When did it become cool to pretend this game is bad? I see a lot of unnecessary hate for it and I can't see any way to possibly justify it all.
When did it become cool to pretend this game is bad...
Its popular, that's why.
Easy (You)s kid. That's all we cares bout these days.
This is a good game, I really wanted to like it, but it doesn't interest me enough to play it over say V or IX
The worst is the overrated meme. Every time a thread pops up there's bound to be a group of people who's first thought is to call it overrated.
That's the defining characteristic to them, which is sad.
This board is only about (you)s now which is fucking pathetic. Why can't we just talk about games.
How many of the "overrated" crowd do you think have actually played it for more than 15 minutes, or at all? I'd be willing to bet the percentage is pretty low.
only contrarians would ever talk shit about this game in order to look elite. too bad they look like fucking dopes in reality though.
Childhood was fapping to Tifa
Adulthood is lusting after Yuffie
People were way more contrarian to this game about 5 years ago than they are now,
Not everyone is a borderline pedophile.
>it's good because Sup Forums hates it meme
I always lusted to Yuffie
Only reasonable choice
>tumblr nose
>but also blatantly showing off her tits
I'm so confused
Only 2 things exist on tumblr: SJWs, and a metric shitton of porn.
>it's bad because Sup Forums hates it meme
It can go both ways, nigger.
Overrated=has flaws, its like the weakest criticism.
In the early 00's, "Cloud is Emo" somehow became a meme, and it stuck. Which extended into disdain towards the game itself.
>Overrated=has flaws
No overrated means the general consensus on its quality is higher than it deserves.
Gackt was a mistake
And people spin that opinion into "it's a shitty game" because they're retarded.
It's all Advent Children's fault.
The internet was very different when it released but I can assure you that I don't remember this game getting nearly the amount of hate you see it get these days going on for so long.
I think what happened here with this game is it was very liked for awhile but then as more 3D games with big worlds, fun gameplay and stories came out and with a lot of contrarians liking to be negative for the sake of being negative it eventually became cool to hate on FFVII. Especially because of how well received it was when it came out.
What the youngfags here don't realize is when this game came out at the time there was pretty much nothing truly like it. Same goes for tons of games from that era. The PS1/N64/Saturn days saw a lot of new never before seen or done shit that for lack of a better way of putting it, was basically the experimental building phase of gaming. A lot of great games were built in these times as well as a bunch of shit that has become forgotten about.
So point is, just because your underaged ass wasn't alive at the time does not mean the game was bad. And for those of you who (because lets face it it is bound to happen) would reply to me saying oh but I am 25+ years old and always thought FFVII sucked your opinion is still irrelevant to my point. The point is FFVII was essentially a first of its kind and it was done well enough that it has an eternal fanbase that is never going to die just because you think the game wasn't all that great.
Just ignore contrarians. Few people know how to give actually good constructive criticism on the internet. Above all, FFVII is a historic and important game in the history of gaming.
To be fair it was going around on the internet before advent children.
>>It's all Advent Children's fault.
The meme came about loooonnnggg before Advent Children. AC only cemented it.
>but I can assure you that I don't remember this game getting nearly the amount of hate you see it get these days
Really? I thought it got hated way more a few years back, when people would kneejerk rail against anything they saw as "emo"
Are you ready for E3?
It's not bad, but it's way overrated because it's most kiddies first jrpg ever.
FF7's story isn't anything special. In fact, the previous one FF6 has a way better story but since it's not kiddies first FF game, most of them claim it's shit.
Don't kid yourself, there's always been people trying to get a rise out of other people on this board. Tripfagging, console wars, Goodraposting, Toddposting, this board is shit, has always been shit.
Even on the early days of the internet, it became super popular. In turn, many FF6 enthusiasts got super jealous and went hipster mode, "y'all aren't REAL FF fans." This group really started the movement of trying to tear FF7 down and it has morphed and transformed from there. It's why Cloud would always win best character tournaments and stuff like this for years on end. And people would continue to get triggered. Until it became some symbolic, about who could dethrone cloud, for example Microsoft did some shit with a halo character nobody cares about etc.
But in the end, it doesn't really matter how much they tear it down, because whatever people say, the reason people try to tear FF7 down so much is because it's the true king. That's why it draws so much jealousy, envy, and hate from would be usurpers. It's why magazines try to humiliate their fans for clickbait, etc. and why in the end, it doesn't matter.
I'm not saying other games are not good or don't have their merits, and saying this will piss off a lot of hipsters, but the dynamics of it and the gravity of FF7 are undeniable. Once you understand this framework, all the noise is predictable.
>being okay with a slut that wears open shorts and steals your Materia
You never grew up, or you'd know just how good of a choice Tifa is.
