This is seriously the coolest fuckin thing

This is seriously the coolest fuckin thing.

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If only the game ran decently.

Running on a 980 and it's not performing too bad anymore.

It's not perfect but more than playable at this point.

>temporal puzzles or game mechanics
I fucking love them so much.

Why is it still full price?

Bought it off g2a for 30 bucks.

the games is so good, it's a shame it rune like shit even if it's not really better than Dishonored 1 graphics wise

People say it's not better graphically but they just don't remember how 1 looked. I just played through one again and it looks significantly worse.

That's not to say 2 should run as bad as it does because it definitelu shouldn't but it's a clear upgrade visually regardless.

It looks a lot better than D1 but it really shouldn't be running as bad as it does since there are other games that look just as or even more impressive but run much better.

Pretty much, it looks way fucking better than 1 but 1 wasn't impressive when it came out. Prey is comparable in visuals (I'd argue it's better in some areas and worse than others but I think dishonored 2 has the tiniest edge visually) but prey runs a hundred times better because of the engine.

Also have to mention dishonored 2 has vastly larger and more intricate environments than prey.

If only frostbite was open source, I think dishonored is perfect for that engine.

I think it was mostly due to them being owned by Zenimax, it seems like idTech was forced onto them instead of their choice of engine.

I thought dishonored 2 used the void engine which was built from the ground up?

It's based on idTech 5, if I'm not mistaken. Or idTech 6 but it's basically one gen lower than the idTech they used in DOOM.

Just looked it up and yeah apparently void engine is based on id tech 5 but they claim that only 20% of the original engine is in place.

Guarantee that's why it runs the way it does though, I don't know what it is about id tech but it always runs bad (except the new doom which somehow runs amazing for how good it looks).

>(except the new doom which somehow runs amazing for how good it looks).
No one except the devs would know the specific details but I'm guessing the engine's inability to handle more than 12 enemy entities at a time may be one of the issues. Dishonored 2 has a shitload of persistent entities in a single level.

I had a hearty chuckle.

I had a lot of fun with Prey

titanfall 2 did this gimmick the best

It's been optimized since launch. My 1060 maxed it