Overwatch is shit

Overwatch is shit

No, it's just popular, and you hate it because it's popular, we've already discussed this.

I require healing

People who solo queue are literally autistic and should be euthanized, this game is only enjoyable with friends

People get defensive about this because they:
- have put money into loot boxes
- are psychologically invested in competitive

It's not terrible, but it may very well be the least fun game in that entire subgenre of FPS.

yes it is but why make this thread?

Git gud

Because it's popular?

Nope, it's shit. After you've played a hundred games of Overwatch, you've seen pretty much everything. The difference between Overwatch and Dota 2 is Dota 2 has ten times the heroes. Dota 2 also requires more skill which means there's a reason to put the hours in.

But yeah feel free to defend your shitty game that you don't even play. Before you ask, I'm in a game of Dota 2 as I make this post.

>dota2 shill getting mad at games that aren't dota2 and decides it's worth making a thread about it
you're a special kind of retarded aren't you user?

It's not just shit, it's complete trash designed for the absolute lowest denominator.

first wow and now overwatch, just pure autism.

>he thinks I made this thread


If a game isn't playable by you, it's not a video game simple as that. You should get entertainment value by yourself not just with friends.

>match starts
>THAT shitter already starts saying everyone is scrubs
>picks genji
>dies repeatedly
>switches hero constantly afterwards
>leaves one minute before end of match

At this point I'm just use to it. I don't know why LoL shitters got so attracted to this game.

Overwatch is about as shitty as the attitude you bring to it

I've been a shitter for months because I got pretty darn good at Titanfall 2, but that independent mobility doesnt pay forward to overwatch. You play overwatch like another shooter and youll be standing on the edge of the objective, alone, with the entire enemy team shooting you in the face.

Instead of trying to kick ass or carry the team with neato new characters like hackerella and RHP-9000 i just tried being a team player with ol soldier 76, a character I literally gave up on following the tutorial.

I just stuck to rein, crappin out heal zones. And it worked. I won a bit, but more importantly I was enjoying myself when my team was working with me.

After a certain point, overwatch isnt simply a novelty. To have fun is to win, or play effectively as a team. So while I still think the character design is ass, it's better the more you consider your own attitude.

and i want to plow that robot horse pusy


That doesn't mean it's shit, I've played it enough and it was good while it lasted. So, if I don't play 500 hours a multiplayer game it means it's shit? That's just stupid.

Just admit you hate it because it's popular and your normie friends play it. There are a thousand games worse than Overwatch everywhere, but you picked this game just because it's popular.

Also, what the fuck does Dota have to do with anything, this is an Overwatch thread. Take that shit elsewhere.

>played Overwatch every day since its release
>started playing HotS again for the event
>completely stopped playing Overwatch through the duration of the event
>enjoying HotS a lot more than I used to
>start up Overwatch again for the anniversary event
>feels incredibly one-sided
>having no fun at all
>realize that I only thought I was having fun because I had something to grind for
>but now that I tried playing the game for the game itself instead of the cosmetics I'm having absolutely no fun at all
>uninstall Overwatch

>comparing apples to oranges

frogposter, for once in my life time ive seen you being spot-on
what the fuck

Well there are always Battleborn threads. Ironically if it hadn't been for Battleborn all of Sup Forums's collective hate would have been directed towards Overwatch. Thankfully Sup Forums hates Randy Pitchford more.

Pretty much this.

>mfw I remember how Sup Forums said this game was going to fail or die soon
Now the gave up and just say how "shitty" it is. Stay mad.

>carrying anything or kicking anything with sombra

Overwatch is shit because it caters to all levels of skill. It has heroes that literally do not need to aim, have wallhacks and aimbots, superior mobility and damage to go with it etc.

To put it into perspective, Tracer is like TF2's scout with Heavy's damage output and the ability to erase any mistakes with the press of a button.

Overwatch has flaws as a game and for those flaws I hate it. Its slow, the maps suck, it has unfair punishments where the only option is to counter pick a class, is played by backwards-cap wearing retards and has shallow gameplay and video game discussion on Sup Forums. This game feels like a disappointment considering it's a glorified sequel to tf2.

People were shitting on how casual tf2 was back then.

