Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?


This might be good.

Dont we have a thread like this one a week ago? I remember the pic being halfway to being done. Or did the OP abandoned the work?

hot, sauce?

is Sup Forums's finished yet?

What was wrong with this thread? At least post this in a complete shit thread.

this isn't videogames

We already made one of these like two weeks ago.

For reference, here's Sup Forums's chart

Wheres the completed version?

no we didn't, I wasn't part of it

Suffering: 100
Deserved: I dunno about 0-30 range depending on your view?

Suffering: 80
Deserved: 85

This is what Sup Forums has so far

Somewhere in the archive.

Yes we did.

99 Suffering
60 Deserved

/his/ is still completing theirs

Whats the thread called for the finished product?

How long was this a thing?


No clue, there were several threads. There were also a couple of threads made with the same template after those threads. This is at least the third template an OP has asked Sup Forums to fill out for this.

This is Sup Forums's chart
/his/ did that in 2 threads
Sup Forums is on their 6th thread but they are almost done
Sup Forums did it in 2-3 threads

I'm surprised the stinky cheese man and shake are that high up, but it makes sense

All I remembered was that this guy was the near universal choice for 100 suffering / 0 deserved.

what happened to the other templates? All that work for nuthin'

From what i remember, this is the last thread i encountered.

I might try to start one up with athletes for Sup Forums, or countries for Sup Forums.

Sup Forums isn't organized like Sup Forums, /his/, Sup Forums or even Sup Forums. We won't be able to complete it

He deserved a fair bit more than that user. He quite literally wanted to wipe out humanity.

80 suffering
60 deserved

>always sunny cast in 100 deserved
Legit kek.

He was all talk and just wanted revenge for being turned into a skeleton, probably.

I found this once before but I'm gonna need you to help me out here

Fuck yeah, I love that video.

these graphs fucking suck
the number is on the lines but the characters go in between the lines

>general from Avatar

But didn't he blow up dozens of blue furries for no reason other than that he liked sipping his coffee.

Suffering 35
Deserved 0

>shiki up there in suffering for some unknown reason when my waifu had it a million times worse than him
This chart is made by F A G G O T S!

>Audrey Hepburn
>85 deserved
What the fuck

is this classic BHC?

uh Sup Forums is still completing the chart, just go there when a chart thread is up and request for her to go up

Well there you go. I think that was part of the original set.

A few days ago someone tried to start this up on Sup Forums again.

>playing video games
>not deserving it

>tha pic of clarissa's dad
11/10 nailed his rank perfectly

Being all talk doesn't invalidate his intentions. He's sweet in an incompetent sort of way (him asking if he scared you in the swamp) but he's still evil and deserves pretty much everything he gets.

Does he even suffer that much though?
The fact that Road Runner isn't on this chart pisses me off to no end.

so if someone is in suffering zero but at 100 at deserved does it mean they deserved that non-suffering or that they deserved to suffer but didn't?

Now the only thing left for me to solve is to dive into that massive archive and find the completed set. Now the only question remains, whats the name of the thread?


Her character you nonce.

Sup Forums is really good at posting reaction images, i am sure you guys can make it

This was the last update to the Sup Forums chart before the thread died. OP said they would be back and make a new thread then never did.

Deserved is 'how much suffering they deserved'

Someone who is at Suffering 60, Deserved 100 'should' have suffered 100.

got it

>Sup Forums is really good at posting reaction images

Who is the Suffering 0 - Deserved 100 and 100/00?

Suffering: 20
Deserved: 95

Is that really all we got from that thread? I coulda swore we had a lot more than this.

I honestly can't decide where this dude would go.
On one hand he's in the afterlife repenting (which should mean his suffering is equal to how much he deserves it right?), but on the other he's kind of a scumbag thats going around committing petty theft and screwing over people comically as a point and click adventure game character with no repercussions, and on another he's taking down the mafia and saving saints and shit.
Where does my man Manny go?

Suffering 80
Deserved It 70

He usurped the entire kingdom, but he did get killed in the end. He also hid in a sewer for a decade or so.

I'm never going to Sup Forums again so you will have to go and tell them to fuck themselves for me.

As to where he is on the Deserving scale, I'd say maybe somewhere between 0-50

Brad and Guybrush are both in perfect spots. I'd like to see more Hotline Miami characters. Beard, Jacket, and Richter specifically.

God damn it, we do this so often but no one ever saves the fucking chart.

Theres not enough spaces to grant numerous spots to every niche game.

most point and click games don't involve truly crazy levels of suffering. He's probably somewhere around 20,40

I think Trevor should be moved up and to the right, but not by much.

This is very subjective, but I'll say:

Suffering: 85
Deserved: 80

Akechi Goro
70 Suffered, 95 Deserved

I can't think of someone more fitting for 100:0 than Lucas

Watching his mother die and father lash out at everyone around him, then losing his brother, watching society change around him as the Pig Masks take over, and ultimately seeing his brother kill himself before his own eyes

The kid lead a life no kid deserved

Deserved to suffer but didn't

Suffering: 95
Deserved: 0

He woke up too early that morning.

Suffering: 20
Deserved: 0

2B from Automata should be pretty high on Suffering and low on Deserving it.

>Instructed to tell a lie to a sweet, innocent boy each time she meets him
>Forced to kill him time and time again or just witness him commit suicide as he goes crazy over and over
>This happens after she has to cope with him falling madly in love with her each time they meet
>She's doing this because she's been fed a lie her entire life
>Starts forcing herself to dull and numb her emotions around the boy
>Dies after a painful infection starts to rob her of her senses and is about to become an insane slave to her enemies before mercy killed
>Last thing she sees is the boy she loves without ever getting to express her feelings to him
>She dies knowing he's going to go utterly nuclear without her around to put him down
>Also, just about everyone she's ever known also died minutes before her

>Kenshin - 65/30

He had everyone who cared about him slaughtered in front of him when he was a kid.

Suffering: 70-75
Deserved: 5-10

And yet Night in the Woods somehow has 2 reps.

What about 9S?

already on this one

Suffered: 100
Deserved: 10

"Adoring fan" from Oblivion needs a high-suffering spot. Make it happen, senpai.

>Clarissa's dad

God dammit, I had forgotten about this comic until now

Suffering: 35
Deserved: 25

Suffering - 95
Deserved it - 70


What suffering, the cancer theory?

Suffering: 80 (alone at the start, found 2 groups of friends and comrades that he all lost, now stuck on a nazi warship all alone)

Deserves: 20 (a manchild that doesn't want to let go)

Suffered: 20
Deserved: 100

There are a lot of characters that qualify for 100,0. It makes for a compelling narrative element. Lucas is a solid choice though.

10 seems a little high

Thanks for updating the old one

And yeah, anyone posting images - try to keep them small to make cropping easier.

She's a murderer

You got mixed up, should be the other way around.

50 d
20 s

hmm a couple of those I'd disagree with like Ragna's deserve level being that high and his suffering level being slightly low (I could at least see him at 90 considering the crazy shit he had to go through)

and Klonoa being below Hollow Knight but ah well

>Suffering - 95
She didn't suffer that much, 60 is more fitting

Suffering: 15
Deserved: 70

toss him at 30, 30

Lower it to 65.
He did bad things but it was nothing compared to what he got.

I think you have your X and Y axes mixed up user.

I like it, however, I feel Otacon should be under 90 suffering, and 0 deserved. Right between Whack a mole and the guy from mother.
Otacon suffered harder than any MGS character, and was the most pure. He literally did not deserve anything suffering


Suffering - 65
Deserved - 50

Brad should be at 50 deserved