/Final Fantasy XV Survey Inquiring about Future Content/
I think most people are picking world of ruin, Aranea and Ardyn backstory. I think they're gonna do all those things and the survey will set the priority order.
b-but I really want a hard mode too...
i voted for hard mode, ifrit, Ardyn, Aranea, line of Lucis and both Luna things. use different accounts to get more votes in
Sort of defeats the purpose doesn't it? What if they are only able to do one of these things?
>Playable character: Gentiana
the text at the top inplies multiple things because it says items that get many votes, not that only one thing will happen
oh and things like Ardyn past, Ifrit scenes, and playable Aranea, Cor and Iris were already mentioned as being in the works months ago. so it feels like we're just helping decide what they do first
World of Ruin, Ifrit's Betrayal and Noctis's Disappearance sound extremely intriguing.
WoR, Luna story (considering she's the main heroine, she really needs it) and Ardyn's past needs the most focus. Noctis' disappearance sounds intriguing too.
Why the fuck are people voting for playable characters when they're going to be added in the Multiplayer DLC anyway?
either Noctis disappearance shows what the other characters did while he was gone or its some dream thing Noctis has indide the crystal
World of Ruin, Ardyn's past and both Lunas will probably get the most votes seeing how many people are bitching about her screentime in the main game and are asking for her own Episode DLC.
I kinda wish they could find a way to work this into the game
Take your own advice. Honestly.
They could honestly make it work by making her appear in Noctis' dreams while he's stuck inside the crystal. If that's about the Noctis' disappearance thing.
there is a brief window of time when she's alive where such a thing could fit. the night that Noctis has his talk with "Hilary".
They should be improving the already stale combat, not adding more characters with bland movesets.
- Noctis barely has any decent moves with his weapons
- theres no click when they connect to enemies
-holding down a button sucks ass,
- every combos are the same and the animations for them sucks ass
- the Royal arms don't have unique enough properties
- warping needs to have a variety of forms like how Nyx can warp and still follow the momentum of the dagger allowing him to leap through the air
- bring back the original E3 system where you had more than 4 weapons to cycle through in your arsenal
- bring back magic to be a separate tab altogether so it doesn't take up a fucking weapons slot
- make magic not require a fucking consumable (not a single fucking worth while soul like abilities being tied to consumables you have.
Seriously I am barely able to overlook most the dumb fuck choices that worthless cunt Tabata made for this game, but I will never forgive him for his need to water down the combat this fucking much from the original concept because his fucking hands hurt and he wants to appease people who cannot press buttons within a 3 second interval of each other.
I realized the combat for this game was doomed when you are unable to switch weapons without Noctis having to stop to do it and not on the run. (Which btw was also in 2013's e3 demo)
>New stat changing magic
>No choice for additional damage spells
where's the "watch people responsible for this abomination suck each other off" option?
Why the fuck does hard mode is an option?
It should be there without any dlc.
They should do all of the mentioned dlcs, people will buy it.
Appear, freeze and kill everything, teleport away.
>see all that cut content that should be in the ase game?
>pls pick one and just maybe we will add this
eat shit Tabata
You lying piece of sht
"we upped main store lenght from 40h to 50h", my ass.
And it was only one of the many lies by him
>Hard Mode
>Actually needing the game to change things for you to make it harder rather than trying with no items/no magic/all WHM party/no random encounters or any combination of restrictions
What the fuck happened to this series?
>ten years
Agreed. This painting is beautiful.
>They should be improving the already stale combat
Stopped reading there bucko. Water is wet, dumb plebs gonna pleb.
>>pls pick one and just maybe we will add this
This. Everything should be included in the game. Heck, everything should already be in the game since Day 1.
He is here
This is how I know you've never even played the game. I'm beginning to think that all the braindead FFXV haters are actually salty PC fats in disguise.
generic and dull as fuck
Never knew XVkun was a disgusting commie as well.
Also its shit combat, and its a fucking mess. No battle comes out as a smooth, action packed transition. Just shit animations and annoying slowdown frames on certain events
Cor is the best male
Trying running and changing weapons at the same time without jumping, make a webm of it and then comeback to me. I waited for this game longer than you'll ever know and wanted it to be something special but Tabata not enjoying the combat part of video games had to ruin it for me.
You're suppose switch weapons during combos you mongoloid.
No fucking shit I never said you couldn't swap between the other three, shitty bland weapons with terrible animations. I said you're unable to swap weapons whilst moving at the same time, say you're running up to something. A small crack in gameplay quality that highlights how fucking intuitive the gameplay is.
Okay now I'm 100% certain that you're one of those lobotomized cretins going "why can't they just fly the ring to Mordor on the eagle?!? 0/10"
You honestly don't deserve to play video games because your infantile brain is unable to process them correctly. Let alone a masterpiece such as FFXV.
This. I honestly can't decide whether combat or story is worse. Everything about this game is just putrid.
