Resident Evil Thread

Are you ready for REMAKE 2?

Jill best RE grill. All other sloots need not apply.

And yes, I am ready.

I hope something is shown at E3. Though I am also excited for Not a Hero.

Well, the new movie comes out in two days in Japan. God knows how long till the thing's up on bluray or torrent but at least it's something to look forward to.

what will clarie look like?

What's the shitstorm going to be like if they announce that REmake 2 will be a fps like RE7 or a tps like RE4?

Like the perfect goddess she is.

Well a lot of people just won't buy it.

Well, that one's a bit outdated specially with the Chrises but that Jill at the end, what's that from?

I want to say I won't buy it but who am I kidding, I'd need to play it. Re2 is my favorite in the series

I think re2 wouldn't be bad as a third person shooter but with much less crazy action like in 5 going on, if done right I think it'd be pretty enjoyable. Best case scenario is straight up REmake treatment though

For real? Nope
I just doubt that they still have the magic that made REmake work...heck the people that made Remake are still on Capcom?

I am more interested in not a Hero and mostly RE7 third story DLC

Holy fuck Jill and Claire are getting too old...feels bad man

I'm looking forward to this as well, but this series has particular charm for me because of 3rd person view. FPS just wouldn't work.

I want to believe that it'll be good but I know it's probably gonna be anus

they might have an unlock-able FPS mode like CV

Would anyone be against another game with chris & jill as protags? I wouldn't mind at all. Also idk how capcom hasn't tried a chris and leon game.

>chris and leon game.

Don't worry, maybe this will be a first step, though Chris in game looks boring now

I've been ready. I just want to see it already.

Well the majority wants it to be like REmake, so expect high levels of rage if it's not.

>Also idk how capcom hasn't tried a chris and leon game.

i see what you did there

I don't get it

Then I just wouldn't buy it, like every RE game after 4. If they want sales they need to pander to the core RE fans. Not saying a FPS will automatically suck seeing as RE4 didn't follow the status quo, and was pretty successful. I just wouldn't mind going back to basics, especially since we just got a FPS RE.

id love tps

yeah its kind of weird how they just stopped making games after re4, like how theres no "DMC2" game
one would think that capcom would take advantage of how successful re4 was and crank out a lot more games.
instead its been 12 years of pure silence, HD remakes aside.

Maybe its for the best

just a reminder that Ada Wong is canon best girl

That's a weird way to spell "Rebecca".

>all the horrible taste in best girls ITT
Here's the REAL BEST GIRL you fucking faggots

You LITERALLY cannot prove me wrong


shut it, whore!


Real best girl reporting in


>shows her bare feet
>not sloot

I like your choice user


You're all fucking faggots and Excella is best at dying.

Blu-ray gets released July 18th.

>tfw Sherry will never crawl in front of you
>tfw she won't stop suddenly and you accidentaly ram your face into her ass

Operation Raccoon City, I think.

I would eat the shit straight out of her asshole


Why would anyone like her, such annoying character

>tfw dynamic shadows are still not standard in modern Triple A games

>no RE7 Chris
>inb4 "hurr its not him"
Update it.

>was looking forward to Chris + Leon gameplay in RE6
>we just get a race
At least Vendetta will be out soon.


You didn't even say that there is no Rev2 Claire but said about RE7 """CHRIS REDFIELD"""

can a man really have such terrible taste?
please tell me youre shitposting

As I said, the image needs updating.

REmake 2: Vaporware edition

>short hair
>blue eyes
>southern bell
>had a nice family
>lives the comfy life in an RV
>can smoke together
My taste is top of the line, sir.


I am genuinely disgusted. And sad.
But mostly disgusted

Reminder that there's a mod to add her to Dead or Alive 5

Nobody likes Becky or Beckyfags

>you will never fuck her as you plant your face into her breasts
>you will never smell and taste her sweat and perfume as she moans in your ear and plays in your hair
>she's only 25
My cock can't take it.

>that last Jill

What the fuck is that from

Operation Raccoon City

If nobody liked Becky there wouldn't be Beckyfags.

>tfw you love all the RE girls and can't pick a favorite

Fuck that, I'd take her out to really fancy restaurants and whenever I got horny I'd bring her to a secluded corner and shoot a load onto her chest after fucking her throat for awhile.

Then I'd force her to finish the meal without cleaning up.


Jill will always be my favorite, probably because she was one of my earliest boners.
But I do have a soft spot for Sherry and Moira.

Literally trailer park tier.

REmake Jill?

Don't be absurd, Sherry doesn't poop!

>if nobody liked bad things bad things wouldn't exist
Can't stop people from having shit taste user

>you will never be kidnapped with sherry and have to escape a chinese stronghold with her

>those dirty panties

>you will never get the money to build your own house and fill it with puzzles

she didnt have anything to change into,
, you cant blame her

Nice excuse.

You will never watch sherry get B.O.W'd

>what is rule34
user you are missing out on so much.

I'm ready for Jill's lips on my dick.

... you think I was born yesterday? It's not the same

these lips are not for lewd

>kill fan game so you can make official game
>forget to make official game


Yeah right, those lips are made for cock sucking.

Capcom's new logo should just says OOOOPS in the same font. Their slogan should be "my bad".

re7 just got released tho

Those are extremely kissable.

No original Jill. I keep forgetting that I'm probably too old for Sup Forums and a lot of the faggots here spent their childhoods playing REmake and 4.