MGS4 is one of the most beautiful looking games of all time and the best in the series

>MGS4 is one of the most beautiful looking games of all time and the best in the series

fight me

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ya man the blurrier it is the prettier amirite boys

but 4 is awesome

Aside from the bland color scheme, MGS4 does still look pretty fucking nice. I think it's the slightly anime-'d faces they went with instead of going for realism.

By the amount of skyrim modded screenshots Sup Forums posts, I think most people believe that

It really is, people shit on it because muh nostalgia for the older games.

That final fight though

While I'm a huge fan of 4 for a multitude of reasons, it's nowhere near the best in the series
That said, it does really look good to this day.

As for pure graphics, obviously Phantom Pain is the best far and away
God It'd be so much better if they only focused on Xbone and PS4 instead of making it on the shitty old systems as well
What a fucking waste.

Not enough gameplay overall but I ain't gonna argue.

It has more gameplay than any of the previous titles, go fuck yourself pal

Well trying to be nice got me nowhere, so fuck you too, asshole.

Too bad only the first two Acts have actual MGS gameplay. The rest is a nostalgia wankfest for retards who wanted more cutscenes.

Stealth is the easiest its been in the series until Metal Gear Solid "wallhacks are a gamepmay element" V came out, had the worst environments, worst AI, worst bosses besides PWs, as well as having the worst cutscene to gameplay ratio of the entire series.

I wouldn't call it the best in the series, but its got some of the best gameplay in the series and a lot of room to just fuck around
big boss emblem and chicken emblem runs especially

>he played with Casual elements on

>worst environments
>when most of the bases are better designed than anything in 4

>worst bosses
Close, PW were shittier. Also the only good one in 4 was Crying Wolf.

>worst cutscene to gameplay ratio
That's because the pacing is fucking retarded.

I say this because you said something I don't agree with then backed off saying you're not going to argue. You're not nice, you're just a pussy, know the difference

best stealth gameplay in the entire series.
retarded fan service story but is an emotional rollercoaster 1s time you lay it


And you're just a cocksucking retard who likes interactive movies. Kill yourself.

I cant believe people think one fight redeems the absolute SHITHEAP that you have to get through

Cry me a river cuck, suggesting suicide only shows you have nothing to fall back on. You are the real asshole

It's not even a great fight, it's fanservice garbage

It's beautiful if you like browns, greys, and yellows.

MGR or bust, faggots

Im a dick, not an asshole. Know the difference, asshole.

mgs4 is fucking trash you plebeian

The gameplay was too heavy on action than the usual stealth

It wraps up the long rivalry between liquid and snake while bringing up nostalgia from the past. If you don't think that makes a great fight I have nothing more to say to you

not mgs nigger

>its a dream sequence
>lol nanomachine injectors

you must really have some low standards, kiddo

It doesn't. He's also not Liquid so that point is meaningless.

1 & 2 probably but definitely not 3, not to mention 4 has the worse gameplay to cutscene ratio.

No one really cares about the story, it's how it takes itself seriously while being hilariously over the top. You shouldn't play this kind of thing if you have autism user

MGS4 was Kojima throwing his hands in the air and saying fuck it, and people still praised him for it.

1 = 3 = V > 2 > MG2 > PW > 4 > MG1 >>>>>>>>> MGR

>its autism to pay any attention to a game thats been heavily storybased SINCE THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE SERIES
>probably thinks he was actually fighting Liquid because he just skipped everything that shows how the game is garbage

MGS4 apologists, ladies and gentleman

His consciousness is liquid living through his attached hand, did you even play the previous games lol?

Nothing is greater than Metal Gear Solid 1 & 2. MGS4 is a Blu Ray demo.

I'm not your buddy, guy!

Play this shitty rail shooter instead.

>everything is light brown
>those textures

>best in the series
>when it's one of the worst endings of all time
>completely destroys MGS2 and shits on MGS3

>no one takes the story seriously
Damage control 101
>I-it's a good story because it's retarded and filled with fanservice on purpose! De-deconstruction of the cinematic genre!