>a masterpiece such as FFXV
>I'm not good at action games: The Post
That webm proves it.
Protips: Learn to parry enemy attacks with proper timing and give commands to your teammates accordingly
>Let alone a masterpiece such as FFXV
>I'm not good at action games: The Post
But I am good at action games. XV just isn't a good action game.
not before giving everyone stiffies
Spoken like a true shitter.
are you 12
most of the stuff you said is wrong. there is very clear click when connecting.
You can switch to other weapons mid attacking without stopping. what are you on about?
These are updates.
Not all the time. It's inconsistent as shit.
I love action gameplay. I have overall 1200 hours in the entire DMC series and 500 in bayonetta. I was also an infernal works fag, so as far as dumb internet qualification go I am more equipped than you to speak on action combat and this games combat flat out stinks. I am not even saying its hard its just bad.
Animations are bad, Kinaesthetics are fucking awful (Then again you probably don't know what that means in context to action combat) the slow down frames are annoying and interrupt flow. There are some many glaring fucking flaws with this combat its almost unforgivable that a company can invest this much money and have such a shoddy outcome.
Look at the E3 2013 demo and look at the UI. The combat has literally been downgraded. You could use more than 4 fucking weapons and chances are the combat animations were tied to pressing a button to perform one action which is WAY superior to holding down the button since they now have to make animations to accommodate the hold down function and they all look fucking stupid. Its sad that I can put in Nier Automata, get the engine blade, and see 2B perform better with Noctis' sword than what he can. There are so many cool concepts you can use for someone who is able to create weapons from thin air and Tabata utilizes literally non of them aside from a warping mechnic he never even came up with. Also youre on losing ground if you're defending a game with a boss fight that literally involved flying around and pressing one button.
At least pretend you've played it.
You can switch weapons mid combo/while attacking both on ground or in the air.
Samefag is here.
>Look at the E3 2013 demo and look at the UI. The combat has literally been downgraded. You could use more than 4 fucking weapons and chances are the combat animations were tied to pressing a button to perform one action which is WAY superior to holding down the button since they now have to make animations to accommodate the hold down function and they all look fucking stupid.
This. 2013 looked much better.
I don't think I've ever seen a single player game try so hard to stay in the limelight. You'd think SE would just let Tabata finish his character DLC then close down production for good and put resources towards a new game, not one that's already irrelevant.
Seriously you again after you got BTFO in the last thread? You still don't even know how to use shields and you also lied about enemies somehow not having windup or tells to their attacks.
They're actually retarded. They hosted a limited time MMO event for a single player rpg.
Yet the very video you post shows how Noctis can only perform one fucking combo and how when the weapon connects the animations frames do a sudden jump to the finish not fucking smooth whatsoever.
Also I fucking love this. Noctis has a spear and in a JRPG all he seems to do are these awkward little stabs with animations that look like they are missing frames, no fancy swirling, no acrobatics, just shitty stabbing animations.
>posting more webms of some retard who doesn't know how to play
Yes always, learn how the game works you lying fuck.
Show me your Devil May Cry 4 gameplay. Or any other hack and slash. Otherwise stop talking.
Kill yourself Barry you repulsive bogan fuck. You have a mental illness and I can't wait until your non-stop shitposting about a fucking video game finally ends up ruining your grades to the point that your family decides to put you away.
But I literally just proved you wrong. Attacks don't always connect.
The video displays how animations connect to the enemy, how fucking boring they animations themselves are and how unresponsive it looks. Not their game play ability. I don't care how good you are, there is now what you can make this kind of moveset look interesting.
Here you go.
there is no way*
>Literally having to ask your fanbase to vote on things that should've been in the game already
This shows that a Tabata really thought the final product was acceptable.
SE is so out of touch with their buyers it's comical.
>we literally have no vision for what we want to do with this half-finished game
>the World of Ruin
Are there people who don't understand what happened and are voting for it? Or are people voting in hopes we see older Iris.
>Animations are bad
No they aren't, they are easily among the best animations in any Action game ever, the fluidity and blending through every single weapon to actions is unparalleled.
Every single flow of motion has windup for anticipation and a follow through with a payoff, the slowdowns are called hitstop and make hits feel more impactful too, they don't interup anything. Webm related are the same animation, hitstop makes it more impactful while before it just phased through without as strong a sense of impact
No there isn't, the only problem with it is that you can spam item potions.
Oh this is gonna be good.
>The combat has literally been downgraded.
Despite it being upgraded in every way?
>You could use more than 4 fucking weapons
Yet he's only shown using 3-4 weapons the entire trailer?