Honestly I have two criticisms. Firstly, I honestly didn't feel it lived up to FF6,or for that matter, Chrono Trigger in terms of gameplay or story. When playing the game I felt that the only time any character really shined were when they used limit breaks, as opposed to FF6 where I have a favorite party for a very good reason. Sabin can blitz, Edgar has a chainsaw, Gau can be the monster of my choice and Gogo can do all of that at once, plus each of them has different sets of magic they've learned, GOGO doesn't even have Fire, because I skipped straight to fire 3.
In FF7 any of the characters can do anything you have materia slots for, which meant they were almost always carbon copies of each other, furthermore the only reason to swap party members was to make sure they leveled evenly. I hate the fact that this game was and is more popular than 6 when it wasn't as good.
My second criticism is more a PS1 era criticism in general: It is my opinion that the 32 bit sprites looked better than the lego blocks that everyone was in 1995 3d games. I honestly felt that games should have remained 2d until they could make them look good in 3d. Which only further compliments complaint 1, ff6 also looked better in my opinion.
>to get a rise out of people
I don't understand user. We're just having fun and talking about how you might want to purchase the Fallout 4 GOTY and Skyrim Remastered. I wouldn't call that shitposting or trolling, we're all so friendly about it.
I'm hoping for more from it.
The impression I get is that a lot of people are mad that VI doesn't get as much recognition as VII so they shit on VII relentlessly to vent. It gives VI fans a bad name and that, in turn, gives VI a bad vibe. It's funny. They love the game so much they created a bad first impression of it.
>better story
Bullshit. FF7 builds its fucking world, every NPC has a story. FF6 is a manic, bipolar mess, the CW Channel of Final Fantasy.
The game always was pretty average run of the mill late 90s jrpg.
Problem is babbies first jrpg so its the greatest thing ever made and has zero flaws.
When you have an entire fanbase that basically circle jerks to that you get people on the opposite end saying its the worse thing ever.
Also the numerous shitty spin-off/prequels/sequels including that God awful film has clouded peoples perception and memory of the actual game.
Unfortunately when people think of Cloud's character, they think of the AC version (which is nothing even remotely close to the original). Cloud wasn't a depressed little whiny cunt in the original like in that shitty film, he was pretty upbeat and likeable other than when he turns into a batshit crazy cripple after Aeris dies for like an hour.
I shouldn't have giggled at that because I know the pun wasn't intended
>FF6 has a good story
No it doesn't
Most of the "fans" havent even played it or made it past the first city
In fairness Midgar is like a full 10 hours.
>I thought it got hated way more a few years back
Not for the first few years after it came out. In fact I remember on gamefaqs a long time ago (if you guys hate gamefaqs calm the fuck down this was long ago and I was young) they ran a poll of GOAT game and FFVII went up against OOT in the final poll and I'm pretty sure I remember FFVII winning.
I also remember hearing nothing but praise really for the game from others. But on the internet any game sites I used to go to it was definitely almost a unanimous praise. In fact many people in the US never even really heard of FF series before VII. The PS1 is what made the series a household name thanks a lot to VII being as successful as it was.
Like I said though, years later there eventually was a huge backlash on the game. It just wasn't as fast as people seem to think. Back then people didn't get as bored so easily about things and back then the internet was way fucking slower thanks to shit like dial up.
iphone shit, entitled little fucks and social media culture has created more cancerous people. These types weren't as prevalent in the 90's. It was a lot easier to like lots of games back then. I never had any friends that were actually into this console war shit like you see with people now. Didn't matter if they didn't have all the consoles. We all simply liked video games. Negative fucks came on the internet a lot later on. Although I wouldn't want to ever go back to slow as shit internet again thats for sure.
i-it was totally intentionally!
>Not for the first few years after it came out.
No I mean like 5-6 years ago. It isn't as hated now as it was then.
And is one of the best sections of the entire game. Really, everything involving Shinra was great. Sephiroth was a fucking mistake.
Fuck off kid, everything about Sephiroth is pure kino
I disagree because I loved the flashback sequence with him and how he tied into Cloud's past and his desire to be stronger.
I just really like the setting and the music and the comfy prerendered backgrounds
>Sephiroth was a fucking mistake.
Nigga Nibleheim was the most GOAT moment in the game.
I'll admit when I was a kid I never got very far past Midgar because I was an idiot and bad at the game (I couldn't figure out how to catch a chocobo and I'm autistic), but even then the game left a lasting impact on me, and a few years ago I got it again, finally finished it, and had a great time with it. desu I wish I had held on to my childhood playstation and kept at it, but better late than never.
>Jessie in the background
>bait asking why people bait
Inception bait(?)
