What does /v think of destiny 2?
What does /v think of destiny 2?
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I think the dev's focus isn't on the right things and I doubt that it'll be improved much from Destiny 1. I would have liked more character customization, both in creation and in a greater variety of end game gear, but I doubt they've put much into that. Watching the gameplay reveal event left me not feeling great about it. I like some of the stuff tho, two primaries, clan matchmaking, etc.
I'll try it because it's in my battlecuk.net launcher.
It really brings to light all the aspects of Destiny I was trying to ignore.
How we came expecting Halo and really only got a little bit of "gunplay", as they call it, that kinda feels like Halo.
How it doesn't take itself seriously except in the out of game Grimoire, which they have now removed entirely rather than just making it accessible in game.
How everything is too bright and colorful for a story about a disparate and desperate people coming together to survive and rebuild. The scavenged gear should more closely match the aesthetics of the enemy types and locations, and the manufactured gear should not include the weird hammer forged shit the Iron Lords and their contemporaries use (OR the aesthetic should be ENTIRELY space knight that works with space magic). I just feel like they couldn't decide how many styles to prune and ended up with far too much juxtaposition of clashing elements, especially when set against the grand and awe inspiring backdrops and architecture. Bright pastel tron shit should be reserved for a manufacturer jokingly posturing as hip.
How they didn't make characters and plot for the first one and when they heard we kind of liked Taken King because it had a bit of character they completely misinterpreted what was good about it and ran away with it. And Cayde-6 used to be my favorite (only) character in Destiny but now they've cranked his whimsy up to 11 and I'm sick of hearing his fucking voice. I swear if I hear Nathan Fillion make another quip I'm going to kill myself. Not to mention Ghost is quipping at a mile a minute and if I have to use the word quip much more in this post I don't know what I'll do.
And what the fuck is up with nothing transferring from the first game, not even purely aesthetic things? Not even emotes? Are they that desperate to squeeze more microtransactions out of people?
Ice titans sound cool af
Scam 2
Might be ok. I think they might have addressed my issues with the first game.
There seems to be more content than vanilla Destiny, the story mode now actually has a narrative, supers equalized in favor of a diversified 3rd ability slot, less twitch based PvP, shit to actually do in the gameworld, better loadout customization, matchmaking, clan integration.
Stuff I'm worried about:
Season pass already, microtransactions still might return, grimoire card replacement still not confirmed, new patrol features might be as shallow as original public events.
At worst I'll just buy the eventual final collection if it is just the same stuff as the first.
I was excited at first but then I watched some videos and... It's just Destiny 1 with a lick of paint.
It'll be the same grindy skinner box. Only four small areas that are barely worth exploring. Missions designed to be repeated until you can play them in your sleep. I just can't be fucked to go through the same shit all over again.
Got to go to the event, only got to try multiplayer as strikes were a super long line where the "bigger" sites were getting pushed to the front of the line. I said hey to jeff gerstmann though. The multiplayer was basically Search and destroy/counter strike. attackers v defenders, two bomb points.
Gunplay felt pretttty damn close to the original, only real difference I noticed was in that instead of primary/secondary you have kinetic/energy weapons, so you can have like, a handcannon and an auto rifle if they're the right ammo types.
The new abilities were helpful too.
Excited but cautious. No dedicated servers for PC sucks though
seriously looks like DLC. dont see "2" about it.
I never played the first game but from what I've read about it it seems like they decided to go with a bandaid solution to a lot of their problems instead of doing anything to fix them. Like they won't offer dedicated servers so instead they're going to reduce the multiplayer from 12 players to 8 in hopes there are 4 less people to fuck up your connection. And it seems really disappointing that they aren't going to add new classes or anything and they're relegating actually cool weapons like snipers and rockets to their own special weapon slot so you'll only be able to use them once in a blue moon.
Oh yeah. I'd probably play a destiny monster in heroes of the storm.
