How can Sony win E3 this year?

How can Sony win E3 this year?

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By being notmicrosoft again. It's pretty easy.

they can't but Sup Forums will still say they did. so they already won and your question is retarded.

just by attending

don't need to do anything

By making cucks like you to buy their thrash like always

Monster Hunter 5.
Switch fags can keep Monster Hunter XX.

I hope it's another Persona 5 and Persona Q situation again.

Showing some actual games would be a good start
God of War and Zombieshit whatever its called do nothing for me

what is he embracing?

NEVER ____

>Orchestra plays
>Nintendo fags begin to rage

Destiny 2
Battlefront 2

Thats it, even if they are not exclusives, showing those games in their conference would sell them a crapton of PS4s.

Devil May Cry 5. People bought Devil May Cry 1-3 HD for the PS360, as well as the updated rerelease of 4. Capcom can't just use low consumer interest as an excuse to can the series like it did Mega Man Legends and Darkstalker.

They said that about SMT V

>A sequel of a dead multiplat franchise will win e3

They've already won.

Bloodborne 2

They cancel the PS4 Pro and announce a console that isn't a 30fps joke

I never said anything about exclusives.

We got Lost Soul Aside anyways, that will scratch the DMC itch

Terrorist attack in the middle of the conference

By just attending.

What does Nintendo have?

Monster hunter? Westerner's don't give a fuck about that crap.

More Mario? It's the same shit over and over again.

Microsoft loses by default.


>PS5 is "true" 4K for all games at 30FPS
>PS6 is upscaled sub-8K at 30FPS
>PS7 is "true" 8K at 30FPS
there's no escape


>Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando (2018)
>Bloodborne II
>Last of Us: Part II
>Days Gone
>Horizon: Zero Dawn Expansion
>Project Oscar
>Little Big Planet 4
>Death Stranding
>Ape Escape

God of War?

by getting a fanbase that deludes itself about arguing over games that may or may not come out (or sometimes may or may not even be games) for boxes which are underpowered when they come out and truly pathetic several years in.

Show FF7 and Shenmue 3 gameplay.
For added effect, put a live demo of Death Stranding.

By showing up

Microsoft is dead and Nintendo has left the console race

Sony is already the winner

>Outlived and outsold the Wii U
>Still doing pretty decent in Japan

Nice try Nintenigger, see you when PSP3 is announced.

also show the last guard.. oh wait, nevermind

guess they shouldn't have released it

Yes 'My Wife's Son' will be there as well.

They should've left him 'dead' in 3

Why bother when you can tease the next vaporware project for Playstation to cling onto for the next decade?

>Uncharted DLC
>Horizon DLC
>Last Days
>God of War
Sony already won.

speaking of which, can't wait for KH3 on PS5

Confirmed kratos is biological father

Sony easily has by far the biggest announced lineup going into e3, the problem though is that it seems like this year will be the year of updates and release dates from the past 2 years. If they manage to somehow surprise us again than they have it in the bag

>Death Stranding.
I wish. It seems Kojima cares more about which Hollywood actor he can throw in.

They still got new sucker punch IP to reveal

SJW or not, at the very least games on Sony platforms don't get censored.


Yes but that's kind of expected at this point

I think everyone knows. But it's just a fun joke. I mean, they have the same ash color skin, and I think the son has a scar similar to Kratos' tattoos.

And SMT V is still Switch exclusive, LMAO


For all we know it's a sequel to #FE.

Wtf SMT 5 is coming to the ps4? Nice!

>How can Sony win E3 this year?

It doesn't, PC always wins

>Switch exclusive

I haven't watched E3 in years.
Is it still 98% social media and 2% games?

How about showing some games that we will be actually playing before next e3.

Nice delusions

Few more weeks Nintenigger...

>last E3
>DMC5 omg confirmed, get hype
>doesn't happen

>OMG DMC5 for sure, HYPE
>doesn't happen

are we going to repeat this every year?

A new Armored Core

DMC5 is confirmed faggot

>Literally called SMT V
Are you retarded?

More or less. Last year was pretty great for Nintendo and Sony. I recommend re-watching them. Sony put on a pretty decent performance with no breaks, while Nintendo showed off Zelda extensively.

that a new one is being made is pretty much confirmed, but I doubt they'd show that at E3

>Kid inherits the only 2 traits that Kratos wasn't actually born with

They better make DMC 5 for PC from the start.

Ah yes, the crying laughter of salty Sonygers who can't face reality.. Truly it's the most delicious sound in the world to hear roaches delude themselves.

Neither of those would be Sony exclusive, so no, even if they were announced, they wouldn't make Sony "win" anything.

Something something Ghost of Sparta, I killed my wife and daughter.

As for the face, he maybe a cutter for all we know.

Sony already won. They fucked your mom while you were posting this and now she's pregnant.

I don't know but i know they'll win my heart if they showcase some faith in, and AAA titles for, PSVR.

>Neither of those would be Sony exclusive
ACis made by From and From still owns Sony an exclusive title or two so...

It doesn't matter if they are exclusive, it would make a exciting conference announcement

Disregard what i said, i wasn't paying attention.