Overwatch has a lot of fucking issues, mainly the terrible balancing (not scared of doing backwards retarded shit like completely breaking bastions but too scared to change anything significant on sombra, the hero with the worst winrate and lowest pickrate since release), competitive mode, events and content, but let's not ignore how retarded tf2 was.

I hate it because it doesn't deserve its popularity, this game sucks dicks and you're delusional if you think otherwise.

>People were shitting on how casual tf2 was back then.
The thing is though, TF2 was actually fun because it wasn't as restrictive about how you could play it. Overwatch's characters are so limited and one-note that counterpicks have to be a vital part of Overwatch, because there's literally no other way to adapt to your opponent.
Team-based FPS games have always been a casual subgenre, but Overwatch tries to go for the MLG esports audience and fails at both. It's too restrictive for fun casual play, but the things that make it restrictive also make it too shallow for competitive play. If it isn't fun and it isn't competitive, then what's the point?

I just hate cartoony shit

>Tracer zips out of a doorway, right in the middle of our team
>A grievous overextension by any metric

Agreed. When it comes down to it, i feel like any fuck face 12 year old can be good at this game and truly believe they are good. TF2 at least required skill and let you have fun experimenting with your playstyle and different ways to take out your opponent. You cant just wait for your bs ult to kill the other team. In Overwatch, you just switch to the character that is known to counter your opponent and take them down, until their teamate comes and fucks you and you change back. I hate this fucking game


>30 million players must be wrong
oh user

no, it's just that almost all 30 million think they are amazing at this game

>how to fix overwatch
>remove mercy
>remove phara
>remove tracer

in other news: water, wet; sky, blue; quality of Sup Forums threads continue to plunge

learn to play video games

You forgot
>remove symmetra
>remove torbjorn
>remove roadhog
>remove zarya
>remove hanzo
>remove mei

You seem to have posted something incredibly dumb. Let me revise that for you:
>remove Winston
>remove Reinhardt
>remove Roadhog

the game is legitimately boring as fuck. theres little to no diversity in team composition due to blatant unbalance, the maps are all terrible, and to top it all off the devs are more inclined to keep pushing endless new skins instead of creating actual new content.
0/10 game. I regret purchasing everyday.

There are not 30 million players, what's the word they used? Accounts?
Same shit with WoW, they would use profiles to count numbers instead of actual people playing.

>Call Of Duty games are good

you fags need to git gud

>its a someone instalocks hanzo or genji episode
>its a no healers episode
>its a no one bothers to shoot phara episode

>All heroes are perfect
You need to git a brain.

I've literally never seen anyone use this phrase in a situation where it was appropriate.
It's always used by idiots defending bad game mechanics.

>people bitch about Bastion being too good
>Junkrat is supposedly useless
>Junkrat is Bastion's hardest counter
>People bitch about Roadhog being too good
>People bitch about Reinhardt being too necessary
>Devs introduce character that counters Roadhog and replaces Reinhardt
you sound like a retarded child

It's a phrase used to tell whiny babies to fuck off unless they want to actually validate their complaints. saying "X hero is OP, remove from game" is useless information without knowing what the problem that person has with X hero is. Git gud is the response to someone who isn't willing to actually explain why they are having a problem.
Git gud faggot

it's great for listening podcasts while playing muted.

>remove reinhardt
>remove the one and only balanced character in the game

The only dumb thing in this thread is your post, dumbass.

This. /thread
Any game is enjoyable with friends. Overwatch is casual SJW garbage

More like
>comparing apples to shit
In this metaphor, OW is not the apples

Overwatch is for casuals

oh god not the SJW whining again
You realize the thing you hate would go away if you ignore it, yeah?

>People were shitting on how casual tf2 was back then.
Dumbest excuse you people use on the daily.
If TF2 is casual Quake and Overwatch is casual TF2 then Overwatch is ultra-casual Quake.

>playing babbys first FPS
Do you have no self respect? The most shallow game on the market

>t. Greyfag

Name a hero, what you think is wrong with that hero and why, and then I'll tell you why you're wrong

But Tracer is pretty much the only character that is fun, takes skill, and is balanced.

