that this guy's videos have some really excellent tips.
I've literally done only this, I have not taken a single class or used any textbooks.
Wow. That sounds really personal.
In reality their target audience is basically people who are willing to put up with the censorship bullshit.
Which is decreasing every day.
Cool, I'll check that out. I've been studying with Memrise for vocab and Tae Kim for grammar, but I found Tae Kim's guide to not be very intuitive and Memrise has too many functional problems. I've barely gotten anywhere these last two years.
no its not.
Thanks random user.
Do you know if it helps to have a study partner? Or is that more hassle than it's worth.
Tae Kim is actually one of the better grammar guides IMO. But it's really only good to use as a supplementary resource I think.
IMO it can be encouraging if you're both doing the same method. If you read the site I posted I think you'll understand better why it's a good or bad idea tho.
>just finished the final Japanese semester that my college offers
>don't know what to do now
This is kinda liberating but at the same time, terrifying. I think I might just start forcing myself through games, I'll probably learn a lot through osmosis.
You didn't know the kid that was convinced the jocks loved shit like Magic The Gathering and Pokemon while all the other nerds just sat around and shook their head in disapproval? You know, the one that let himself be their personal punching bag because he believed that's just how they joked around with each other? That's pretty much the relationship that companies like NIS America and Gaijinworks have with the western video game industry.
>"Nintendo have the worst dubs!" they said
So no one never bothered to undub SN5,
Is the game playable on a phone at least?
I'm gonna play the original version.
It's bad but it's not that bad. See
>Just look at Persona 5, Atlus USA put out a translation that was for them at least comparatively faithful, and the gaming press have slammed them for it.
I thought Persona 5 was well received though? Are the "knowledgeable" video game "journalists" shitting on the localization?
>Videogame dubbing is still decades behind anime
Publishers continue to wonder why customers are so hostile towards English dubbing. Paying $59.99 for quality like this is the reason.
>I thought Persona 5 was well received though?
Here, perhaps.
>Are the "knowledgeable" video game "journalists" shitting on the localization?
Yes, people are attacking it for having a handful of typos and sometimes awkward wording. Highly respected industry figures such as Anthony Burch have called it "unreadable".
The sad part is that it's not even a literal translation by the loosest of standards, it's just not as liberal as Atlus usually are.
>tfw Bradley's English VA died a few weeks ago
Damn, FMA had a great dub and he was good in it. RIP
>anthony burch calling anything unreadable
The ironing
Do they have any actual arguments or are they jut being literal nitpickers?