>actually cool
you mean weapons that absolutely demolish a game's balance and force everyone else to conform to one specific playstyle else they're fucked forever?
look at counter strike or call of duty or battlefield. If you don't know how to snipe you are literally at a disadvantage 100% of the time. in destiny, it helps, but fuck it if you don't know how, it isn't a big deal. just give someone else the heavy ammo.
I don't know why everyone's bitching about dedicated servers, the game has been handled as an MMO from day 1 and there was never any chance of them being added. Would it be nice? Yes. But there was less than 0% chance of it happening. It's like saying "why doesn't wow have dedicated servers".
First game was trash and dropping more cash on dlc for a $60 barebones fps is beyond illogical
Also the sequel is gonna be just as bad since Bungie is literally rushing these out so Activision wont take over their company
I thought most of the game was co-op grinding for gear like Warframe and I don't understand how it makes a big deal to use a rocket that's going to kill a bunch of dudes at once instead of a grenade since one is just easier to aim. If it's really so gamebreaking you could just have snipers and stuff really effective at hitting some weak points and regular weapons effective at hitting others.
99% of the game is the PVP. It affords you the next-to-best-in-slot gear, beaten only by raids which you're communicating with a pre-built team for anyway. Once you hit the regular game's level cap, you were grinding for light level in PVP. No one ever did strikes except for weekly.
Oh. Well then they really should get actual servers or something. Nothing is worse than when you have people sliding around and killing you after you see youself shoot them like 30 times.
>blizzard app
Into the trash
That's just it, 99% of people don't have issues. people whine about dedicated servers for every fucking thing. Don't use wi-fi and it's not an issue. I highly doubt there will be any fuckups, especially on the PC version.
It's like on call of duty, it does just dandy and has done just dandy, without dedicated servers, on consoles for years. The biggest deal I can imagine that will come with destiny 2 on pc is the lack of it being on steam. Most people have the blizzard launcher for one of it's games at this point, it's pretty spread out, but still. Steam is the big dog, and not having it on there will be interesting. battlefield 1 got pretty shit on on pc.
Trash just like destiny.
Not being on steam is a huge deal. I already have one rootkit/spyware/soft-DRM installed on my computer and most people aren't keen on getting another one when it gives you access to all of 5 games. It's an especially tough sell when the first game had a reputation for releasing with hardly any content and tons of cut content from the previews.
Well, the original box art has the Hunter's helmet on backwards. Kind of foreshadowed how shit Destiny was out the gate.
I learned my lesson, I'm waiting a year and then I'll look into buying it.
Releasing on battle.net is going to save PC gaming
ActivisionBlizzard are going to crack open the market and break down Valve, ruining Valves monopoly and bettering the market for consumers
Didnt bother getting #1 on console, but I'll get #2 on PC to support the true lord and savior, Metzen
No user, you're retarded. Those are the details on the back of the helmet. Not a visor.
I can't wait. Switching over to Titan unless the last two Warlock subclasses are as good as Dawnblade.
Yeah, in terms of like purely launch problems I see the lack of steam being a big deal. I don't know why they would put CoD on steam but not destiny. Just seems stupid. That'll be their loss though. And as for content, yeah I have no hopes for it being content-filled at launch. It'll probably be a handful of strikes, and one raid just like the original's launch. Especially since we know there's another playstation contract.
My biggest hopes are that the LFG feature they announced works as it has been said it does, by general light level and skill, and doesn't just randomly pair you. I'd like to do raids because it was nearly fucking impossible for me to do raids. I did each raid like three times in the first game becausei t's such a god damned chore to get 5 people together who want to play with me.
>It's like saying "why doesn't wow have dedicated servers"
WoW does have dedicated servers.
I'd have a better opinion if they would do the beta already. Otherwise it's currently "a slightly better looking Destiny 1".
Why have the hood down on the cloak then? Those types of cloaks didn't exist until they were added in. Hunter's are known for hooded cloaks.
Details added to the back of the head that no helmets have now in game.
