Nintendo is only focusing on chasing the stock value...

Nintendo is only focusing on chasing the stock value, causing them to do retarded shit like RABBIDS and greedy shit like season passes because BUSINESS SCHOOL SAID PROFIT AND SHAREHOLDER RETURN IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL DURR

Yeah, until no one wants your damn product. Stock holding asshats keep betting higher and higher against each other, so Nintendo keeps thinking it's okay to do stupid shit.

How do we stop them when there are armies of autistic children and manchildren that have no taste in aesthetics OR gameplay, and will ruin these franchises?

>a business is focused on making money

>autistic fanbase gets made over a crossover

Where have I heard this before...?

>paid online with no improvement guarantee
>U.S. retailer exclusives
>artificial shortages
>Season Passes and other Day One/Pre-Launch DLC


>I don't pay attention to the things I bitch about the OP

They started doing season pass styled bullshit because the industry kept moving in that direction and people started giving them shit for being behind with the times.

Rabbids is a result of them letting Ubisoft have freedom with one of their IP's so they could gain more support.

As much as I want to agree with OP, this guy is absolutely right

Nintendo has had an absolutely iron fucking grip on their IPs (can you blame them, do you SEE the kind of garbage that gets shat out when they DO decide to share?) for years, and sharing is what they need to do to stop getting pissed on by third party support.

I'm willing to sacrifice Mario to the Rabbids if this means that the Wonder Boy remake people get to do that Zelda 1 remake they talked about. They wanna do old redhead jewnose Link and everything!

no one forces to buy their shit stuff
you don't need to buy their shit stuff

Shiftless stock traders.

>gain support
Where, Europe? And lose support / goodwill / image elsewhere?

I didn't buy Color Splash, Federation Force, the last 2 M&L's, Star Fox Zero (that HURT me to the core, too), etc.

But I'm in the minority, and I'm tired of being shit on.

Tch. I hope this their Trump moment - maybe the failure of MarioRabbids will make them shake up the Mario series more just to get the stench off, and be more discerning about how they chase money.

That's all I can hope for from this company, right now.

Same here, been a Nintendo fan since the NES

Somewhere between constantly getting shat on, their absolutely HORRENDOUS customer service, the shortages, and them constantly spitting in your face you just give up on them

PSN Classics handles retro games WAY FUCKING BETTER than Nintendo's horseshit "buy Mario 3 for the ninth time" crap. I've been playing the same PS1 games across multiple systems I only paid for once (even get to transfer my saves) but I'm a console warring faggot for bringing up this basic fact.

I couldn't even give a shit about console wars. I care about how I get treated as a consumer. No Nintendo, I will NOT buy Mario 3 a ninth time - I'm emulating it on my phone and you can fuck off until you learn your lesson.

>My face when I pirated Color Splash, Federation Force, and got Star Fox Zero as a christmas gift

>Couldn't even muster the will to play or beat any of them

Dude, Mario is for kids, they are releasing Super Mario Oddissey that is aimed at the "mature" audience, but kids love wacky stuff, random like the videos they watch on youtube.

>businesses only care about profits
how do you think the world works, bernout?

no company owes you anything. if you don't like it don't support it faggot

Jesus fuck Cucktch is literally the worst company in the industry.
>hasn't made a single good game since 2004
>Pii U got abandoned early because it flopped
>Cucktch is a repeat of Pii U and will share the same date
>insults the intelligence of actual gamers who now wish for their bankruptcy, for the sake of the industry
Nintenbabbies will still defend them.

*Cucktendo is literally...

What is a cucktch

Mate your post insulted my intelligence. Have an indirect (You) for your horrible bait

>list things other companies and developers do all the fucking time, every single time a fucking game is released

>I love it when Microsoft and Sony gangbang my asshole, but I don't want Nintendos cock anywhere near me.

woah... that Mario game looks BADASS

>Yeah, until no one wants your damn product.
No one wanted their product in the first place, that's why they've resorted to these tactics, tactics which, by the way, work because people demand these things for whatever reason.

>some niglet on Sup Forums is better at making business decisions than an actual company

Yeah okay

It really doesn't take a rocket scientist to make better decisions than Nintendo for the last couple of years.

>Paper Mario Color Splash
>Star Fox Zero
>Animal Crossing board game
>NES Mini

Nintendo is pretty much the only company who can do exactly what their audience doesn't want, and still there are some fanboys defending their bullshit. Iwata's death is one of the saddest things to happen with Nintendo, because he was one of the big, deciding people in Nintendo I had some respect for. Miyamoto is way beyond his prime, all he's managed to do for the last years is to fuck up Paper Mario completely. I'll never stop being salty about it.