Lost it at the "more skill" you moronic shill
You're just as bad as overbabies

So is Overwatch the CoD of this gen?
The kind of game that if someone plays it you know they are casual trash that needs to be avoided?
Problem being that CoD fags were kept off Sup Forums last gen but Overwatch fags are constant on Sup Forums this gen.

Why does Mercy get invincibility during her ult? That's my biggest gripe.

Okay, fine. Let's go over a few.
Everything either hard counters her or does nothing against her, she's a living demonstration of why counter-picking being a mandatory part of the game makes it less fun.

Having to track a fast opponent is a tough but fair challenge, having to track an enemy that teleports every 2 seconds is about as fun as playing against somebody who uses a lag switch.

Unless you just saw her barrier go down a few seconds ago, you have no idea where and when it will pop back up. As a result it's practically impossible to know what risks you can actually take if she's anywhere in your line of sight. Can you punish that Lucio for overextending? Can you take on that Reaper who won't get off your dick? Who knows!

Nearly everyone can get instakilled by the hook combo, but almost nobody is mobile enough to consistently dodge it in the middle of a fight. This character is a walking gimmick and the gimmick is a bad idea that isn't fun to deal with.

Designed from the ground up to never be useful, save for the stupid fucking scatter arrow that gets effortless one-hit kills.

Braindead auto-aim primary attack, turrets that are always a chore to deal with, projectile barriers with absurd health that make it even easier for her to W+M1.


Because she always used to die before when using it. Not only did you have to survive a team wipe to use it, but then you ultimately have to die anyway to use it. It made her ult kinda shitty compared to other ones.


I'm not a contrarion faggot like OP, but I haven't played since November; and each patch just seems to make it worse and worse. Half the cast isn't even playable in competitive, power structures WILDLY fluctuate to the point where champions get abandoned and forgotten every time they are touched, and the community has hit the metastick hard just like League of Legends where in their head there is only one and precisely one way to play regardless if you or somebody on your team happens to just be stupidly good with a non-meta character and strategy. I played a lot when it first came out because it was fun before everybody hit that mentality.

But now it just completely turns games.

Because it's an ultimate ability and it should feel powerful, not guarantee your death
D.Va, Orisa, Roadhog, Zarya, and to some extent Winston are all soft counters for Pharah.
she's not all that fast if she doesn't have her blinks
If you knew when Zarya could not use her barriers, she would be a worthless hero
If everyone was mobile enough to consistently dodge the hook, Roadhog would be a useless hero
The only character I'll admit could use a rework, but still. That's not a reason to remove him from the game. He's good if you can aim, and combo your ult.
just about any character can get rid of a Symmetra barrier in seconds, dunno what your on about. She's an area denial character, what are you expecting?

It sounds like you just don't understand that Overwatch is supposed to be played with people you can communicate with. You may not know when Zarya last used her barrier, but your teammates probably saw it. You can't play this game and expect to not talk to your team about what the enemy is doing.

If you play against a team, see that they have a mercy, and then get caught off guard by the res, you've been outplayed.

Tracer's shit, tho.

I have a blast with it

I agree but that's Blizzard balancing; they just swing hard from one direction to the other. Tbh I think her ult should just be changed completely to where she doesn't have to hide like a pussy just to use it. No one else has to do that and its not fun to have to leave the fight. It would have made more sense for her to have the "uber healing" ult that Zen has. Idk the whole game is just fucked up in a lot of ways.

What are you even talking about? Mercy can get res in 50 seconds and is invincible doing it, it doesn't take some super play to do.

Tracer's the most fun character to play in this god forsaken game.

Increase move speed by at least 20% across the board and make more mobility-based characters.

Have played about 300 hours in like 1 hour spans, can confirm shit gets too old way too fast.

Instead of comparing it to other FPS just consider it an FPS mod of Heroes of the Storm.

Not to do, but it does take some sheer obliviousness to ignore her while she's doing it.
If you see a big yellow beam, you find where it's coming from and kill it before you start killing anyone else.

