Are we looking at the next Wii U?

Are we looking at the next Wii U?
>no games
>paid online
>shit hardware
>the games it will be getting in the future are dogshit
Calling it right now: the Mario/Rabbits crossover will be the iceberg that sinks the Switch-tanic.

>no gaems
Is this the most forced meme of the decade


>Outselling the Wii
Doesn't seem like it OP. Any units that the rabbits crossover fails to move will be made up by XX.

Name me one good Cucktch exclusive coming out this year.

It's a flop, sorry nintendie.

Mario Odyssey

splatoon 2

Xenoblade 2.

arms is coming out in a month roach

Snips is pretty fun.

>Outselling the Wii

You really struggled to fit the word cuck in there huh?

First you name one good Sony exclusive on the PS4. Its been half a decade so this should be easy

Watch the Rabbids game be actually good and selling well since it's a Mario game

>none of them are out
Weird how you made fun of sonyfags when they did this but now nintenfags are doing it, its hilariously ironic

The first user stated coming this year.

Are you braindead?

But no one mentioned Sony

What do you mean paid online?

Sorry Nintendo aren't the cucks you think they are. The online service will be paid just like any other video game console.

>Everybody makes fun of roaches for using games being released 3 years later as an excuse to buy Sony consoles
>"T-that's TOTALLY the same as Nintendo games getting released this year every single month!!"

>It's okay when Nintendo does it!

Bloodborne and NiOh
eat shit nintendailures


Sony nigger damage control is at an all-time high and I'm enjoying every second of it.

>Lying in graphs
Back to Polygon with you.

What's wrong with it?

>most of these images is making fun of shitendlosers
Literally the Anthony Burch of vidya.

>b-but those games are shit!!!!
>posts gay casual wiggly ARMS shit and Mario 06

The Switch sold 2.74 million in its first month, not its first 87 days. It currently has been 84 days since the Switch released, and this article is from the beginning of May.

>Literally the Anthony Burch of vidya.

anthony burch is already the anthony burch of vidya

no attempt was made whatsoever at this simile

Yeahh boi let out all that jealousy

>2 """"good"""" exclusives combined to sell 3 million

No seriously keep going, it a been 4 years.

>Monster Hunter port for the Switch

aaaand it's saved.

>no games
>paid online
>shit hardware
>the games it will be getting in the future are dogshit

sounds like the ps4 to me user

Everyone has their own biased opinions about which has no games, and that's ok cause everyone has personal preferences. If you want to objectively know which has the best games, you have to look at the sales figures. So Sony is winning by a loooonnnngg shot.

Still Nintendo user. PS4 hasn't outsold the 3DS yet.

They sold almost the same and PS4 is $300-$400 while the 3DS is $80-$200

Sometimes I put ketchup on my dick and pretend I was having sex with a girl on her period

Her name is Marie and she likes it when I do that

"Marie," I say, "you've certainly got use into a sticky situation now."

Then I go to the water fountain in the lobby and rinse it off at 4am because no one will see me. Usually by now almost of the ketchup has turned gelatinous and dark red.

This is a thing that I do.

But Sony developed games don't sell for shit.

Software sales for Sony outdo Nintendo software sale by a loooonnnngggg shot.

Yes OP, it is the next WiiU. What I find particularly hilarious is that drones have convinced themselves that this is actually capable of outselling the original Wii, neglecting to realize that the Wii was only popular because it was extremely accessible and encouraged people who don't play games to buy it. The Switch doesn't do that. It is literally the WiiU 2.0, it is the same basic concept, only slightly evolved. Nintendo use to be a good company, that time is long over. Nintendo is the most crooked company in the industry, outside of perhaps MS. They sell sub-par tech that rides on a gimmick, they release a few big hitters for it and then let it languish until death. They figured out this strategy with the original Wii and have been using it ever since. The Nintendo of the 90's is long dead and needs to be put down.


You need to have at least 30% of the word Nintendo in there for it to work, my dude

added to the gallery

>8 letters in Nintendo
>4 letters from Nintendo in shittendlosers
Did you just cuck yourself?

You got me. 30% was being too generous. It should have more than that because out of context shittendlosers doesnt sound like a quip at nintendo at all.

I'm honestly flattered.

literally just said coming out this year, faggot


This is still the most amazing pie graph I've ever seen in my life. It makes me laugh every time and I still dont understand it.

fucking incredible

woops, meant to quote its beautiful

Well said, user. At least there's an adult in the room

Literally fucking butthurt that adults are laughing at the WiiU2

i recognize this posting style. Did they let you out of that temp ban already? Man, I was hoping you wouldnt be around to shit up our comfy ARMS threads tomorrow. Oh well.

Could you give me the name of your proxy service?

>Well said, user. At least there's an adult in the room
Keep fighting the good fight user.

Wii U had MonHun too.

>Monster Hunter port for the Switch
You drones really do live on table scraps, don't you?

>Last of Us
>Demons Souls

>Demons Souls
If only this was actually on PS4.


point still stands

better than living with no Monster Hunter.
>inb4 "MH5 sony exclusive"

ow, the reach

are you fucking joking

So... 2 games a year?

thats him trying. Its shocking


That dogshit baby shooter doesn't count as good game in any universe

damn the damage control is on overdrive today after MHXX on switch

can't wait till E3

Every major game reviewer seems to disagree with you.

Do you not have a free thinking cell in your entire body, you meme parroting little shit?