I never play the shill card, but I'm convinced everyone that "liked" this game was involved in it monetarily.
Shit games Sup Forums memed you into playing
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you autistic?
>if I didn't like a game then everyone but me is wrong for liking it
Quality thread OP
please tell us more about you knowing better than each individual that had fun in that fun game
Unfortunately not. I might have enjoyed this mindless shit if I was.
git gud
So is this game any good? I've been opinions varying from "best metroidvania ever" to "It's crap". I'm curious 'cause there a switch port underway and I might pick it up.
>replying in a thread made by LaMulana Autists
no wonder we have countless "HOW DO WE FIX /VEE/ threads"
people like you
It's the first (if you skip ESA since it is kinda minimalistic) proper metroidvania simialr to SoTN quality since 1997
so yes
SoTN is a piece of shit though
OP here. No.
Movement is floaty, combat is quite literally mindlessly run towards direction/mash attack, color scheme is horrible, every level is just black, white and MAYBE a light neon blue/green if you're lucky. It feels incredibly linear in that there's only one way you can go, but you'll hit 10 different rooms you can't yet traverse before you find the proper way, and wonder why the fuck it's so poorly laid out, boss fights are lack luster, every piece in the soundtrack sounds like the title screen of FFX.
Basically at the game's best it's tedious. At it's worst it's frustrating. I mean--- best Metroidvania ever! The game is truly a piece of art.
Anyone who says it's bad is legitimately retarded, probably the same retards who suck off Witcher 3 or similar trash.
It's the best metroidvania in existence and the GOTY easy
Hi Team Cherry! How's the weather in kangaroo land this time of year?
That's okay, user. Not all good games are for everyone. There are plenty of good games I don't like
Kill yourself.
Quality rebuttal of my complaints, user! I'm buying extra copies of this magnificent game after your persuasive points!
Its a pretty fun game that I got 50 hours out of before putting it down. It isn't revolutionary or the best metroidvania or anything, but enjoyable nonetheless.
I wouldn't go that far but it's probably the worst "Metroidvania"-style Castlevania
Not sure which I think is the best. Probably PoR or CotM
Not sure about Keyboard controls, but on a Controller, it's exceptionally fluid. Bosses are various enough to not feel samey, are all visually interesting even if some of them are easy, but overall combat is good at best, meh at worst. The exploration is the #1 draw. Worth a pirate if you don't got $15.
I too want to be part of an Indie developer team to shitpost and shill my game in a board that hates videogames and is full of autistic screechings.
Come on now, OP, either you loved it or hated it, this board is always contrarian.
Just play.
Switch port might come at the end of the year when all the planned content is released
Played it for 10 hours straight, partially crippling my thumb in the process. I like it.
Switch version?
Actually sounds fitting desu
how come hollowshills are always so quick to insult other games. he doesnt like it, get over it
there we go, you've summoned him OP
dumb retard
how the fuck does this board meme you into playing a game
Good. He made me waste bandwidth pirating this turd, I want to make him waste his time talking about how amazing this game is but never actually saying why it's amazing.
Free content update soon-ish, fellow vessels
As a person who wasn't ever big on Castlevania and Metroid, the game is enjoyable. Presentation-wise, it is polished. I like the artstyle. I like the atmosphere and the aesthetic choices. It's unique. For the actual gameplay, you have the same slash move for your attack, but you can unlock other types of spells. It felt a little repetitive up until I got the next unlock and then repeat. The content is huge and there's much to explore. I give it 7/10. I don't think it's even close to GOTY, but it's one of the better games this year. If you're not a huge fan of the genre like me, you might not be over the fence about it, but I can see how fantastic this game would be if I really, really loved the genre.
>I bought this game and it's your fault. I literally literally have no control over my own actions
On the update itself, I've heard there's 2 freebies planned plus a paid.
Any ETA on that or info on what it is? I have a DRM-free copy on HB, I don't wanna download if it's coming soon or if it's something substantial
that guy posting smug anime girls and 2hu pics is actually a known /jp/ shitposter called MaZe, who is also LaMulana autist
Also it's obvious you are that one Hollowfag that get's triggered when someone mentions LaMulana, please stop before MaZe appears here too
OP may be on to something. After all, you guys convinced me Ayylien Isolation was worth a purchase. It wasn't.
If they keep this pace up, I'm afraid a lot of people won't stay interested for long
>buying games before you play them
kek no. I'm not that big of a faggot.
i just need them to patch the freezes and unresponsive controls and i'll be set to enjoy this
Oh. You didn't actually play it then.
They don't seem to like giving ETAs and it's killing me. Time never seems to be passing fast enough
Because in every metroidvania thread (even for non-HK related games) there's always the one autist going on about how it's the best metroidvania ever made and how X other game is shit. You can't even talk about a different game in the genre without it being brought up and they go to absurd lengths just to try to discredit other games.
what controller did you use? I'm having issues with this game for some reason having unresponsive jump and heal commands
Quality rebuttal of my complaints, user! I'm buying extra copies of this magnificent game after your persuasive points!
I pirate games as well, user. Why would you buy a copy of it when you pirated it. It's a single player game you know.
Because you've opened my eyes! This is truly the greatest Metroidvania ever and easily GOTC. I currently have 4 copies in my Steam cart so I can support the devs!
