Why did he leave Kerrigan on Tarsonis?

Why did he leave Kerrigan on Tarsonis?

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I dunno, refresh my memory

Muh rebellion. Muh secrets.

No real reason besides being a step ahead if Kerrigan turned on him which she was making hints torward

cause he's a dumb selfish cunt? can't think of a real reason he'd leave (possibly the most powerful) psionic agent he has behind to die

Books say Kerrigan was one of the Confederate assassin's who killed his family/chopped their heads off before joining the Sons of Korhal, leaving her to die after making her think he forgave her was his revenge.

the backstabbing train had to start somewhere.


>leaving her to die after making her think he forgave her was his revenge

That niggas cold as ice.

She didn't understand the situation she was in.

what book?

was it old blizz or nu-blizz?

Why did raynor go from wanting to kill kerrgian to wanting to get his psi-waifu

Several books. Wings of Liberty also says that Arcturus slowly started to weed out the original Sons of Korhal of their revolutionaries in exchange of professional soldiers and people who didn't have ideals and morals that could prevent them him from acting like the megalomaniac despot he is.

user, we don't consider WOL and up to be canon here.

>They never acknowledge all the death Kerrigan caused as the Queen of Blades

Also in books, Queen of Blades IIRC. Turns out Raynor and Kerrigan did have a budding romance during missions that took place in episode 1 not interesting enough for the player to do and Raynor had his doubts about Kerrigan actually having free will when infested, as the years passed, so did the rage and left only the doubts.

If you wanted to be ULTRA charitable to Blizz for the turn in WoL, he was always sorta hinted to be in love with her. After she fucked over the entire sector becoming the queen bitch of Koprulu, his rebellion against Mengsk got pretty shit canned. Add years of wallowing in self pity and anguish (and a healthy alcohol problem) he probably got lost in his mind and lamented over what could have been.

Even with that though HotS shits all over even that much charity by making the entire events of WoL fucking pointless, and they go full retard in the LotV epilogue.

never bothered with LotV, can you give me some bullet-points?

LotV was Protoss trying to get their home planet back, but got cucked by Space Satan. After Space Satan took over the majority of their army, those that cut their head dicks off went on an epic quest to get the other Protoss that already cut their head dicks off or robot Protoss with no head dicks or edgy red Protoss to rebuild that army. They went back to Aiur to banish space satan back to space hell. By itself it was a pretty ok story, with a fuck ton of very bland characters except ironically for edglored Alarak who was pretty cool.

Epilogue was all the space heroes going to space hell, turn turn Kerrigan from space jesus to super saiyajin space jesus Kerrigan to kill Space Satan and his space fuccboi Duran.

I would add despite my shitting on the story, the actual game-play was really fun. SC2's campaigns were a hot mess but it was a fun playthrough.

A shame enemy waves are pre set spawns so killing the enemy bases is pointless in Lotv/co-op.


Best character SCII

How did we go from THIS: youtube.com/watch?v=X6bVj-nTkiU

To SC2-Mengsk, the incompetent buffoon and petty tyrant?

She was becoming more of a liability and less of a useful tool as he got closer to his goal. Leaving her on tarsonis space platform allowed him to make sure the protoss were late and also get rid of her. Especially since she would demand access to the ghost project database. She could find something there she didnt like and go crazy. And she could demand the ghost program to be shut down because its fucked up, making mengsk lose his ghosts

>a fucking audio recording is solid evidence in the magitech future that is SC.

To be fair isn't the average person in the SC world about as smart as your average backwoods hick?

Terrans are, they're space Rednecks.

Entirely John de Lancie's smooth as fuck voice. He has the snarky asshole down to a science.

Because she started questioning his orders.
The "muh revenge" bullshit came later in novels nobody cares about anyway.

Not that SC1 was an example of stellar writing, to be honest. I replayed it a few weeks back and the story and dialogue are almost as cringeworthy as SC2's.

You know WoL would've been almost decent if they let Tychus just shoot Kerrigan

Its been a while and I dont know how shaky his situation was but those kind of things can be enough. Media write about how it isnt watertight proof but there is some and it is enough to make people doubt. Enough people lost everything to shaky stuff like this.

Can't wait to have him or his son on HotS. Teaming up with Kerrigan will have DELICIOUS dialogue.

All in all, I liked that ending cinematic for Heart of the Swarm. Raynor's armor looked pretty cool.

I really don't like how sanitized SC II became. Its too clean compared to the original.

>incompetent buffoon and petty tyrant?
He was always a tyrant at least aspired to be one, though I wouldn't paint him exactly as a buffoon even in SC2.

>All in all, I liked that ending cinematic for Heart of the Swarm.
Ending cinematic was stupid as fuck. Not to go full SJW but it was pretty stupid to have Raynor come to save the day then let her get the killing blow (which was also pretty unsatisfying.) He already got his moment by coming in at the last minute 'forgiving' her in the final mission, it pisses on her character to have him have to save her from the artifact. All that scene did was show that Mengsk once again beat Kerrigan, and she then got her ass saved. IMO it would have been far more impactful and satisfying if he pushed the button the artifact had no effect her new primal-zerg physiology leaving Mengsk to shit his pants as his trump card meant fuck-all.

But it really ends on a poochie ending, loved it. Couldn't stop laughing.

Alarak is high tier, but Abathur is actual God tier.

>tfw not a single mention of UED in SC2
And seriously, the ending is retarded as fuck.
All the races living in peace and harmony, I see no reason to even play multiplayer if the canon is that all the races are happy friends now.

There is DLC telling what happened later user.

well shit.

Wait, DLC in the expansion pack?

yah, Nova Ops.

Can't find a torrent for it, sad.

They were supposed to release more, but dunno if that plan is still going.

Bad writing brought to you by blizzard.

Glad they aren't my canon.

He was done with her.

I, Mengsk
and I think one of the books from the Starcraft Archive which was a collection of 4 different novels.