You might be correct but I'd bet it is because they are finally remaking it so a lot that liked the game came back to talk about it and drowned out the contrarians a bit.
This game like many others seems to have a love/hate cycle to it. Right now the like cycle is probably stronger than the hate cycle by a bit. When it comes to Sup Forums though a lot of the hate shit is probably driven by few or even 1 neckbeard that wants to get his lulz in. Think of that guy who tried to spread the sickdark meme for bloodborne. It was all the same guy doing those threads.
>Midgar is like a full 10 hours
In the remake, hopefully.
Midgar is cool as fuck but unless you drop the controller to jerk off to Tifa you'll be out of the city two hours into the game and then forced to sit through some boring and tedious shit until Junon (or Fort Condor if you find it).
Meh I think it was Cloud's cameo in Kingdom Hearts. Which sort of worked given his smalltime arch. Its just from there came Advent Children's emo Cloud, which again made sense given the story. But then it just stuck and every time we've seen him since its "Let's mopey"
I personally blame the VA Steve Burton. His voice has the right pitch for what I expected Cloud to sound like but he seems to only be able to do sad or serious emotions. He never sounds badass and I'm afraid he never will. I guess we'll see.
Believe what you want but I'm being completely serious.
why is it that everybody who likes final fantasy 7 on here don't like crisis core, dirge of cerberus, or advent children? it's literally the same in-universe shit.
my first game from the series was dirge of cerberus, then crisis core. and i never beat the main game, but got pretty far. it doesn't seem all that different to me from crisis core
7fags are such thin skinned little cunts
>"wahh stop insulting my overrated pile of shit with outdated graphics that weren't even that good for 1997"
It's the definition of baby's first JRPG so they can't accept that it wasn't even as good as 6 and Chrono Trigger.
And there have been plenty of JRPGs in the last 20 years that are far better. And no Persona drones, your anime high school dating sim isn't one of them.
I prefer when FF games are single game self contained stories. I think they ruin themselves when they try to expand beyond the base game. Traditionally FF games were basically what their title said. They had a pretty unique thing going in gaming. No other series really ever did sequels like this and Square Enix just fucked it all up even though I understand why they did.
From someone who was alive when the original game came out and played it in it's day,
I never had any interest in the spin offs and Advent Children is just bad. I can't really put my finger on why it's bad, though. It's just something about the way it's paced I guess. Watch it and hopefully you'll understand.
Because those are poorly written garbage that fundamentally change the characters since they weren't made by the same writer.
Nomura changed a lot of the characters personalities to suit he's ideal vision of what they should be like, when originally he was only the visual character designer, and even at that he only adapted the original artist's designs in a more "modern" manga style to compliment the polygon graphics of the PS1.
It's not bad, just not as good as 8.
Same reason why Kinoiseurs hate shitty unnecessary sequels and prequels to good movies that retroactively ruin the originals.
I totally understand the hate on the fact that there were no real classes in FFVII and that it just depended on Materia.
But when you think about it, a lot of the FF's have done something similar 8,10, and 12 all had essentially a leveling up system that allowed any character to use any technique. I do hope that there is a bit more specialty to each of the characters this time around.
When Nintendo drones started infesting this board like roaches.
Yeah, I feel you, bro. You're not a REAL final fantasy fan unless VI is your favorite and VII is your least favorite.
Upboated. Stay epic XD
>kid thinks ff6 or CT are good because he's seem them on some gamespot toplist
>hasn't played either
>hasn't played the true best JRPG of all time: Terranigma
But Covenant was the third best Alien film after Alien and Aliens.
>plus each of them has different sets of magic they've learned,
>In FF7 any of the characters can do anything you have materia slots for, which meant they were almost always carbon copies of each other
Wut. Characters in VI can just as easily become carbon copies of each other due to Espers.
I would like to lick Yuffie's armpits.
I have a feeling the Remake will make Midgar huge and throw all sorts of side missions in there so that the whole first episode lasts til you escape
How do you post this without doing any research?
Nojima wrote the original FFVII and he was the writer on AC, BC and CC.
Nomura created the original characters and their personalities. Nojima and Kitase then fleshed out the characters and base story Nomura wrote.
It's literally all in the credits, how can you be this daft?
Oh boy. You are doing it very wrong.
Dont get me wrong, I thought Crisis Core was okay. But Dirge was really bad, and I'm a huge FFVII jerkoff. AC was a fun film but it messed up a lot of stuff from the original.
Play VII all the way through. Try to forget all the other shit.
1997. It started with people clamoring about FF3/6 being better.
I can remember not even knowing about the previous games before VII came out. The only indication I had that there were 6 previous games was the fact that it was called VII.
Add me on Steam.
