FFXIV: Stromblood

We're back bitches

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First for AST

Paladins Role Call

>least amount of time dedicated to in the skill demo reel
What's back?

More like ASS


>Can't decide what job to level first.
I was nowhere near this conflicted for fucking HW.

Why do they all look so fun?

will there ever be AST gear that won't look like shit on male characters?


Youre clearly not a healer because all the healers look like shit

I'm fucking HYPE for actually getting AoE god damn.

where is this from



Hes on the ps4 menu.


Optimal comp for SB is PLD DRK WHM AST 4 SAM

You heard it here first.

When does this shit launch?

>4 SAM
>not 4 MNK

It's like you don't even want to see SAM LB3

>team puts more work into the minions than actual mob models + animations
goddamn it
also i want a minigosetsu

It was kind of mean for SE to deliberately show lots of Warrior and Paladin but almost no Dark Knight in the Live Letter, just to give them a week of hope before finally lifting the embargo on how Dark Knight is going to crush them both.


>MoNKey still think they are relevant


>what is google

>Chakra slave
>think they do dps

>also i want a minigosetsu
I'm sure it's going to happen, after he dies, of course :^)

>rdm has no dots and gets its big burst from meter built by casting
>sam has no dots and gets its big burst from building up seals by attacking

sks/sps meme builds are going to reign supreme and i love it

>800 fucking potency

Where is your DPS at, cucklet?

>click your pitiful 5% physical damage buff off

Psh, nothing personal.

While you were casting your skill I already threw out 3 forbidden chakra.

I can already see RDM sharing BiS with BLM desu. That can change though depending on the rest of the skills.

Black Desert is on steam, it's $5.00 and has some of the best housing in an mmo ever made.

No sub, just pay $5.


>story critical character introduced out of nowhere

i have already accepted the fact that he's moenbryda 2.0

Post leaks

Specifically post the DRK vertical slash and/or shield

BDO has a great housing system, but houses feel much more personal in FFXIV

This is true. I don't play healer, so everything is daisies for me.

So are the giraffes as bad as people make them out to be? They're the only race I haven't used on any of characters, and I still have a free fantasia laying around on one.

>housing system
Who gives a shit
If you want housing play Sims

Post potatos

>corea mmos
>tyool 3000-983

800 potency once every 120s isn't really all that incredible

Even Dragoon beats that in AoE oGCDs if you just combine the 300 from Dragonfire Dive with the 3x Geirskoguls you get over that time interval

That's very clearly closer to 6 dollars.

Let's settle this, what's better for leveling
PotD or Dungeons?

My biggest pet peeve was every job in HW having DoTs as their highest damage/execution time. Nice to see they finally have fucking jobs without any.

They also have 720 potency attack available every other 8 GCDs (16-18 seconds)

Until 50 it's unquestioningly PotD
After that it's dungeons unless your queues routinely exceed 15 minutes and your runs exceed 30 minutes.

You guys need to stop posting so many threads. Don't turn this into /ffxivg/ please.

Roulettes first, followed by PoTD.


Tank and Healer = Dungeons

Generally PoTD should just be for alt jobs imo.

I preferred PotD most of the time because I could converse and not feel so alone while leveling.

BDO has no endgame pve. Or rather, it has no endgame, it's just grinding and grinding.

Every job that isn't built around dots (BRD, SMN) lost them (exceptions being stuff like Chaos Thrust and only because it's not a standalone skill you have to monitor).
Healers have DoTs because easiest way for healers to DPS is to cast in dots and then go back to healing but even then their number has been reduced (Aero 1 rolled into Aero 2, Bio 2 into Bio, Combust 2 into Combust, SCH and AST can't take Aero any longer)

Last day of Euro trip is today. Embargo should be ending soon so expect news of all these moves.

>cast flare
>enemy dies before it ends
>animation still play, lose all my mp
>remaining enemies don't get damaged
Fuck california

>i'll never own a house
>even a small one
why do they gotta be so fucking limited

I have waited a long time for this moment.
The time to slice is now!



So what did they do to Demolish and ToD for monks?


At least until you want to take a break from the game for a month or more and they auto-delete your house.


