From a purely business standpoint, I don't understand what their strategy is here. In my experience most gamers are white and seem to be more right-leaning than left. How does alienating the majority of their prospective buyerbase seem like a good idea? Do they honestly think this will sell well, or are they just doing it anyway because it's "the right narrative?"
Far Cry "White Genocide Simulator" 5
Other urls found in this thread:
>Do they honestly think this will sell well,
it will
it's almost as if it's a video game, where you use some kind of controller module to control virtual characters in a 3d rendered world to do objectives
gee OP, it's a fucking mystery
Sup Forums is unironically Christian now. I need to fucking get out of this shithole. I can't believe it's come to this.
I feel as though - it has been made fairly clear in previous threads and the commentary thus far- there's no such thing as bad press when it comes to the gaming industry. Generating controversy is a good business move.
However, isn't ubisoft operating at a loss? Regardless of politics, they aren't innovating the series. There's nothing to take away from this new entry into Far Cry outside of identity politics. Frustrating.
don't be decieved
it's just a handful of autists spamming threads and samefagging their threads (or it's ubisoft shills trying to market their game)
just filter and move on
Sup Forums has always been a Christian board, boy.
I assume because trump won they can pander to the angry hillary supporters.
Honestly i don't think this is going to sell at all, it'll be just another "open map blah blah blah go to the marker and liberate this area blah blah blah" Did the last FarCry sell well?
Has there even been a more powerful idiot driven marketing force in history?
I wouldn't even say that. All it takes is a vocal minority to drum shit up, doesn't matter if they're from tumblr or Sup Forums. Same sensationalism, same bullshit, different views.
You're an idiot. This game has been in development since late 2014.
>one image
>people lose their shit over it everywhere
Pic related, it's the publisher paying for marketing.
Got any proof on that buddy?
Because the left strongly believe in propaganda saturation. They want to ensure that differing thoughts are snuffed out by attacking people's ideas and beliefs from every possible angle.
Why do you think it will sell well?
im king
Don't talk down on idiots, at least they are not Sup Forumstards.
user no offense but ur retarded
>text in the subject line
Fuck off, you stupid Sup Forumscuck.
It could sell well if you are given a choice wich faction you can join.
Btw why arn't games making faction choices like stalker?
>le Sup Forums boogeyman
How about you go fuck yourself you dumb leftie.
>In my experience most gamers are white and seem to be more right-leaning than left
I somehow seriously doubt that. White yeah, but mostly right leaning? No.
it's not a boogeyman if it's true
Battlefield 1 sold well...
>leftie boogeyman
How about you fuck off back to your containment board, retard.
I'm legitimately asking. Do you think it will sell well because it's simply a Ubisoft game and normies will eat it up, or because there are lots of left wing gamers that will buy it?
The bigger question is how fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that a game can be built in a year? Okay dumbass, here we go.
Patrik Methe was the game director for Far 3 and 4. He worked on both titles back to back. Since December 2014 (4 came out in November 2014) he has been working on an unannounced title. We know Ubisoft plans on releasing 4 AAA between now and March 2018, as revealed in their investors call a week ago. Those games are Far Cry 5, Rabbids+Mario, The Crew 2 and Assassin's Creed: Origins. Since Methe is a trusted director with the brand and most games today have a 3 year dev cycle, his schedule lines up perfectly with the release of Far Cry 5. Now back to the_donald
Prove it, fag!
>think a game featuring cults and rednecks looks neat.
>Sup Forumsddit has to cry about it like the oversensitive social justice warriors they are.
Eh. I wasn't planning on getting it anyway cause of Ubisoft but still.
I agree but the kind of people who play this type of game is not the leftist kind of person who "play" shit like gone homo
Because you keep taking about the game on Sup Forums.
The game is going to be shit and no one should buy it and why the FUCK A ARE mods not banning these threads?
No one is from a containment board you fuck, Sup Forums always had crossovers when it came to boards
>Oh no, we can't have on topic on a different board or else the world will end
You're retarded.
I honestly saw it and thought of the German (and later Nazi) Knights cross/Iron cross, suggesting some sort of 'honour' based militaristic cult with unsubtle christian and white supremacist overtones. It works because the Iron cross is derived from an old Christian religious symbol and one of the teasers has people singing "Amazing Grace" from inside a church bearing the cults flag.
Because it's discussing a video game, user. If they don't even ban waifu threads, why would they ban this?
Your experience means fuck all. Publishers pay big money for market analysis. All big industries do. They know what people want better than any one gamer. Ubi has an uneven history with it but it's because they still take risks. Shitty ones usually and almost universally with gameplay.
If gamers are so right wing how come you bitch about every game being SJW trash? You think they sabotage their money? Fuck no. They know exactly what they are doing.
Cry all you like. You haven't even seen the fucking game and you're already losing your shit. In fact name 3 games from the last 5 years that were right wing.
>He thinks a bunch of faggots care about his Sup Forums sensitivities
>They know what people want better than any one gamer.