OP's picture was something I hadn't even thought about before, it really makes a great point when asking the question "which company listens to their fans more?"


Never go full retard

>calling fanbase autistic while posting SU pictures
Where have I seen this before...?

For the record, I don't buy their shit. Haven't bought anything from either of them since DMC4/Brutal Legend/Time Crisis 4.


Did you not read what the post said or are you clinically retarded?

I don't watch Steven Universe so I don't know what the image is referring to.

I want so bad to start the company that puts Not-TMNTIV, Not-FFT, and Not-MMBN on mobile and rubs shit in Nintendo's face.

You think I'm lying?

You think I didn't start gaming with SMB1?
You think Kirby's Adventure didn't absolutely jumpstart my young imagination?
You think I'm not aware of $4 booster packs of Pokémon cards, the e-reader, Memory Cards, the Expansion Pak, all that jazz being money grabs? But at least those weren't anywhere near as abhorrent as season passes and this crap they're doing now.

But hey, just post more image macros - we'll just continue to suffer through bad games instead of getting any help or at least some dialogue.
Having said that, genuine thanks to the people who are arguing and talking this through, stance regardless.

even if you dont there are hordes of idiots who buy on brand name alone.
Its not wrong to want nintendo quality over them making as much money as they can as fast as they can with shit products like endless ports, eshop jewery, and trash like mario rabbids

No one asked for the DS and that was Nintendo's best selling system.

They don't listen to fans because fans don't know what they actually want. They only know what they liked before.

>Mario 06
>Shitoon """""""""2""""""""
>Xeno Art Online
>now this Rabbids trash
Where did it all go so wrong?

Not him but are you enjoying your PS1 classics on PS4? Yeah didn't think so.

>been a fan since

why do people even bother with that line?
every the blind can see you fags weren't even alive at that time

Steven Universe had a crossover with Uncle Grandpa

>not keeping up with the rabbids lore
you fucking pleb

That's still ten years I got to play multiple games across three separate systems using my PROPER ACCOUNT SYSTEM fucknut

Honestly Question
Why are people oversperging about Mario X Rabbids Kingdom Battle?
It's a side game made by Ubisoft having fun after being given the Mario IP to experiment with.

You have Mario Kart, Zelda, Mario Odyssey, Arms, Splatoon 2, Fire Emblem Warriors, and more coming out already this year

Why can't a silly game like this just trying to be fun exist?

People forget that the Wii U still had a Rabbids game

You have to be dillusional to think the one Ubisoft team that religiously makes Rabbids game wasnt going to make one on the Switch

People also forget that Rabbids Go Home was a really good game

But rabbids doesn't use up their own development resources, there's no real reason for them not to do it.

If they were really chasing short-term stock value, they'd be doing WAY more in mobile, since their stock always rockets when they announce mobile shit.

>people clamor for the mario franchise to spread itself out
>a safe one-off comes along
>same people declare a jihad on nintenny for selling out
Nintenbros really are giant babies

Nintendo drones forgot that nintendos main audience will always be kids or all ages

Same like how the autistic sanic fans got mad a decade ago when shadow the hedgehog game came out and it was targetting kids who were fans of shadow

>4fag admins actually banned the usage of n i n t o d d l e r s

And sony niggers
And PC cucks

We are neogaf now, and no trigger words will be used in the vicinity of fresh, relevant, insightful video game discussion. Thank you

is it because of all the plebbitors Sup Forums was bringing in?

And yet now you can't carry them forward. I'd much rather pay the upgrade fee with the promise of a continued VC service than have all the games stuck on legacy hardware. I doubt you bought PS classics on PS3 while thinking you'd never be able to play them on the next home console, PS4.

At this point, reddit is probably more open speech than Sup Forums. I dont know what blaming the one board that wants to preserve free speech is going to get you, but you do you

Question: Are you a Sup Forumsack?

Its my main board

Now lets hear your cries my blue haired, half shaved head, tattood, trap porn watching friend

I really can't tell if you're falseflagging because actual poldditors are this retarded

>waah everyone that uses things i dont is a dum dum!!

And there we have it

Are you intentionally trying to play yourself? Please try to come with better b8 next time


>Mario & Luigi has one, just ONE game that can be defined as "mediocre" or "average", and only because it was associated with Paper Mario
>suddenly Mario & Luigi was always garbage and never good

My sides. Paperfag delusion never ceases to amuse me. I'm gonna enjoy the fuck out of Superstar Saga DX.