>Movement is floaty
factually wrong
>combat is quite literally mindlessly run towards direction/mash attack
at this point it's clear you haven't played the game because that would just get you killed 100 times in a row
>color scheme is horrible, every level is just black, white and MAYBE a light neon blue/green if you're lucky
variety of many vibrant and beautiful colors in every area from black and white to green and purple, one of the best color directions in this generation of gaming
yep definitely horrible
>It feels incredibly linear in that there's only one way you can go
immediately presented with 6 or more ways to go and always branching out even more
>it's so poorly laid out
map design is one of the best in metroidvanias
>boss fights are lack luster
amazing variety and cast of unique bosses, all challenging as hell and pleasant to fight
>every piece in the soundtrack sounds like the title screen of FFX
great soundtrack variety from mellow slow piano pieces to hype as fuck fanfare metal during boss fights
There you go, copy and paste next time to save time.
Is there a date for the switch version?
>>combat is quite literally mindlessly run towards direction/mash attack
>at this point it's clear you haven't played the game because that would just get you killed 100 times in a row
Sure bud, I guess I was just dreaming when I got through 5 hours of the game doing nothing but this.
Thank you for reminding me how unbelievably shit Sup Forums has become in the past few months by showing what once good threads have become
How the hell did you faggots manage to make the board go even more downhill so quickly?
You have a shit taste.
The combat is shallow. It's a pretty game but it feels unrewarding to kill something. Even dark souls had better combat.
>can't discuss either Hollow Knight nor La-Mulana because of that one thread where two autists got mad at each other
why do you do this Sup Forums?
one of those autists also made it impossible to discuss Rabi-Ribi either
it's a very slow burner
it's pretty fucking boring until you get the wall jump/get to the city which takes about 4-5 hours
>Enjoyed Hollow Knight
>Enjoyed La-Mulana
>Enjoyed ESA
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you people. Just enjoy videogames.
Maybe anons stopped playing what Sup Forums recommends. I sure as hell don't.
>basing what you play off of what a board says either way
I played it before the Sup Forums threads
how far did you go? because you cant do that against bosses or shield enemies or the ones in the grave area
Oh sorry, rarely sometimes you jump backwards, and then run forward mashing attack. Very rewarding and fun.
What is ESA?
but you don't understand user!
that one autist called [game I like] shit while calling [game he likes] a masterpiece! I MUST shitpost every thread that mentions [game he likes]!
>mindlessly run towards direction/mash attack
that is literally how metroidvania works you dumb cunt
Considering the fact that he thinks the games color is black and white I'm guessing he didn't get to green path and thinks the mini bosses were regular bosses
What the hell games could Sup Forums recommend that I already don't know about?
environment station alpha
environmental station alpha
you play as a pixel that shoots pixels at pixels
wow green path now instead of everything being slightly blue everything is slightly green
It's just how the board operates. Someone says something completely fucking bonkers and a thread full of discussion happens when people call that guy an idiot.
>I wouldn't go that far but it's probably the worst "Metroidvania"-style Castlevania
>Not sure which I think is the best. Probably PoR or CotM
What a fucking retarded opinoin
Eat Shit Asshole
I know you're shitposting but I still can't believe how awful Sup Forums has become in just a few months.
Hollow Knight threads have been ruined for a while now because a bunch of autists promoted a game war with it and other metroidvanias
That half second before jumping is killing me.
And that makes it good, how?
>h-he just didn't get to the boring level that's black, white, AND green!
>I know you're shitposting but I still can't believe how awful Sup Forums has become in just a few months.
Yea yea Sup Forums is so awful because theres people who don't like hollow knight you keep saying this in every single metroidvania thread.
European Speed Assembly
Inferior to Chaos Theory in every respect, but Sup Forums seems to love it. Why is it so hard to make a better game than a decade-old Splinter Cell title?
It's awful because it's never any real points and it's clearly shitposters hopping on a bandwagon caused by a bunch of autists.
You'll be shitting on La Mulana and other games in a thread once you have the opportunity
A lot of my perma-death mode runs ended there. Be patient, user! Plenty of fodder enemies to heal off of
I take it back I guess he's just retarded and 12
The color scheme in Hollow Knight is shit. Deal with it.
Cool. Thanks.
>wahhh game has no color
>how about this color
>wahhh it adds more color.
Are you aware of just how stupid you sound?
I've read their posts ITT and they give more points than any of your responses.
Quality rebuttal of my complaints, user! I'm buying extra copies of this magnificent game after your persuasive points!
ESA has problems with the way it handles it's own openness, which is to say it give the illusion that you can do some optional stuff, but really you can't quite yet, up until you get the Keycard for the gold blocks,
Before that point, every fucking time you get a new power and think to yourself "Now I can go back and make progress here, here, and here" you end up actually only being able to move forward one additional screen before getting blocked by a different upgrade you don't have yet.
It's pretty bullshit actually.
You probably just wanted it to be more pixelshit
>i've read "their" posts
No you haven't
>>wahhh it adds more color.
And it's still very muted and many areas are still extremely samey to the point of being indistinguishable from one another. You bring up the green area because its the only place with a color other than grey that you can remember.
But people have proven you wrong on every count in this thread. Why do you keep being autistic? I hope your country gets range banned
I said in my beginning complaint that it's always black, white, and either blue or green.
Not my fault you're purposefully ignoring my complaint and moving the goalposts in your desperate attempt to pretend this game isn't dull and bland.
I never finished this fucking game. I put like 30 hours into it and I'm pretty sure I was almost done with it but then Zelda game out and I never came back to it.
I happen to really like desaturated blues and other colors
>>i've read "their" posts
>No you haven't
lol ok? What am I supposed to say to this? Are you just gonna pretend they dont exist?
>But people have proven you wrong
>he plays Meta Gear Solid 5 for the stealth