Yeah like when Ubisoft bet big on the Wii U
How fitting the only response dispelling it possibly being about the current political climate gets ignored
Sup Forums users are literally the new furries. They saturate every single fucking board with their retarded worldview and constantly derail any all all discussion they find themselves involved in by spamming the same "muh lefty cuck white genocide MAGA" bullshit over and over again.
Keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums you enormous Faggot.
What the fuck is with the hostility? Where in my post did I say I was a right-winger? Why are you saying I'm crying about the game when all I did was ask if they thought the game was going to sell well? Fuck, calm down man. Talk about a knee-jerk reaction.
From your experience you should realize also that people don't give a shit about politics.
You are only allineating people who care about politics, those are not kids, and kids are the audience of Ubisoft games.
>Do they honestly think this will sell well?
I remember seeing this same kind of post about Overwatch, Battlefield 1 and Mafia 3.
you are completely out of touch
They do it because overly sensitive alt-pussies like you will promote their game for free for them for the next several years, and would probably buy it just to feel outraged. Good job falling straight into their plans, faggot
>endless fucking threads about this all throughout the day
>none of them have anything to do with video games
>at least 3 other threads running concurrently crying about SJW and LIBTARDS REEEE boogeymen
Fucking neck yourself, shitposter. Every board makes off-topic bait threads on Sup Forums but only Sup Forums spams the board endlessly with theirs.
Only grown people care about politics.
The kids that Ubisoft targets don't.
They'll play this for 20 hours, think it's very cool that they can put a lot of attachments and camos in their guns, and then forget about it like they do with any non-multiplayer game.
How can people see this blatant attack on white christian America and say, "yes, there is nothing wrong with this"? Do these people genuinely hate themselves and their honorable heritage? Do they simply pretend not to care that people actively is saying that murdering God's people is okay just because they are contrarian to Sup Forumss justified crusade?
OP, you called the thread 'Far Cry "White Genocide Simulator" 5', how the hell does that not scream right-wing to you?
>we're going to have more than one of these threads every day
>people are always going to take the bait
Because it would be pretty funny if white christians identified themselves with a murderous cult lead by a numale?
Also, there's no such thing as honorable heritage, all cultures eventually fall, because they are weak, and weakness is not honorable.
Fuck man, OP here, all I wanted was a legitimate discussion about whether or not the game was going to sell well and all I get is people screaming about Sup Forums and assuming I'm a right-winger even though I didn't even criticize the game or say anything negative about it. I guess I guess I should have shouted in all caps that this wasn't intended to discuss politics and was simply a discussion on the business metrics behind the game and if they knew their buyerbase or not. I guess starting it with "from a purely business" standpoint wasn't enough. I only used "white genocide simulator" in the title because that's what I saw right-wing websites like Breitbart call it when I googled it. This thread has already gone completely off the rails. Is it not possible to have a discussion on Sup Forums anymore without everyone not from Sup Forums screaming about Sup Forums, and everyone from Sup Forums screaming back?
No you didn't.
I think the cover looks rad. Obviously the game might be shit, and the cover isn't original, but the composition is good
It's going to sell well because the target audience are kids who don't know what the left or right is and, if the closest thing to an opinion they'll have on politics is that it's all very boring.
That, and because normies have eaten up all Far Crys up until now.
>being a christian on Sup Forums
Is there a reason you're here? To convert all of us 'filthy sinners' to see the light?
Well take my hand, lead me into your church that says "god loves everyone, except niggers and jews", so I can be a red-pilled autist like you.
The problem isn't really that the bad guys are christian white supremacists, it's that they are christian white supremacists at this point in time and in this political climate.
Creators should be allowed to do whatever they want, but using their games as political soapboxes to preach atop just leaves a bad taste in most peoples mouths.
I'm sure that if the bad guys were anarcho-communists, people would still have a problem with the game due to the aforementioned things.
>to preach
It's not to preach, like always, media takes advantage of things like politics to create controversy and thus, easy marketing.
We know nothing of the plot or the MC so far, so conjecture is meaningless. Saying that they alienate their fanbase is premature, as we know nothing worth getting mad over.
It will sell because its a Far Cry game.
Listen, if you're a part of a cult you're already an anarchist and maybe even a commie
Fuck you got me man, a random fucking dude on Sup Forums totally can delve into my mind and determine what my true intentions were. Fuck this board and fuck this thread, it's just impossible to make a thread about any game with any sort of politics involved without it somehow turning into a discussion about pol.
V sucks at discussing video games. Pol will discuss it with you over there.
Shut the fuck up retard. Numale is a behaviour and mentality, not a look. And a cult leader is anything but a numale. Antifa is numales. Conservative cults is alpha.
>Thinking breitbart should be taken seriously or used as a source
Yeah, there's the problem right there
Cults are freaks, usually lead by a businessman who wants to take advantage of autists and rip off fools, like Scientiology.
Once upon a time, Sup Forums was Christian and proud. But then Sup Forums with all their edgy atheism came along and now retarded cucks think this place was always their home
In the case of almost any other dev, I'd agree. But this is Ubisoft we are talking about.
Then why did you call it "White Genocide Simulator"? What the fuck did you think was going to happen?
