What are some vidya tropes you fucking love?

What are some vidya tropes you fucking love?

>game starts in-media-res and the tutorial stage is revisted as it's own proper level later in the game
>boss theme gets lyrics during the second form
>early boss becomes common enemy towards the end of the game
>you begin the sequel with all the powers you earned in the previous game

I like cute girls doing cute things.

Who is qt cat

please stay on topic!

Oh I could just use image search for that pic
Have a bump

>Theme song power up
>Credits fake out
>If done well, the power of frienship. Done really well in Persona 3
>The power trip of going back to a place that destroyed you and appointing yourself the god of death
>Customisable outfits
>Subtle references to previous games fans will understand but otherwise go by unnoticed
>Sombre song has a more intense rendition later in the game

Fucking leitmotifs, they get me every time
>Fire Emblem: Awakening/Shadows of Valencia (final map theme is incredible)
>Wonderful 101
>Mario Kart 8 (especially when it throws Super Mario Kart at you)

>Final boss theme is the main theme

>MC overcomes impossible odds through sheer will to fight.
>You fight an enemy who has similar or identical move sets as you.
>Music flairs up and down based on how the action is going.

PayDay 2's music was done extremely well.

>A lot of builds
>A quest can be completed in 6 different ways, not even 6 super different ways as long as it happend more then ones.
My Favourite game is Fallout New Vegas

>final boss is kicking your ass
>all the character's you've met in the game start cheering you on
Gets me every fucking time.

>game has weeaboo who has autism and zero self-awareness
I love this trope.

this isn't really a trope, but

>getting those first few level ups at the start of an rpg

>Boss is a shadow version/clone of yourself that uses all your skills
>Boss is your party members

and if it's a sequel
>Boss is the protagonist of the first game

>final boss theme is a version of the main theme
>it adds more instruments as the fight goes on

>large variety of bosses throughout the game
>final boss is a 1 on 1 duel

>Every boss has unique theme
>Tragic villain antagonist, not truly evil
>Bad guys team up with good guys to stop larger threat
>Leitmotifs getting remixed in other songs
>Shadow protagonist fight
>Seemingly worthless item in beginning of game suddenly becomes important

>you take of the big guy and we'll handle things down here
>actual cutscenes of all your friends handling the minions

Why is that cat so happy?

>villain explains their motivation to you
>it actually makes sense

>villain explains their motivation to you
>it makes no fucking sense but he's still really likeable

>Star crossed JRPG romances (at least the nicely written ones)
>Music tracks that add a new instrument gradually
>Girls who suffer but still go through thanks to the strenght of their will
>Relaxed themes that end up having an awesome orchestra and/or vocal version
>The part before the final dungeon opens up a lot of character-related quests (Chrono Trigger, Baten Kaitos, Shadow Hearts 2)
>Endings that tell you what happened to everyone
>Getting an airship/a better airship than the starting one

>villain explains their motivation to you
>it is noble and makes sense, but is near-unachieveable by villain's drastic means and he is too far gone to notice it
Rabid dog type villains are the best.

>you begin the sequel with all the powers you earned in the previous game

I fucking love this in Spyro.

Show by Rocks.
Its pretty generic and its also cgi furry too. Op is cute as fuck

>you revisit the same area with a new twist
mmz did it and I thought it was cool


>game makes the bad guys completely agreeable

Plots that make no sense if you're retarded but when you actually play through again and notice all the little shit it comes together perfectly

>bad guy was god and we're all fucked anyway
I don't care what people think of darkest dungeon's ending, one of my favorites