Are plots still 100% bought out on the popular servers? Did they add an option to transfer because I'll gladly take my 23m to a shitty server and buy a medium plot this instant.


No free transfers yet, and the "we delete all of your gil over 1 million" thing is still in effect.

they're bought out on like all servers dont kid yourself

The terrible netcode was the best thing for BMs on release. You were able to queue up spells if you were quick enough even if you had no mana.

It could have been worse I suppose.

it made sense but yeah it made sks a lot worse than what it should be, since even if you could somehow get enough sks to do cool shit, you would either clip your dots or have to drop them, both of which are shitty

also now that i think about it nin gets its meter from autos, which aren't affected by sks, which makes it REALLY bad on a class where it was already bad due to clipping. nin really did get put in the cuckshed this expansion

Demolish is still there; Touch of Death appears to not be.

They haven't removed DoTs, full stop, but they seem to have removed most of those "standalone" DoT skills that aren't part of your combos - Mutilate, Fracture, Phlebotomize, Touch of Death, etc.

Interestingly, One Ilm Punch and Arm of the Destroyer are still there. No idea if their effects have changed, though.

What is your favorite mount and why is it the ADS?

Since NIN's Shadownfang now becomes third part of combo and applies both DoT and slash debuff I am expecting the same for One Ilm Punch.

>one ilm punch turns into an actually useful skill
>the "discuss the applications of one ilm punch" meme in the 50-60 monk questline makes no sense afterward

koji hoist by his own petard

>finish A5-A12
>decide to go back and do Coil
>Coil 1 pops in 2 minutes
>tank declines
>20 mins later
>Coil 1 pops
>DPS is afk
>20 minutes later
>its just 1 healer, 1 tank, and 3 dps now


Any other choice is smalltime

Now that sprite version magitek armor is in the game we need it as a mount.

>all Samurai buffs/debuff last 30 seconds
>takes at most 17 seconds to reapplies everything, is also part of mandatory rotation

Welp, SAM rotation looking to be even easier than 2.0's DRG's.

fucking afking should be illegal in queues

What gear is that? About to hit 60 on AST, looking for something gypsy-ish.

The house in this game looks realistic and yet soulless.

The new AF gear for AST.

Stormblood AST AF male version.

>There are people in this thread that have been to the media tour and aren't posting leaks.
This is Sup Forums you fucking mongoloids, fuck off back to plebbit and never post in here again you retarded fucks who suck yoshida's dick.

Spanks Anons, something to look forward too.

the 250 crafted set has a similar look if you want to check that out


I don't want to spam meme cleave anymore.

Can they just give us 1 Super Penta Cleave instead?

im just gonna say this now cause you and so many are so fucking blind

every mmo is just grinding and grinding

like i dont know how retarded you are, but do you know what you call endgame?

you know what you call an expansion?
>time to throw away everything i have cause now i gotta grind the new (((ENDGAME))) that makes everything irrelevant before it

let me tell you that WoW started that and all of you shit eating faggots love the most unenjoyable part of any fucking game ever made.

Endless treadmill gear grinds.

I was in a dungeon with you the other day.


Just give a stationary channel that drains your rage-o-meter and slaps the shit out of the enemy with real high potency for as long as your meter lasts. I'd fund it.

The Kongamato. It feels fast, looks cool and i like the sound it makes when it flies around.

>He doesn't bot fates to level

If you're talking about Vath mount then fuck you, that buzzing is annoying as shit. A SHIIIIIIIT

>his bot is so shitty it can only do fates

Homosexual as fuck

Good taste
Shit taste

I'm working on my second relic and while I'm working on getting UnID's right now I'm debating how to go about oils/umbrite I could

>Get the weekly oil from the quest and dump that 5 weeks worth of lore into umbrite

>Farm lore for the oils then start on umbrite

i hope that there's something more than just "get to three seals then dunk on someone" going on there, because as much as i'm anticipating sam it doesn't look like it'll remain interesting as a main class

there's still a few things that haven't been leaked yet so maybe there's something cool lurking in there

Wow look at this BDO weeb anally exploding