He buys games but pirates music

>he buys games but pirates music

I do what I want hoe ass nigga

>he buys games but pirated photoshop

Why even bother when there's Spotiy or Amazon Prime?

I buy games on sale and pirate music because the music industry is sheer cancer that should be destroyed.

i pirate everything hehe

>He buys any kind of software

Actually, most of my money goes to buying music, merch, and tickets.

>tfw walking into design classes with pirated CS6 and font packages

I dont get Taylor Swift on Spotify

Merch and ticket sales are the only money a band will ever see, album sales are meaningless due to Jew publishers.

Are there any sites to pirate books?

Fuck off Sup Forums.

Most bands I listen to are pretty small, and I buy them from their own stores or their small labels which I don't mind supporting.

>pirate music
heres your song, have fun
>pirate game
ok go to this russian site click the third button from the left but NOT ANY OF THE OTHERS that one installs about 6 botnets. Unzip these files, then unzip them again, then rezip them with different encoding, then unzip them with this password thats buried in some random text file. Ignore all the AV warnings and phone calls from bill gates himself telling you not to install this because its a new antibiotic super aids cooked up in the deepest recesses of Africa, open up the keygen which is gonna blare some shitty techno song so loud at you that you black out for like an hour, copy the key then regen a few times because it only works half the time, then once you've input your credit card you're good to go. Oh by the way the game only runs for like 10 minutes, you cant save, and after you run it once it deletes itself and all your other files. ENJOY LAUGHING AT DUM WAGEFAGGOTS XD

Library genesis

>here's your song, have fun
Remember when all you had to do was Google the album name and Mediafire? Good times. Also R.I.P. What.

I stopped pirating games when Steam got good
Music services still suck

just replace mediafire with tpb

>he doesn't know how to browse the internet safely


>Pirate music
Easy as fuck to do

>Pirate games
>PM'd the fix ;)
>Works on my machine ;)

I think you're just too retarded to pirate games user

you musicfags really are showing your stupidity here

name me a crack:
- released in the past year
- for a game that was on steam top sellers
- made the game work flawlessly
- was easy to implement
- didnt require you to browse commu-net

I think you're in 5th grade and haven't developed decent reading comprehension skills. OP's argument was why would people pirate music but buy games, pirating games is, as you state in your point, more complicated than pirating music, which is my response to OP's point. Also go to bed user you've got school in the morning.

Any crack done by a competent cracking team? You only have yourself to blame for being retarded and downloading dolphin.exe

I might consider paying for music if every music client wasn't fucking shit. Same for movies. If anyone invented an interface as serviceable as steam for music or movies I'd hop on it.

Soulseek has been my best friend now.

Since you apparently cant read and didn't bother to actually reference a specific crack:
Shitshow at release, game crashed every two seconds, game was garbage without a mod that COULDN'T BE PLAYED ON CRACKED COPIES
Bugs out the ass including one that wiped save data, requires a fucking third party 'steam emulator' that means you cant add it to your library for big picture, more russian garbage.

I could keep going past the two most anticipated cracks of this entire gen, but I'll take pity.

Still doesn't make you not retarded user


Buying music doesn't get musicians shit merch and concert sales are where they make money.

Music doesn't have sales like games do. Or can I buy albums for $1?

ok I'll bite
you dk realize the modder made the mod SPECIFICALLY so that it would check if you had a legitimate cooy or not? not the crackers fault nier runs like shit, they gave you the game, blame the modder for locking you out
All those bugs were in the original version though?
>name me a crack:
>- released in the past year
>- for a game that was on steam top sellers
>- made the game work flawlessly
>- was easy to implement
>- didnt require you to browse commu-net
your little petty gripe with not being able to show off your pirate status on steam doesn't match up with your little fibs.
you want refrences I'll give em to you
>Gta 5
>witcher 3
>no man's sky
i could go on, if you want me to

>he streams anime because there isn't a point in watching high quality if you are only going to watch it once

Pirating video games works the same as pirating music for me.

I'm as likely to buy Age of Empires 2 as I am to buy Dark Side of the Moon

deep web

You downloaded shit cracks. On denuvo games you have to wait, won't be perfect cracks on day 1. They have perfect cracks now, installed Prey couple days ago and it just works, no steam emulator needed

I'm too lazy to download music. However, no paid services offers a wide enough variety of music. I'm talking everything from 20 year old vidya soundtracks to obscure Japanese music.
So I just end up finding whatever I like on YouTube, and saving it to favorites.

I buy games but pirate books. Got about 4000 just sitting on my hard drive, waiting to be transferred to my kindle.

>have literally over 2000 albums on my pc
No shit I'm not gonna pay for every single fucking album. If I like an artist I'll buy a fucking t-shirt.

I'd like to download anime but I'm afraid of my ISP throttling my internet

last I checked Video Game publishers dont take down youtube videos containing video games, Nintenjew is the exception of course, that's why all their games deserve to be pirated

>pirate music
is this 2001?