What is the scariest game ever made?(no cheap jump scares)
What is the scariest game ever made?(no cheap jump scares)
Stalker's atmosphere is pretty creepy, labs like pic related are always eerie
I imagine war flashbacks of men being blown to bits and defusers trying to disarm bombs and how they turn into meat pieces with just one mistake
I also give my playthrough a name, a name from war veterans who died in explosions
when I lose I draw out the entire scene with their family crying over their corpse in ms paint
This FUCKING game
>op says no chaep jump scares
>posts cheap jump scare
I literally felt it touch my arm though, fuck.
I assume you've never played the game?
You should
Cry of Fear probably
Not a game but a Source Mod
This is one of the only games (if not THE only) game/mod I refuse to play because it's legit that scary.
The Evil Within
Honestly, and I'm not memeing here....
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
I don't scare easily, but fuck this game messed with my emotions.
Silent Hill 2
It's not nearly as jumpscare-y in the game though, and for what it's worth that footage is from a modded version.
Fear is subjective
W-what is this?
Like 80% of the game is straight up shooter, what so scary about it? Mod is great though
Horror is too subjective to properly answer such a question. I will say that I probably find SH2 or 3 to be the scariest. Older games have a certain sense of loneliness to them anyway, but silent hill ramped this up to 11 with the atmosphere.
PT was excellent, the atmosphere for such a short demo was stifling
fantastic looking but not scary, not even the keeper or the bit in the mansion on your first playthrough
outlast was pretty creepy though
>RPG-7>Invisible floating cancer
Well, you've banged the door, I've banged your mother.
>really want to get into the stalker series because I like the setting and the realism
>but i'm a huge fucking pussy when it comes to horror games
>bought SoC a while ago and still haven't touched it
AvP. Marine campaign was creepier than SS2.
Literally same
Just close your eyes and hold W+M1
SH2 was great, I think SH3 and SH1 were scarier though
post mspaint pics
it's honestly not that bad after you shit your pants the first time. i'm not too great with horror games myself, but it draws me in more than it scares me away. it's too good to put down.
Most of it isn't really a horror game, it's more of a survivalist shooter. There's only a few truly spooky bits.
I'm playing Bloodborne at the moment and I'm going to have to go with it. I don't really get scared of "new" horror (zombies, mindless murderers, etc.) because it all feels so fake and it's hard for me to get into. Bloodborne on the other hand, has given me the most ominous feeling of fear; it disturbs the shit out of me.
Alien isolation
Silent Hill 1-3
>anything on source engine
Afraid of monsters: Director's Cut
Subnautica. By no means a horror game, but god damn if descending down into a pitch-black abyss isn't unnerving. And when you actually get attacked by a leviathan the first few times...
Underhell: Chapter 1
Silent hill 3 was the first game to give me real nightmares. I was like, 17 when i played it. Still scares me today even after beating it and getting every ending. Only other game to give me real nightmares was PT
play it
trust me you'll know when shit is about to get spooky for real. Otherwise it's just tense most of the time.
I'll be the first to shill this game but I was never really scared. I think it's because I'm so used to the Alien so I was more saying "Oh, hey mate" rather than "Shit shit shit".
PT on the other hand... That bitch can fuck off.
As a guy who doesn't really like horror because i'm a wuss, silent hill 2 was great. It was more creepy than scary and didn't have any jumpscares
I'm gonna go with Silent Hill 1. The lack of noise except your character's labored breathing and the increasing sound of static over the walkie-talkie indicating that *something* is approaching and coming right at you was just goddamn terrifying.
Besides, there's like some evolutionary trait hardwired in all of us that when we hear a raid siren, we get frightened.
PT is probably a good one
>Playing it
>Cue scary moaning
>Go to bathroom area
>Look at mirror and see horrific looking ghost lady spazzing out behind my guy in the reflection
>She just fucking vanishes
Doom 3
Doom 3 was probably the best Doom
>Besides, there's like some evolutionary trait hardwired in all of us that when we hear a raid siren, we get frightened.
High pitched screaming is used by primates to alert others to danger
Silent Hill 1 for me too, seeing that corpse on the wall in the beginning of the game, and towards the end in that boat, that shit was spooky.
Don't even get me started on the elementary school though.
Same.That fucking music.
Clive Barker's Undying. I just couldn't finish it because it's scary as fuck.
That wasn't that bad,the vision being fucked near the end-game was scarier.Or the first bloodsucker in the game
the suffering, when I bought my xbox used with like 30 games that was one game I couldn't play more than 10 minutes without shitting myself
Tbh the only horror game I've played is Outlast, but the scare factor of it wore out after an hour or so.
I'm currently playing silent Hill: Shattered Memories which is quite scary.
What would you guys recommend playing that's truly scary
System Shock 2 apparently, but never played it myself.
Amnesia had me sweating.
Just for me personally, gotta say Subnautica.
Thalassophobia is some shit.
my man
Did you get Obscure too? Fucking hell, had nightmares of that one for years
As a kid, I couldn't even finish The Suffering until many years later when I finally got my emulator working and let her rip
Unironically good games except for the painfully gimmicky and underwhelming boss battles in The Suffering
Trust me, user, jumpscares are going to be the least of your worries if you enter the zone.
>played Stalker every year for the last 10 years
The games are amazing, you are missing out.
Silent Hill 1 and 2.
More recently RE7 really got to me, I lost track of how many times I shot walls and furniture without thinking because of some random noise behind me.
>first encounter with a Bloodsucker
>first encounter with a Controller
>first encounter with stair Lion
>tfw met my first bloodsucker yesterday in SoC
fucking hell m8s glad i had a shotgun