Find a more comfy vidya booty

Find a more comfy vidya booty

could you try being less of a fucking faggot?


did nintendo choose this art style to hide the bad graphics? i like this pastel art filter but i'd like to see what the switch is actually capable of.

Asses are terrible, I'm sorry. I applaud the brapfags for blowing the fuck out of that piece of meme anatomy.

>an internet meme made butts popular
are you 4 years old

It can't even run BoTW above 30 fps, i'd wager the switch is not capable of much at all.

Easiest way to spot the Nintendo sissies

You can almost smell the foot cheese and baby wipes

>everything i don't like is a meme!

>meme anatomy
What the fuck does this even?

>meme anatomy

>meme anatomy

Comfy means nothing anymore. Retards like OP killed it. Another word thrown into the "I like thing," bucket.

>maymay anatomy

inb4 put me in the screencap


Wow, can we only have artificial fun with them too?

Not that user but 20 years ago it was all about tits. Asses were like a bonus, like legs. Now it's the exact reverse of that.

Ass being the popular favorite literally is a meme.


Don't blame Internet-goers, blame the Black-rappers and Jews getting people into said Blacks who all like asses/thicc over body-ratio/tits.

>evolution is meme

come on out brapposter... I know you're here.

>razzle dazzle let me show you my chest azzle


Kill yourself faggot.

A great ass comes from a great hip, a great hip means better reproduction.

A great ass not only comes with great hips, but great thighs too. It also displays a responsible level of health/fitness, self-respect, and motivation. That delicious peach is the fruit of her efforts.

Nice tits take zero effort.