Its weird how easily accepted the "VII" was by most people.
It's the most popular FF, so hipsters and contrarians all jump on the band wagon.
See 7fags have no counter argument. I doubt you've played with 6 or CT cause if you did you'd know both are far better than 7.
Grandia came out a few months after 7 and it's better than it too.
This is the only defense VII fans have. Sad.
I would argue that, while the spritework in FF6 is way more visually pleasing than the Popeye models in FF7, 7's pre-rendered backgrounds more than compensated. Plus, 7 had some pretty nice looking in-battle models, though of course that also applies to 6.
I also disagree when it comes to the battle systems, though only partially. FF6's characters are probably a bit more unique overall, but it really just boils down to their "special trick". When it comes to stat growths and spells, they're even easier to customize than the characters in 7, who have at least somewhat noticeable differences in their base stat growths.
You can't hide from the truth, hipster.
I first played it 2 years ago and stopped some time after leaving Midgar when it became a slog,around 10 hours or so.
It was pretty easy and nothing groundbreaking to me,but I haven't finished so I guess there was something really good left in the game to people hype that much.
That or normalfags being retardes again.
Also I don't see any way to justify your anger either. If you dislike the game that much, why do you come into this thread and talk shit about it when you could be doing more meaningful things with your life?
I'm sorry, hold the fuck up.
Yuffie is a slut for wearing her shorts unbuttoned, but Tifa, whose cleavage is longer than her skirt, who runs a fucking bar, is pure and innocent? How do you even begin to reach this conclusion?
What's the point in him disliking something popular if nobody knows about it?
You've got a good point there, user.
desu Tifa isn't as slutty as people make her out to be.
I liked ffvii when I was 10 or 11. Played that shit nonstop until I beat it. My parents at the time went to work before I went to school, and my older and younger siblings also left to school earlier than I did, so I just didn't go to school 2 days in a row so I could sit at home and play it. The problem there was that they all came home before I was supposed to come back from school and sometimes they'd be passing by while I was walking home if they were running late, so I would have to leave the house an hour before I was supposed to be home to go dick around near the school with my backpack on and then start walking home when everyone else left.
ANYWAY...here we are like 17 years after I played it, tried to do it again, and I just can't fucking stand it. It's just so fucking boring. I don't really like turn based combat anymore I guess, and the story just isn't compelling. I've had better since, so my opinion of it from when I was 10 doesn't stand anymore. Still love playing Sid Myers pirates for the NES, though.
I thought the same thing. Kid doesn't know what cleavage is, only that it has something to do with tits.
Heartbreaking, desu. Sounds like you never really liked it and only ever played it because it was a video game in your house that took you away for a while.
I've never played it. JRPGs and mostly anything made by the Japs never jived with me, but in all fairness, I can see the appeal.
Everyone loves it because they played it growing up, and have strong memories and feelings with it.
I wouldn't fault anyone for hating on Xexyz, yet I loved it.
It is literally *tips fedora*, the video game, but I don't think anyone thinks it's bad.
(You) are clearly fishing for replies yourself, because this is the dumbest post I've read all day.
The fedora tippers are contrarians, though. FFVII is the normie option. If anything is tips fedora: the video game it's VI.
Eh, I think 7 is much cringier and more fedora than 6, but they're both fantastic fucking games.
I replayed Final Fantasy 5,6,7,8,&10 within the last 2 years. I'm currently halfway through my replay of IX.
Final Fantasy 7 is one of the best Final Fantasy games if not the best. Every aspect of the game is amazing except for the field character models.
Heartbreaking? No, I played it because at the time I loved it. I was actually bored with video games around that time because I had been playing them for as far back as I can remember. Played the fuck out of super Mario land and f-15 stealth eagle on the Gameboy, all the sonic games on genesis, and then my brother would let me play wolfenstein and doom on his computer when I was like 2 or 3 years old. I remember being 3 or 4 years old and sneaking out of bed at night to play sonic 3. I had just worn myself out on video games, and then ffvii came along. It was my first rpg, and I loved it. Went right from that to ffix. At 10, I thought those stories were great, and the game play was novel to me. Now, well, I'm tired of fucking video games again, and that may be why I can't stand it anymore. Dark souls was to me now what ffvii was back then. I've got at least a good 1000 hours between the 3 of them and bloodborne, but now everything else seems boring, especially anything turn based. Had mentioned something to my wife about nier automata and she went out and bought it for me. I think that's boring shit too, but I have to play it so that she can believe she done good. Anyway, my point is I'm tired as hell right now and what the fuck am I going on about?
Final Fantasy 4 baby.
>contrived fake deaths and mind control: the game
Around 2002 exactly.
Source: I'm 36 years old