Theunis Botha, 51...

>Theunis Botha, 51, was leading a hunting group when they stumbled upon a breeding herd of elephants at the Good Luck Farm near Hwange National Park, Zimparks spokesman Simukai Nyasha tells The Telegraph.
>Botha focused on three female elephants charging the group but a fourth elephant snuck up behind him. That elephant was lifting him with her trunk when a member of his group shot the animal. The elephant then collapsed on Botha, crushing him.

What game lets me die an ironic death?


i got it....

how the hell does an elephant sneak up on you? it's the size of a fucking house

>a fourth elephant snuck up behind him
how shitty of a hunter do you have to be to let a fucking elephant get the drop on you

Based stealth elephant, hunters are the scum of Earth

Clever girl

>No thicc elephant to operation dumbo drop you
Why live?

>Hunt an endangered animal
>Gets killed

maybe the elephant was waiting on top of a tree, sitting on a branch

>all these stupid libturd hillary voters glad a man with 4 children died

8 years

That's why I always play pic related instead of going in to the woods.

African elephants actually aren't officially endangered anymore, thanks to robust conservation efforts

Good riddance, faggot.

These homos give hunting a bad name. Used to be something honorable, now it's jizz guzzlers doing anything it takes to ward away the reality of their microdicks.

Will the elephant hunt the children down as well?

He was an experienced "big game hunter", which essentially means he was a rich fuck who led tour guides where you shoot exotic animals.

Chances are he got cocky, then got unlucky when one of his m8s panicked and inadvertently got him killed.

I don't care about politics, but big game hunter is just a fancy way of calling yourself a poacher.

Should still be illegal. What good does killing the animal do if they're not even going to use any of the parts of it? It's just slaughter at that point.


>operation dumbo drop you

My fuckin sides

Woah video games!

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. It's not like hunting elephants was his only option to put food on the table.



Good riddance killing animals for sport should be illegal and banned.

*teleports behind u*
psh.. too easy
*picks u up*
*gets shot*
*takes u to hell with me*


It's not that I'm happy but if you are shitty enough to get snuck up by a fucking elephant, you deserve it. Natural selection and stuff

Maybe he should have been home taking care of his kids instead of poaching.

I hope it was slow and agonizing.

>Anyone who doesn't like seeing animals being pointlessly hunted down for the sole purpose of stroking some guy's ego is a Hillary supporter


How many offspring did the elephant have?

>get killed while partaking in luxury murder

He was literally no better than Travyon-tier niggers robbing gas stations for kicks and killed popped by an inbred redneck.

Nobody feels bad for him or his kids; their dad was a nigger and the world is slightly better off without him.

Population control. Old animals don't breed and take up resources. We do similar things to wolves and shit here in the U.S. but no one ever makes a big deal about it.


When this happens, does the impact collapse your chest cavity and destroy your vital organs, or do you literally get squished like a jelly donut like some of the car accidents I've come across.

Look behind you

im pretty sure they give the body over to the locals


that elephant had children too

>there are "men" on Sup Forums right now who don't enjoy the hunt

>Population control

I guess someone has to go on a shooting spree in China.

>all these misinformed emotional libtard beta cucks shitting up the board

when will they fucking go back to neogaf

>Population control
Are you out of your goddamn fucking mind?

I really don't know what you're trying to say or prove. You just look autistic.

>+200% nature's cloak
>+5m last breath kill

Plus due the unecessary nigger expansion in africa this forced the elephants into a confined area which is getting smaller and smaller by the day, these dumb fucks just "muh wildlife population control" as an excuse.

Sad thing is, they actually are.

That's very Dumbo and depressing at the same time.

>a fourth elephant snuck up behind him
HOW? did the elephant teleport behind him? FUCKING IDIOT

you're speaking on a topic which you have no understanding of, and you're gloating over a dead father. you're the one who looks autistic.

>Liking animals and not liking poachers makes you a liberal
What did I miss?

>Hunting an Elephant is hard
Its the size of a house, go hunt deer or birds or anything else that is small and fast

this is why you paintball Gammoth, fucking retards


>honestly thinks people hate poachers due to politics

>robust conservation efforts

You mean expanding original nigger population and shrinking reserve zone ? Native heroes even died protecting them while these dumb fucks hunts them. Ironic tho.

>therapy dogs & play-doh
"""""Higher""""" education.

>big game hunter is just a fancy way of calling yourself a poacher
Exactly what I was thinking. Ivory poaching.

hope it hurt suffocating under a ten ton animal


They're not endangered but they're still in the threatened category and classed as vulnerable.

You missed "childhood".
Getting old sucks huh ? I know that feel.

>Being pussy and hunt shit that can't attack back even after being mortally wound
>Not hunting elks and bears

Quit projecting

Retards running out of things to be offended by. A mirror of the tumblrina SJWs but on the other side of the fence.

>hunting something that can't kill you

you got btfo

Because killing animals from 200 yards away with a high power rifle is so manly.

Make it so that hunting is only legal with spears and you might be able to talk of masculinity and honor.



Not sure about how successful it is, but i think many 'exotic hunting' tours use the money they get to aid in conservation efforts so they become a 'net good' for preserving the species
i heard that some of these organizations are corrupt though


More like
>Risking your life in a pointless and expensive sport when you have four children to provide for

He deserved it 100%, shut the fuck up faggot Trumpcbro.

A fucking elephant snuck up on him, that's hillarious.

And a white guy shot on fucking schoolkids
What is your point?

It's a fact animal lovers make for the shitttiest parents so life will hit em back in the ass.

Big game hunting is only good because it pays to keep the animals habitat, there is no need for a fucking elephant population control you mong.

reminder that hunters love and respect animals more than you hippie faggots ever will

Everything in third world is corrupt, nothing new.

Who cares if he's a father? Having children doesn't make someone a good person

another braindead leftist cumslurper with 0 understanding of the situation

kill yourself

OP asked for ironic deaths

Oh shit u right
Carry on

You really hurt my feelings with that one.

He a good hunter, he dindu nuffin'!

Yeah, look at this respect.



Nothing personnal.


Conservation efforts aside, i don't know how sport hunting ever got seen as courageous or badass. You are attacking an animal from far away with a gun. It's not some amazing thing. Even if its a lion or something, chances are it never even saw you.

Literal bullshit to justify rich shoot exotic endangered species in a barrel resorts

Nice false equivalency

>Are you out of your fucking mind?
Did you even read the whole post? The hunts are legally sanctioned through the local government to aid in conservation efforts. It doesn't matter if the species is endangered or not. A past it's prime male or female steals resources from those that can more effectively use it. If you're going to put it down anyways might as well get some dumbass to pay you to do it.

Or this
Look at how respectful hunters are

>another woman

>guy tries to kill elephant
>it kills him instead


Not to mention that it's a waste of bullets that you could be shooting at, say, terrorists.

*teleports behind you*


>it's a woman, so it doesn't count
>men who kill animals for fun from half a mile away truly respect them guys
What did reddit mean by this?

Thank you for your insightful read on the article.

>Population control
>National Park
>herd of Breeding Elephants

None of these factors make any relevance to your position of referring to old animals. You are quite clearly fucking retarded. The guy had a company to bring wealthy people to hunt. He was not working for reasons of environmental and conservation concerns and in the interests of maintaining a natural balance in the wilderness, only thing he wanted to balance was his bank account.

Good, fucker deserved it

can i read some sources on this? I want to read about how effective it actually is