As for your question, no it won't impact sales. The people actually offended by the subject material are going to be people who identify with literal cults, or are the crazier section of the alt right. The first group doesn't really play games and the second group mostly plays weeb trash.
Far Cry is the domain or "normies" and "dudebros", who will not give a shit about the subject matter.
Can't wait for tomorrow gameplay , love these games
Anita or Sabal
Who was worse?
>Sup Forums was christian and proud
Any other things you want to pull out of your ass?
Yes, Ubisoft, one of the most formulaic companies where every single videogame feels the same.
Not like videogames, but like factory-made reskins.
They are going to take the easiest approach to increase sales, which is marketing, and controversy is the cheapest form of it.
dude you're retarded no offense
movies and media have been doing preachy social commentary and satire since forever. Almost every classic piece of film is in some way contemporary and reflective of what the director's political beliefs were.
There's nothing wrong with being political or preachy, that's called not writing stale bland stories with no depth that take no risks.
Maybe you should try disconnecting yourself from the media you consume rather than taking it personally, you'll start enjoying things more and politics won't consume your life until you're dead
>complain about clickbait sites
>complain about triggered tumblrinas
>be flooded with the exact same shit
How is this not video games you massive autists?Just because it has a political agenda behind it doesn't mean it can only be discussed in Sup Forums.
Also shut the fuck up with "muh spam" this board has barely discussion at all, console wars threads, meme threads...Yea right why don't you all just sit on a cactus you triggered kiddies.
>Sup Forums was Christian and proud
What the fuck are you talking about?
Old Sup Forums said whatever it took to make everyone mad.
For fucks sake, we still have the Happy 9/11 meme going on in this place every year.
This place actually gave porn to pedophiles because people thought it would be fun.
I've seen the bottom pic slappet on bioware after dragon age.
What games have radical leftists as the villains?
There's Vox Populi in Bioshock Infinite (counterbalanced by the Founders), the red army in some games I guess if they count. Can't think of anything else.
>60 % "white"
>The United States Census Bureau defines White people as those "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East-North Africa."
I've said this before and I'll say it again. The subject matter of this game has been something of a trope in American culture for decades, and this game would not have been out of place over a decade ago.
>willful ignorance
I honestly cannot tell gay furries and Sup Forumsshits apart at this point. Same fucking tactics.
I'm going to need a link, because I realized most of these are always shops.
Then again, no ideology can be pushed with truth alone.
It's absolutely spam, you turbofaggot. We've had so many fucking threads over the past two days because you Sup Forumsdittors don't know when to shut the fuck up.
Despite what you might think, not a whole lot of people will boycott anything unless it personally offends them. People may be of a certain ethnicity or religion, but the amount of people who are so into their ethnicity and religion to a point where they would get offended by any slight against them are only a handful, relatively speaking. From a purely business, or more accurately marketing, point of view, what they've done is great. They've gotten people to talk about this game nonstop ever since they posted the reveal trailer and it ramped up even more when the box art was revealed. It doesn't matter whether you're offended by it, love it or just plain don't care about it, if you're talking about it at all, you're helping them to promote the game. The official trailer coming today is going to rake in millions of views in a matter of minutes as a result.
Sup Forums vs the world has reddit, the current biggest leftist threat to us
Keep telling yourself that
>calling others triggered when you faggots have been spamming these threads for days now from sheer and utter butthurt
Fuck off and go back where you came from
I wonder if there's a game that has humanity as the enemy.
At this point this species is not worth anything at all and hasn't achieved anything worthwhile for over 40 years.
>home of the donald
>site that coined the term "alt right"
>site that literally has countless porn boards and fat shaming boards
>From a purely business standpoint, I don't understand what their strategy is here.
Their strategy is to get people talking about the game through controversy like what's happening right now. Chances are the game's story and setting may not even be nearly as controversial as the image implies.
Best bet is to stop fucking talking about it.
>I'm triggered but I'll call others triggered, that'll work!
Now take your (you) and go back to your "muh white genocide xdd" board
>people from a country that says pizza is a vegetable, elect a manbaby and celebrate anti-intellectualism, only nation that push creationism and think Jesus was a white gun nut get mad they're portrayed as loons
In a way, Advent Rising had you fighting humanity.
>le cuck
>liberal means against freedom
>freedom of speech means kill all niggers and jews
>everything I don't like is leftist, jewish and funded by soros
>i am proud redpilled kekistani
>praise kek
I've never had any interest in Farcry but I'm going to try this one just to spite the Sup Forumstards spamming these threads.
>At this point this species is not worth anything at all
This bugs me the most. I don't want to be reborn. All I've done so far in this life is assist others, inspire them to help and also save wildlife.
The ride isn't fun if I'm to be honest. I want off ASAP. This meat isn't ideal.
Because if it wasn't for muh politics nobody would be talking about this worthless franchise?
Seriously, when has Sup Forums ever given a fuck about Far Cry apart from the memeing of FC3 reviews calling it Skyrim with guns?
They didn't coin shit you ignorant idiot. Richard Spencer did with his blog long before reddit used it.
We can disregard the rest since you clearly is asspulling