World of Strength

You have 10 (ten) seconds to name one Arcana more overpowered than Strength.

Protip: You can't


"Why yes, I would like to craft lv85 Personas at lv40, why do you ask?"

"No, it doesn't bother me at all that the difficulty of the game practically evaporates as soon as I hit Rank 10."



Only good for getting your stats up, becomes almost worthless when you're full.

Not comparable to making Ardha the moment you give sensei hot dickings

Without Strength you have to be lv80 to make him, so you've already beaten the game.

I'd rather make him at lv50 myself.

Useless perks and one single good Persona? Nah

if you wanted difficulty then you wouldn't be playing persona

That wasn't sarcasm, I loved it. Soon as I hit rank 10 I made Persona 40 levels above me and blew the game apart, it was fantastic.

They said I would cry tears of joy, and they weren't kidding.

Pretty much, once you rank 10 you can easily get Siegfried or Zaou-Gongen and then just put in a training cell to remove their only weakness.

Moon and Fool.

One might as well be essential Bonus EXP is great. the other gives you the ability to hold more personas to fuse.

Who needs Exp when you can craft Persona of any level?

Who needs more Persona when you can craft a few incredibly powerful ones at your leisure

The fool.

Lavenza will be Aeon, though.

>best girl shows up for the last 1% of the game
It's not fair


Fight the reaper in Mementos on flu days. If he isn't infected, escape, then fight until he does have despair. Guard for three turns, he dies, and your levels skyrocket.

Otherwise, enjoy paying $60,000 for a Persona one level higher than you.

I love Lavenza

How long will you wait before you can even hit 10 in strength? Longer without Moon.

Can't summon some of the strongest personas if you don't have enough slots to hold the required materials. What is the default hold amount again? 4/5?

Whoa now. If you are that low, you might want to hold off on even thinking of raising strength to 10.

Sound advice, I'll consider it when I start up NG+.

>twins won't be in any of the spinoffs

In terms of usefulness:
Strength>Sun>Temperance>Death>Star>Hierophant>Moon>Tower>Emperor>Empress>Everything else

Can we get to the loliposting already?

I have never used either of the training cells. Should I be using them at all?

The World

I enjoyed the femdom play with the twins, but Lavenza is the cutest, she's for vanilla love.

Why wait till November to get powerful Personas?

Money comes easily and if you really need it, just confuse Mementos targets? I made a Persona with Innervate 1+2 and leveled mostly for luck, so 70 luck with the Tyche Charm.

Made 8 million yen in literally 15 mins.

You can hit 10 Str by the time you finish Futaba's dungeon. You've got what 4-5 in Moon by then?

You should increase Str anytime you get to a level point that let's you, ASAP. The bonus is that good.

In NG+ you can get 10 Str the moment it's open. But you don't need to since the bonuses carry over, so long as you got it in NG, just nice to do.

I never found them worth using. Use Gallows to get yourself guaranteed immunities you want rather than going for literally chance.

That pic made me laugh way more than it should have

Of course.

It's funny how much better World Arcana is than Universe.

Universe let's you turn into a door and has your friends and lovers move on, marry others and forget you.

World let's you kill the big Boss, become the hero, and continue on with your harem of birches.

Yeah, I liked how Tsun the twins were, but Lavenza was adorable. She's your literal soul mate.

oh shit, mc didnt get World this time around, did he?

Does anyone still believe that he might come back? Shit I don't even care if it's a asspull, I would be interested to see how they work the P3 protag back into the story.

He got it at the very end. It didn't have that big an impact.

Elizabeth promised to go find him and bring him back from beyond existence if I recall.
Maybe she does.

>Justine lets you walk into the VR with minimal acknowledgement
>Caroline kicks you in from behind
>Lavenza walks in with you

The World

that arcana whatever that hosshing shitsune thing is in, you know the guaranteed 8x attacks.

>that arcana whatever
>that hosshing shitsune thing is in, you know
>the guaranteed 8x attacks.
Hassou Tobi