I'm sure LFG will give tons of people the chance to play more stuff. I think it's absolutely nuts that in the modern era they force you to use a 3rd party site to put groups together. Even games without an explicit group finder would have in-game means to find other people.
stop parroting this retarded fucking meme
Certainly feeling bummed that it is a legit sequel instead of just being a continuation where you got to keep all your progress and all the stuff you've earned. When they pitched the game all those years ago this isn't exactly how I imagined it going down and I have a feeling that it wasn't what they planned either.
Had a lot of fun with Destiny 1 but have moved on to PC gaming and never looked back. Now that it's coming to PC I'm a tually really excited. 60fps, mouse and keyboard, fov slider, text chat.... It's going to be tight.
This and the fact that Ave Combat 7 is coming to PC is the reason I haven't touched my PS4 in like 2 years.
The DLC has already been confirmed to be about Osiris and the Warmind which I'm cautiously hopeful for. As bad as it sounds, the one thing Destiny 1 got right was the addons; although I'm not defending the fact that the game needed expansions to be good (the base game should've been TTK levels of good).
The reason they got rid of Grimoire is because there's actually gonna be a story in the base game lmao.
Not happy about how little they are changing with the classes. ONE new ability per class, not affected by subclasses, with only 2 branch points. Literal reashing of grenades and melee, 6 of the subclasses are staying the same with minor changes aka Golden Gun has a few new things to make it less shit and FistS of Havoc has multiple uses and a shoulder charge.
I wanted ATLEAST 2 new abilities, we get one but not having another button press cooldown is a bit lame.
They have an effective monopoly on the market
over 50% of the market share is an effective monopoly
But hunter helmets do have details on the back, the literal first cloak you get is just a scarf silly. You think they only modeled half the helmet?
Beta key please
Hopefully the influx of PC gamers will change the manner of shitposting on /dg for the better - all that gayfaggatory and boipussy crap got kidna annoying
I get where you're coming from but come on
>Revamped subclasses so it's more based on what you want to play rather than what's the most useful (I'm specifically talking about class abilities).
>Complete overhaul on the weapons system, not to mention new weapons.
>New, larger public zones.
>Lost sectors (honestly the thing I'm the most looking forward to because I do like patrolling).
Like I know what you mean, but why would they change the art style and gunplay, they were honestly Destiny 1's strong points.
If they don't bring out Atheon for HotS I'll be slightly upset (It'll probably be Ghaul desu).
you have no fucking idea what a monopoly is, you parrot this shit over and over. you can buy video games from uplay, origin, gog, drm free, as well as buying steam keys from legit sources other than valve. the only "monopoly" is you and the rest of the retards self imposed on yourselves by wanting all your games in one place. you have memed origin and uplay so hard over the past decade that they could offer games 99% off and you faggots go "not on steam don't want it." you created "the monopoly" yourself by utterly refusing to buy games anywhere else.
Spaceship combat would've sealed the 2 in the title.
Oh okay, so my Econ Major/Biz Minor is worthless because you're definition of monopoly differs from mine
Yeah, I'm not worried about the actual content of DLC, just the pricing. Bungie has already proven to me that they make good supplementary content, it's just whether or not these updates deserve a dlc pricing structure, especially when they still have stuff like microtransactions (which I hope they took a page from Blizzards books and made them earnable).
I'm hyped about the lore implications for Osiris and Rasputin. No question about it.
Considering space elements, Ice would be a pretty based power to go with.
>Do the raid
>The traveller starts being repaired
>The traveller comes back to life
>Gives another subclass
I wish.
monopoly means sole supplier. there is more than platform, but you refuse to use them. its your own damn fault, you made your bed now lie in it.
I'm excited for it but the gameplay presentation was garbage. The new patrol features they talked about like adventures and lost sectors are what's going to actually separate D2 from D1 but they had to show a lame scripted story mission instead of that because the first thing everyone complains about with regard to Destiny is the lack of story.