>MGS4 is one of the most beautiful looking games of all time

Yeah I can certainly agree wi-

>and the best in the series

How the fuck can anybody possibly think this? MGS1 through MGS3 are probably one of the most solid trilogies in vidya. It dropped off a cliff after 3, there's even an entire thread about it .

>need to play through boring enviroments and endure 2 hours of boring cutscenes for something interesting to happen in each chapter
>suddenly cramp everything on the ending
>fuck up the ending with Big Boss
Just awful.

>living through his attached hand
Kek, MGS4fags can't even pay attention
He got rid of that hand after 2. Fuck, it's even explained how he hypnotised himself.

No. I said there wasn't enough because it's good, and also decided not to argue because I was insanely hyped for MGS4 but it didn't meet up to my personal expectations...and was glad it did for someone else Meanwhile, you're being a straight up contentious cunt. Sup Forumstards are generally more civil than you. Let that sink in.

Here's my take: I don't give a flying fuck what happened in the previous games, I like how the story looks like it takes itself seriously while obviously being cheesy. If you want to be butthurt about how they pulled a 180 on your safe space game that's your problem, I for one enjoyed the hell out of it

Ocelot hypnotized himself to believe he was Liquid to trick the patriots.

its not meant to be anything meaningful at all you mongoloid. its like a b tier film game only meant for fun

it was pretty good up until you beat laughing octopus, then its all downhill

MGS4 art style and gameplay was the best in the series. Too bad there wasn't enough levels to make use of it.

>Muh cinema

Good luck taking a girl to see you beat the first three MGS games and getting laid virgin

>this game is good because I didnt play any of the other games, skipped all the cutscenes, and turned off my brain, thus its good


Engaging stuff user, I wasn't nodding off or anything that totally makes me give a shit about the story


>it's not meant
Damage control
>girl part
Irrelevant and not an argument.

Touch a soft spot there, cherry boy?

Oh nice one user I can do that with the previous titles too

>It's not meant to be easy to expla-
Damage control

Gee you really are autistic

Nope. It's the equivalent of "Oh yeah. Well I fucked you mom last night LOL".
Besides, and this might trigger you hard, my girlfriend died two months ago and I'm honestly considering suicide.

>muh nostalgia

Stop this meme.

Fuck, there was no way I possibly could of known that but now I feel like an asshole. Don't give up user, there's alot of good in the world you just need to go after it

the pic forgets to mention how it picks and chooses what parts of MGS2 actually happened

>MGO2 is one of the best multiplayer shooters of all time and best in the series

fight me

What if it's actually Shuyo Murata that ruined the story? He's been Kojima's xo-writer since MGS4 and he was also the original director for MGS4.

Good point.

This image obviously isn't the best when it comes to explaining why the original trilogy is better than what came after, but it largely does a decent job.

>Shuyo Murata
That's also info that's missing from this image. It's possible, but I think it's more likely that Kojima's at fault since the absence of Tomokazu Fukushima pretty heavily indicates this. At the same time, Kojima didn't want to do MGS4 and was forced into it by fans who wanted a follow up to MGS2. Either way, Murata definitely wasn't helping.

>this much shit taste
Kill yourself cumstain

>the whole reason Ocelot is Liquid is because Ocelot's Jap VA died and they needed the excuse to use Liquid's voice
>they don't use Cam Clarke in the English dub
>it turns out it he wasn't really Liquid anyway

All works were exciting for me..

Kojima is now engaged in the development of Death Stranding.
MGSV is no longer MGS. It is obviously this work that inherits the gene of Kojima.
But Death Stranding is not MGS. I am not going to follow the illusion of MGS.

The robot of the poster resembles Mr. X which appeared in MGS 2.
I can't wait :)

Is it just me, or am I just not really excited for Death Stranding at all? I appreciate it for being an original creation of its own instead of following the legacy of the MGS series, but I don't particularly think Kojima's a good writer and we haven't seen shit for gameplay besides some cutscenes. I get that its probably too soon to know what the gameplay will be, but nothing from what we've seen has grabbed my attention yet.

Thanks for your reply.
If you are interested in Death Stranding, please also check this :)