>>Outlived and outsold the Wii U
Yeah right, I can't wait for all the Vita announcements at E3.

Armored Core 4 was also on X360

armored core might be

it's also rumored to be a VR project, so rather than bother supporting multiple devices or having versions without VR support, they may just stick to PS VR

Phantom Wail, PS4 Exclusive by Fromsoftware, directed by Miyazaki

Soulsborne with a tribal/aztec/japanese hybrid fantasy setting, releasing March 2018.

Been in development since before main BB development finished.

There are no longer movesets bound to weapons. The movesets are apart of your character and you have more of a kung fu/moveset system that you use to create your own movesets and styles with whatever weapons you choose to use.

No son, you have to wait for TGS or Jump Festa.

>I can't wait for all the Vita announcements at E3.
That new Vanillaware game that's on the Vita is getting more info this E3 so...>Armored Core 4 was also on X360
And Dark Souls was on 360, that didnt stop From from making an exclusive Souls title on PS4

Bullshit but i believe it

>exclusive Souls title on PS4

I'm saying Armored Core probably won't be an exclusive, if Sony has any power over FromSoft it would just be a timed exclusive

>if Sony has any power over FromSoft
They do, as long as they pay for the development costs, a new AC being exclusive is a possibility

Fromsoftware+Japan Studio=Victory
>Bloodborne II
>Demons Souls Remastered
>Armored Core reboot exclusive


>But wield it with entirely thrust movement attacks like a blunt spear

>Sword user who primarily holds it pommel facing and uses it more as a mace to bash shit in and then cleave/poke occasionally using the actual blade


>another fucking Remaster for the Remasterstation4
Sonnyggers, ladies and gents.

Just Bloodborne II please. I think Demon Souls remaster would just be over doing it at this point. Funny how the best souls games are on PlayStation exclusive.

I kinda want something new from Japan Studio all together. Maybe another platformer akin to their last one, "Puppeteer."

Meanwhile there's a thousand threads on Sup Forums now about some Monster Hunter port coming to the Switch

If Sony shows Bloodborne II, MS might as well close fucking shop and go home early. Maybe next year when halo 6 or whatever is ready

It would make money. The Souls train is moving pretty fast right now. It would be smart.

I dunno, maybe some details on God of War, show some combat and make it look good or something.

Maybe show Last of Us 2.

Work out a deal with R* to show RDR2

proper gameplay footage of FFVII remake exclusive to the sony conference, ideally not leaked beforehand.
announcement of a new crash bandicoot game alongside more footage of the remakes (though I imagine that's something they'll save for PS experience if it sells well), new sucker punch game, either a new infamous or maybe even a sly reboot.

really I think sony has the easiest time to just coast on this E3. There's a ton of games coming out that people KNOW about, that they can fill time with. destiny 2 is gonna be huge, whatever exclusive shit i'm sure PS is getting over the other versions will make a shitstorm.

That said, whatever EA's """"conference"""" (prebaked videos like a nintendo thing, so worthless) is might subtract some hype cause rumor is they're dumping some new IPs out, with a lesser focus on their sports properties. Dunno how true that is though.

Microsoft has the most to gain here. They can either make a smash hit with the scorpio, or totally fuck it up. I'm leaning towards them doing the latter. It's super finnicky, the price of the specs just seem too high to be able to be sold at anything resembling a reasonable price. A $500 price for something that's going to be playing games that are downgraded to play on an original xbone is WAY too high of a price. I guess a $400 price point could be reasonable, it would match the pro, and might make it a worthwhile competitor.

ubisoft is just shitting out the same stuff as always. south park trailer, just dance, new tom clancy game & DLC for existing ones, for honor section, rabbids, then far cry as the banner.

bethesda, who the fuck knows. obviously announcing a new TES or fallout.

Don't get your hopes up, Miyazaki said in an interview that if a Demon's Souls remaster happens it would have to be done by a 3rd party dev team

oh my sweet baby. you poor sweet little baby child. Rest your little baby head on my bosom and forget your trouble, momma will protect you from this harsh world

Gonna be another glorious E3 when MS chokes yet again and Jez Corden, CrapGamer and Paul Thurrott have to try and convince everyone they didn't yet again.


The Scorpio is gonna BTFO Sony any other way.

Bluepoint is the king at remasters

Screen cap it if you want. If it isn't at E3 it'll be at PSX.

Sony isn't gonna stop chasing after the handheld.

>Sony "won" 2015 with FF7, Shenmue 3, and The Last Guardian
>The Last Guardian was okay
>Shenmue 3 is a kickstarter, with basically no progress since its announcement
>FF7 is episodic, but the first episode is literally years away

Evidently, all they have to do to win is announce some game people are looking forward to, then wait until people forget about it.

Final Fantasy Versus XV

Literally the best E3 in years.

Bloodborne II and Demon's Souls II

This. Why did you think PS4 sold 30m over two years of nogames?

You think it would've done half as well had Microsoft not Mattricked so hard it forfeited any chance of victory before it even launched?

Kojimbo with Death Stranding trailer featuring some triple A female actress probably.
GoW, Insomniacs Spider-Man, Days Gone, some new ip's and sequels.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand KNACK 2