Watching videos of PvP and the strike got me excited. They're not fucking with the core gameplay because they don't need to. I really just wanted more Destiny and that's what this is.
That's what made me happy about AoT, being able to earn literally every piece of purchasable content (albeit very slow).
>monopoly means sole supplier.
>They have an effective monopoly on the market
Can you at least get your fucking 8th grade comprehension certificate before trying to make posts on this website you fucking retard
And no, it doesnt mean "sole supplier"
fucking retard
I'm getting it to play with friends and eventually raid with them. Don't know much about Destiny besides it kinda being like Warframe but in first person perspective and more focused on MMO elements rather than grinding for grinding's sake like Warframe is.
I mean, D1 is very grindy, but getting the perfect roll for gear is pretty sweet, especially when you use it to dominate PvP.
I played the shit out of Destiny 1 up until TTK; After that I didn't wanna pour more money in to it. i(ve seen what the game had to offer essentially and I had enough.
That being said, I love the design and look of the game and will definitely buy Destiny 2 probably not day 1 but I'll buy it nonetheless.
>They have an effective monopoly on the market
you can buy games from a variety of platforms and use them but you don't then you meme MUH MONOPOLY MUH MONOPOLY
stop going in circles.
The way they talked about catering to all types of players, like if your solo and emphasizing an effort to help people make communities within the game interests me. It's something I really like in games and I never really see devs do it all that well or at all.
Am I the only one happy that there aren't more elements? I mean it sounds cool, but I would rather bungie diversify the current subclasses; rather than making classes overlap more than they already do. It'll just end up being the same stuff copy and pasted with a different color and different particle effects. I'm already upset we only got 1 new ability slot with a cool down.
Of course I wouldn't mind if they surprised us with a new one, I just hope it would be done right.
Im not imposing shit on myself you retard, your strawman bullshit wont work here
Go read a fucking book, holy shit
The first one was a flop compared to the amount of hype and marketing dumped into it and now people here of all places are actually excited about the 2nd one? Unreal.
They will sell another subclass/element in TTK 2.0
Its weird they didn't add one in the base game, but hey it only launches with one raid again.
Yeah the new clan system looks pretty sweet, especially with the fact that D1 had no matchmaking system for raids and NF which was pretty abysmal if your friends weren't online.
Yes and no, I want another subclass but I don't want it to just be thrown in randomly like "lol cayde just discovered a new element to use" or "here's this element that we've never even once mentioned".
Launching with one raid is a bit shit but I hope the lost sectors and better strikes can supplement.
I haven't played the first but as the second comes to PC I might pick it up. Can't say I like the design of it, seems childish and lacks immersion, but the gameplay seems like a cross between Warframe and Borderlands and I can imagine wasting some time on that. That's the PvE aspect though, I have no idea why this has PvP to begin with because the netcode woes one can spot in Destiny 1 videos and the decision to not have dedicated servers for Destinity 2 makes any bit of competitive play an absolute joke.
One thing I can't answer properly but am curious about: Does it have good waifus?
you and everyone self imposed it on yourself when you wouldn't buy games anywhere else. you literally haven't refuted this and keep dodging the point with ad hominems. anytime a game comes out anywhere else its the same "not on steam no buy" attitude. look at this very thread: lol battlecuck, lolbnet no thanks. well congratulations you got yourself a ((((((monopoly))))) enjoy it
>you and everyone self imposed it on yourself
you keep spewing this shit, maybe it'll come true to your definition
Amanda Holliday is probably your best bet for a waifu.
Cayde is my husbando
>Does it have good waifus?
Not really. Some of the alien women are attractive and my characters is pretty cute if I say so myself, but they went for a "realistic" look with the human female faces which means manjaws.
>seems childish and lacks immersion
I played Destiny 1 on release and all DLC till end content except for the last one.
You can really see Bungie poured their heart into making your first playthrough feel extremely immersive and well delivered.
>Does it have good waifus?
If you're going in looking for that I'm already doubting your general taste in vidya.
