This game needs to die

This game needs to die

Warbros #1

> whined about losing last events



nebur fogbet

>cratered moon thinks they're better than warbros after DE cheted more than once to finally break them



it needs to be given to a dev team with literally any vision

warframe has been stagnant for the past year+, which is a shame because i think the gameplay is very fun

>only a year

It's been stagnating for a lot longer, user. Ask anyone who played the closed beta.

Yeah that doesn't surprise me at all frankly. I only played for the first time about around the time of frost primes first unvaulting (about a year and a half ago i think?) and at no point since then has there been anything that gives me any hope for the dev team



>tfw all my friends have gotten into it
>they keep trying to force me to play
>looks like shit and dont wanna play

Warbros is a clan of peace


I enjoy it still.

I don't mind the payment model, either. Pay2notgrind is fine, it lets autists pay for 90% of your game.


>not being able to SPEED read

Confirmed for slow

>He hasn't mastered copterwritting to save time and space
No user, you're the slow one

Do they still have that autistic list of random shit you have to do to get them to even look at you?

Don't remind me, user


dumb thread
dumb game
dumb OP

yes but your too dumb for it, sry.

Reminder that DE's next game is coming out tomorrow. You got into the Alpha., right?

its a good game if you play it super casually and never tryhard it, come for new content , events, leave when they expect you to grind for days

Considering how autistic they are, probably
> I got it during the closed beta where we didn't had any ridiculous shit
> it was just fine
> they claim it's for filtering out retards
> it never filtered anything
Really, it's true that Warbors did won all these events, but it's not about skills or anything, it's just pure undiluted autism, Warbors had nothing better or unique to offer

It's like the pure embodiment of everything wrong with /vg/ guilds.
A work of art of circle jerking awfulness.

if that game is a success, which i doubt it will be, you can guarantee DE will put warframe on back burner

All the free to play fluff kills it for me. I spent all these hours trying to figure this game out, had what I thought was a pretty respectable setup going on as I could complete missions much higher then my level with ease thanks to the fast paced combat.

Then I joined my friends guild and some of those dudes would just walk around and everything around them would just die. It was kinda eye opening how the over powered guy I had ended up building was honestly just dust in the wind when compared to the clan. And I'm not talking damage numbers I'm talking about the abilities their warrants were doing. It was pretty clear you have to be in it for the long haul if you want to get anywhere and the games just too repetitive. Might be a lot more fun if you go the pay to win route and since this game is primarily PvE it would save ALOT of grinding.

I think the reason they announced it and then decided to test it starting tomorrow, out of nowhere, is because it IS garbage. It's probably an abortion and they want to geet some feedback to see if they can salvage anything from it.

Like, remember Chroma? The multiplayer Rhythm FPS from Harmonix and the Left 4 Dead devs? They did tons of beta and alpha tests, but finally decided it was a retarded idea that couldn't work, so they scrapped it.

I miss the old days of going fast and being #1

>Tfw on Consoles and there's no clan on the level as Warbros
I wish I had a descent PC but I'm stuck in this clan that has everything but is inactive as hell and is no fun allowed

Someone give me advice on what to do
This shit is gonna bomb Warframe is DEs cash cow and it would be suicide to leave it now

I haven't been in the /vg/ threads in about a year but I have a question

did anyone ever solve the mystery of the "one punch" atlas build? That one guy posting screenshots of his atlas warframe dealing obscene damage, but he always refused to post his build. I eventually just concluded the images were fake.

I'd say it had one very important thing to offer
a true unironic hatred for reddit and forum circlejerk

>Sup Forums clan hated reddit
woah stop the presses

Yet they Made DE themselves to ban anyone even mentioning them at all especially Steve being the manchild he is you gotta give him some credit

there (used to be?) some frames that allowed you to just press 4 and run through everything and they all die (old Ember, the Paladin warframe which if you stacked the drops mod would make enemies drop so much energy for you to pick up and so you could do the second skill endlessly)

>a true unironic hatred for forum circlejerk

Enabling my bodysuit fetish is literally the only thing thst matters to me about this game

Why hasn't there been a shit ton of Sfm Warframe that isn't made by Wattchuwant because this shit is a goldmine for that shit

>he doesn't know
Ignorance is a bliss.

>Body suits

ember can still just run through with her 4 on low level stuff. if you want to do higher level then you'll need an equinox or nezha.

I don't even know what equinox and nezha are

>Nezha 4 doing damage
Post build because her 4 is more of a stun