He doesn't own a Switch

>He doesn't own a Switch

Explain yourself

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It still has only one good game and I have botw on my wiiu.

I'll get it eventually, but I have a feeling they'll release a "Switch Lite" or something, and I feel like it'd be better to wait for that.

>he falseflags for the switch on Sup Forums

>advocating for anybody to own the most underpowered and currently least substantial system on the market, which has only been available at retail for 3 months

The only person whose actions deserve an explanation are your own. Until Nintendo can convince me otherwise, the Switch is the Wii U 2.0 in my eyes.

>paid online

No games, not even Wii U backwards compatible, not even store purchases carry over.

There isn't one in stock in my area, and fuck paying 400 dollars to scalpers for one

No games yet

Not a Nintenbro.

Seems that she's getting quite popular now, guess her design actually benefited her and the show despite having boring characters in it

but i got it last week and it's been consuming my life ever since

Becauae they're only available through dickhead scalpers right now

Stop trying to force your stupid beaner waifus

I don't think tegras are capable of running games well and breath of the wild's performance in addition to indies such as snake pass running at significantly below HD resolutions prove that to be true.

What are you talking about?

One game system no thanks might as well get a shitty ps4 with bloodborne



you know you like it

I can entertain myself with one quality console instead of 5

No real 3rd party support
I don't give a fuck about any Nintendo franchise

bruh, who dis?



my wife

why would I want a overpriced yet underpowered shitconsole with shitty gimmick games?

>wah wah hoo! bing bing!

I already have a port machine called the Vita.

>that rabbit

>Switch is the Wii U 2.0

I'd be down with that. Wii U was basically Dreamcast 2.0 anyway.

What are you going to do about it, nerd?

no it wasn't, because the Dreamcast was actually good and games got ported FROM it, not TO it

I don't want to pay +$100 what it's worth on Amazon.

Please enable me. I really want to play Arms.

>the Dreamcast was actually good and games got ported FROM it, not TO it

Right, I totally forgot how many of the big releases in the past few months were former Wii U exclusives. Oh wait. LCU, MK8, BotW...

this rabbit is not for lewd