>I never played the first game but here is my opinion on what the sequel is doing wrong
Lost Sectors will literally just be instanced big rooms where they reskin a normal enemy with a big ass health bar
>If you're going in looking for that I'm already doubting your general taste in vidya.
That's a bit a short sighted. What I've seen in the Destiny 2 trailer so far is an unfunny robotic dude I can't relate to, a blue guy full of shallow pathos to a point I cringe at the overdrawn attempt to instill heroism, a digital assistant with the personality-depth of Siri, bullet sponge enemies without personality and a bunch of no-names cheering for them.
If this is a story driven game and that's all there is to it then I somehow doubt the narrative part gets me or anyone over the age of 14 excited.
I mentioned Borderlands and Warframe but those did have enemies with personality at the least and memorable characters (including waifus). So let me rephrase: What does Destiny have to offer in that regard?
>talks about not getting anyone excited over the age of 14
>laments the lack of waifus
>I mentioned Borderlands and Warframe
I can't speak for the story/dialogue in Warframe.
But if you liked and enjoyed the story/dialogue from Borderlands and don't think you'll enjoy Destiny all that much.
I'de say it's more like Halo which is logical since it's coming from Bungie.
Sort of funny how you're calling out people having to be 14 for like Destiny's aesthetic while using fucking Borderlands and Warframe as examples.
>Has a two college degrees
>Doesn't know the difference between your and you're
Did you get your degree from ITT Tech or some shit?
The first game offers no face value story, but has a fuckton of lore on the levels of Soulborne games. Bungie has been talking up the story for this one, but we don't know if it will deliver. The cinematics so far has already helped a lot IMO.
Also don't discredit the characters on a surface level when you know nothing about their back story. Cayde 6 is pretty damn interesting.
I'm happy it's coming to PC but if the Sup Forumseterans are calling it Destiny 1.5, then I'm hesitant to get it. If by whatever off chance that I do get it, I hope it would die within a week or month.
It's Econ/Biz, Not Lang/Lit and I've been up roughly 25 hours
Get fuckt
>Sup Forumseterans
the fuck is that? experienced shitposters?
>That pic
What joke?
Being awake for an extended period of time isn't an excuse for being a fucking mongaloid.
Maybe people who played the game, thus their experience. Or the experienced players that are shitposting.
It's just a random picture
The thing I hated about Warframe's endgame was that you basically just grinded the same couple of missions over and over while waiting for timed missions for special drops. I wouldn't mind it as much but the missions were all very samey. It's probably my party dungeon MMORPG itch that I'm trying to scratch.
I can't speak for everyone but I think there is more than enough to call it a sequel. Especially considering Destiny is essentially a FPS monster hunter type of game.
I really don't understand the "LMAO it looks the same. Does Bungie really think they can rework the classes, add completely new gear, create 4 new worlds, rework the PvP and make new maps, and launch with more content than the first game, and get away with it? Don't make me laugh!"
The real question is whether or not a game with loot grinding as it's core gameplay cycle is your idea of fun. If you like Borderlands, Diablo, monster hunter, phantasy star online, DEEPEST LORE etc, you might like Destiny.
Well coming from someone who played the shit out of Destiny 1 except for the last DLC; calling it Destiny 1,5 is like calling every CoD after CoD4:MW a DLC for said CoD.
Ofcourse it's going to look similar to the first game but from what they've announced about the gameplay/story it holds enough to be a worthy sequel to it's predecessor.
I've played enough of both Destiny and Warframe to fuck up my life and they don't have very much in common. The minute-to-minute gameplay is completely different. In Warframe you can run AoE nukes and turn your brain off while you farm a mission but in Destiny you have to actually stay engaged in the game. There's no farming mobs for materials in Destiny except for some specific quests you'll finish in a few minutes. There also aren't time-gated things like Nitian.
