World of Warcraft

Don't want to shit this out in a general.

I'm 27 and not a NEET, with free time after work and weekends. Played pirate servers for a couple of months around the time The Burning Crusade was out.

Is it even worth it to get into the legit game at this point? I do enjoy MMO's, fiddled around with GW2 and liked it. How much has the game changed since BC? Is it better? Worse? Can a guy enjoy the full package without commiting 12+ hours a day at this point?

cool story bro, don't forget to update the blog

No. Not anymore. Keep playing on pirate servers and keep your money, unless you enjoy facebook games and a plot so idiotic and cringey mary sues you no longer recognize it as Warcraft.

All I am going to say is that there is too much grind in Legion.

Give a private vanilla server a go if you want to. It'll take a while for you to hit 60 given your lack of free time, but once you find a guild which raids at a convenient time for you, you can spend once or twice a week raidlogging and enjoy the game that way. 5-10 hours a week raiding on given nights and maybe a few hours farming consumables or casually pvping on other days will still get you good gear over time even though you'll never get the ranked pvp gear.

Nice videogame related post, faggot

MMO's are dead or dying. GW2 is shit, WoW now is also shit and dying. Get into other games, don't bother. Not even with pirate vanilla servers.

I don't think you ever needed to play for 12 hours a day. You never have to worry since they keep making it easier for new people and nerfing things into the ground.

>I don't think you ever needed to play for 12 hours a day
If you wanted to get past about R10 in vanilla pvp prior to about patch 1.12.1 then you did. Otherwise, nah.

no i come from the same era as you i know you feels

Well, not sure about the knowing feels thing. I'm pretty happy being an idort and enjoy vidya. Just wanted to branch out.
Hope things go better for ya, buddy.

>been thinking of resubbing, bought legion at launch like every xpac hoping ittl be good and quitting once i hit 110
>want to earn money to buy destiny 2, dont even like destiny

is the pvp worth it? the only reason i dropped out of legion was the stupid no pvp gear system, which i still think is fucking retarded

use your time and go to the gym, don't do it man.

The pvp makes it easier to jump on any alt without gearing them first.

thats exactly why i thought it was stupid as all hell, if anyone can do it, what is even the point of dedicating time to do it?

What was the point of doing it before? Just an easy way to gear up alts by getting strangers to carry you through enough games. You ran out of rewards before getting to a point that took any real dedication. If you enjoy pvp then all the more reason to play since you can try any spec.

Resubbed recently.
As it is right now, its okay-ish if you just want something to play as a timesink but don't go in expecting deep RPG gameplay.
Also I really hope you like dungeons.

>twenty fucking seven years old and posts on a child's forum
fuck off dude, go find an adult woman to have a life with, dont fucking piss about here

game is alright. Lots of stuff to do.

Lots of quest content in legion for solo players, and there's a lot to do if you're a hardcore or semi-hardcore player in terms of minmax. I've played semihardcore all the way through legion with a couple breaks. Nighthold was fucking retarded, with manditory 54 traits and tuning around BiS legendary items, but Tomb of Sargaras looks a lot better, the trait tuning seems a lot smoother and better in general, and its so easy to get legendary items that it's not a concern.

I'm married and /fit/ :^) Also, was posting here from child as well so go fuck yourself.

Cool. Will try it for a couple of weeks, then. Thanks for the input folks.

>I'm married and /fit/ :^) Also, was posting here from child as well so go fuck yourself.

look at the fedora, recoiling at the sight of a well-adjusted person

im recoiling at the shitty redddit vocabulary like "fedora" or claiming to be "/fit/" and referring to the board, like its some kind of badge of honor

wish you lot would fuck off already. its 3:42, go to bed, you have work/school tomorrow

I don't think you understand how this site works kid. I've been here for 10 years now. I have a wife, a career and a kid on the way.

Once you start browsing, you're here forever.

>timezones don't exist
>you're not jelly

You need to be eighteen to browse here.

>and a kid on the way.
pity the little bastard