>git gud
>in a game where the skill floor is as high as the skill ceiling
fucking lol

I'd be ok with this

But youre still talking about it after 12 months

>D.Va, Orisa, Roadhog, Zarya, and to some extent Winston are all soft counters for Pharah.
They can maybe get a lucky kill or plink away a quarter of Pharah's health before the pocket mercy makes anything short of a one-hit kill irrelevant. Whoopdeedoo.
>she's not all that fast if she doesn't have her blinks
She always has her blinks, and it's not like it matters if you hit her half the time anyway since she'll just reverse it.
>If you knew when Zarya could not use her barriers, she would be a worthless hero
That's my point, the only way for her gimmick to work is if it's a pain in the ass to deal with. She can't be useful without being obnoxious because her design is a fundamentally bad idea.
>If everyone was mobile enough to consistently dodge the hook, Roadhog would be a useless hero
Same shit as Zarya, Roadhog's hook has to be overpowered because it's the only thing he can do. He's not really even a tank.
>He's good if you can aim, and combo your ult.
He objectively isn't according to actual data regarding winrates.
>just about any character can get rid of a Symmetra barrier in seconds, dunno what your on about. She's an area denial character, what are you expecting?
Just about any character can get killed by her in those seconds, too. If you think being able to W+M1 retreating enemies to death from around a corner is "area denial", then I have to ask what area she's denying. Is it the entire map?

>It sounds like you just don't understand that Overwatch is supposed to be played with people you can communicate with.
So is every other team-based FPS I've ever played, but weirdly enough none of them have ever had to use that excuse. I've spent plenty of time playing TF2 without a mic, and yet it didn't make spy checking physically impossible.



Thanks BigDaddy

I dont know might be another Pinoy Inquisition

I can see an upset coming through for OG and then a really aggressive team like Virtus taking at the end.

Is this handsome motherfucker right here the key to winning TI for Johan?

Pro tip: don't play competitive.

The community is full of cancer and autism.
Just chill out and dick around with arcade modes, you get loot boxes fast as fuck and stuff like mystery heroes is really fun.

>quarter of Phara's health
that's why they're soft counters, not hard counters, communicate with your team to finish off Pharah and her Mercy
>She always has her blinks
ok and the point is? That's what her character does, choose a counter hero.
>It's a pain in the ass to deal with
>He's not a real tank
I didn't say he was, and he's not overpowered. Play a counter, communicate
again, I said he could use a rework
>symmetra whining
why is she able to roast you? are you by yourself? where's your team?

Every other FPS you've played is not built around communication the way overwatch is. It's fine if you don't like that, just go play the games you do like.

Playing Arcade is all I've been doing since they put the cap on quick play, let me tell you that it's completely full of retards. People are afraid to sacrifice themselves to pick off an important target and even when it's safe they don't chase down Mercy.

If the people who used the server browser weren't cancerous there might be good ways to enjoy this game, but they are.

>mystery heroes
No thanks

seriously if anyone is playing overwatch for competitive purpose instead of csgo he should just kill himself because hes just wasting oxygen in this world for no reason... My grandma could be a "pro" in weaboowatch...

Devil's advocate about Symmetra, she maintains the damage ramp up on her beam way too long. If you aren't the first target she latches onto you're pretty fucked.

Without coordination, how do you kill Genji? The only hero I have any success with against Genji is pharah, but even then he gets away most of the time.

I will concede that her damage scale staying maxed from target to target is pretty dumb

So anybody else noticed that the latency compensation in this game is fucked compared to everything else? Like TF2 when you're in a BR server with 400 ping. It's to the point that close enemies don't show up on-screen when they should be within range of the set FOV.

And nevermind hitting anyone with Widow or Ana at a slight distance or dodging opposing sniper fire.

You're talking in circles here, I'm not saying these characters are necessarily broken, I'm saying they are not fun to deal with.
Counter picking is not fun to deal with.
Being so limited that you can't do anything by yourself is not fun to deal with.

If you really find Overwatch fun that's fine, but I honestly don't understand how. What's fun about a game where there's absolutely no flexibility in how you can play it, and you're constantly being limited no matter how skilled you are?

Roadhog, Winston, Symmetra, Mei.
Also, less effective but still useful are Zarya, Junkrat, Reinhardt, and Orisa

>when a game Sup Forums desperately wants to fail keeps growing and becoming stronger with every passing day

dont drop the soap, fags