For high-level PvE I'd say Destiny is more about being engaged in the game and playing your role well while Warframe is more about making wise use of your resources to build your arsenal. I played so much Warframe that just thinking about it now makes me sick, but the worst that happens for me with Destiny is that I get bored and take a break for a couple of months.
quick rundown in pic related. It's going to be really half assed, I know Bungie can do better but it's honestly going to be quality of life changes and going to be more easier so casuals can play. I reckon the Destiny 3 will be the best version, the way they originally intended D1 to be.
Sounds like my kind of game then. I like MMORPGs so a shooter version of it could be fun. I have some questions about how the raiding works in Destiny. Are there healers, tanks and dps on a single boss or is it more like a massive dungeon with specific mechanics that you have to clear as a group?
>falling for the "i-its just a DLC"-meme
Someone tell me about guns in this game. I like guns that go brrrrt.
Is there anything that feels like the second firemode of
Are the weapons all hitscan? Does it have any fancy weaponry playing with physics?
Don't think of Destiny as an MMO, it isn't. Likewise, raids don't play like MMO raids. A raid in Destiny is more like a puzzle that takes six people to do. They take a lot of communication and practice and yes, there are DPS phases but there are no dedicated support classes. Every class has its own way to offer support based on the situation: Hunters can make other players invisible with a smoke bomb for example and Titans can make a bubble that gives players a damage buff when they run through it. Each class also has ways of helping with DPS, since they all have one ability or another that makes bosses take increased damage.
In short, every class can do every role but some are better at some roles than others. It all comes down to the specific encounter, and experimenting with different classes in different roles for different encounters is a huge part of the fun. Your gear can also help out a lot during a raid encounter but at the end of the day you have to be good.
Destiny 2 will have SMGs and Destiny 1 already has bullet-hose ARs like Atheon's Epilogue
>Are the weapons all hitscan?
Rocket launchers and grenade launchers are not. I'm not really sure about fusion rifles. Abilities are also major weapons in Destiny, so there are things like AoE supers and projectiles fired by swords that are not hitscan.
as a Destiny 1 vet, from what I've seen so far:
Destiny 2 will be to Destiny 1 + DLCs as Fallout 4 was to Fallout 3. Destiny 2 will have Quality of Life improvements that Destiny 1 needed, and that's about it.
are you fucking blind?
those are details on a sci-fi helm, pretty standard shit desu
Also the reason the hood is down and why that helm isn't in the game is because it's box art, not an in-game render.
>improve pve in almost every way
>completely fuck up the skill trees
fucking bungie
Thanks for the explanation. I'll have to give open beta a try on PC if they're gonna do one.
>The reason they got rid of Grimoire is because there's actually gonna be a story in the base game lmao.
No, the Grimoire had all the cool story like dreams about the traveler and darkness and Cabal watching us do sick sparrow stunts through spy satellites and Oryx's secret diary. The in game plot of Destiny 2 is just going to be Cayde making jokes, Zavala taking thing seriously being the real joke, and Ikora being cryptic and generally uninspiring as always.
There was literally no reason to remove the grimoire rather than just making it a menu option in-game so you didn't have to go to fucking Bungie.net to read it.
No reason other than they can't write for shit anyway so there's nobody to write the Grimoire cards now
>stayed up late for the reveal
>was so excited
>see the first shot of the warlock on the tower
>get instantly disappointed
>as the stream goes on they reveal the same fucking thing we've been having for the past 3 years
Go fuck yourself It's fucking DLC sold off as a new game. The engine is slightly modified and looks a bit cleaner, but it's the same game Also the European Dead Zone was supposed to be in Destiny 1 but was saved for Destiny 2
he's obviously trolling
This, along with Int/Dis/Str being gone really sucks
Warframe has a story but the story sucks. To figure out half of what is going on you have to do the plot quests, do the syndicate quests, scan all the cephalon fragments, and send all the targets to Simaris digital sex dungeon.
Tyl Regor is my waifu though. I feel a special relationship with the guy after I caved his face in so many fucking times to build Equinox.