>holding down the button since
See shit like this just shows me you havn't even played it. You can tap to attack, you will do the same exact fucking attack animations that it did back in the 2013 and 2011 and 2014 trailers and footage, you couldn't be more of a dumbass if you tried. Every single element of Noctis's basic attacking in older trailers are present in the final game. Every opening hit, finisher, warpstrike, lance hit, every single one of them is the same exact animation, speed and input to hit as it was since the 2011 Versus trailer, the only difference is they changed the command menu into real time weapon switching.
You just lost all ground since you are seriously trying to fucking act like the Leviathan fight is even remotely close to what the regular battle system of the game is. Only two fights in the entire game use the flying armiger mode, stop with your desperate bullshitting.
You just posted a clip of 2014, and in that clip the only thing that is happening is that they are holding down the attack button the whole time, which is what Tabata said was happening in that footage, you can tap to attack in the final game.
Your 1200 hours mean jackshit if you couldn't even get a hang of FFXV's refined easy to learn yet fast paced and intuitive combat mechanics. Funnily enough, I am also a DMC as well as Soulsborne fag and deem XV's fighting system to be amongst the best in the genre. Second only to FROMSOFT's games perhaps.
The animations are janky af and the combat is literally the same in this webm you cooked up. Overall the final version is obviously an improvement over this. Your hopeless autistic self will never understand though.
>No they aren't, they are easily among the best animations in any Action game ever
is tabata retarded? people have finished the game and moved on already.
Fucking this. SE wants money but they don't know what the fuck they want to do to achieve that.
Tons of other AAA devs have made better risk reward games and left this old jap company in the dust.
What shitposting am I doing? Do you mean correcting idiots who are lying about XV because they literally don't know how it plays?
No you didn't, because you posted a webm of someone not even playing properly, you are just cherrypicking bullshit you found from random youtube videos instead of making your own videos to make your points because you fucking can't.
>Attacks don't always connect.
Yes they do.
>The video displays how animations connect to the enemy,
No it displays someone who doens't even know how to play the game doing random shit instead of playing it properly. The animations are all responsive and if you actually bothered to fucking play the game you would know that.
Hey look another clip that was invalidated in the previous thread when you tried to post it, why the fuck are you still trying when I proved you wrong on every fucking bullshit thing you said in the previous thread?
Not everyone is an attenwhoring youtube fag you underaged babby.
How about a DLC where Noctis becomes a kid and his party members are all the females.
It's the worst action system of all time.
Meme replies mean that you have no argument and thus lose by default. Not only are XV haters abysmal at video games they're pretty dumb too.
Surely you have proof.
Lmfao thanks for proving my point that you can't play action games for shit.
>Tfw XV-Kun himself enters your thread and joins you in utterly BTFOing all the foolish haters
>"hits connect"
>literally warps with a greatsword and enemy doesn't even react
I think people understand, but they want to see the changes the world went through. I know a lot of people wanted to go to Lestallum as it was pretty much the last bastion of hope.
And of course Irisfags.
No one likes a copycat
>No option to explore the other parts of Lucis
That's what I want. Hop to it, Tabata.
>no they aren't
For everyone one good animation an attack has there are usually 5 bad ones. Also that attack when you jump from the turtles back was fucking laughable
So you think magic being in a separate tab and having more than 6 weapons at one time without having to swap out is an upgrade?
>Yet he's only shown using 3-4 weapons the entire trailer?
So? Its a concept trailer and it clearly shows there was an intention for more weapons to be used. What a fucking worthless rebuttal, holy shit.
>See shit like this just shows me you havn't even played it. You can tap to attack
You don't know fuck all about Hack and slash action games do you? The animations are synced to work with a holding down motion as such mashing the button will feel unresponsive since they are not made to work well with mashing. And there is a thing in these games called Kinaesthetics, when you tap a button once a singular action happens and as such it feels far more intuitive, it's why DMC4 and 3 still holds the crown for hack and slashes. XV ditched ALL these principles for a method of play that makes Tabata's hands not hurt. Also they may be the same animations but Tabata's versions are spliced together and some look unfinished in terms of motion rigging.
The E3 trailer also includes an aerial dash alongside a warp, faster animations, no slow down effects when performing certain finishers or when getting hit (seriously this is the most fucking annoying thing). Everything seems to click better, these two version of gameplay are not similar in how they playout and you're a fucking moron if you think they are.
XV-Kun I have a question for you specifically. From one FFXV lover to another, what should be our choice in the survey? Which item do you plan to pick?
I'm torn between Hard mode, World of Ruin and Noctis's Disappearance.
Who said I couldn't get the hang of it? Its fucking easy. But its also boring.
Why are they adding so much free content to a story game? I like that's they're doing it but how will it give them anything?
Its people like you who made this game bad. Because square knew they could shit out a game and dumb fucks like you would never criticize it for its fucking horrid, in your face, flaws.
Give yourselves a pat on the back.
Buy some potions and shit for the hunts if you're having such a tough time grasping it you fucking idiot.
Good thing Sup Forums has a webm format and that they are easy to make. Show me your Devil May Cry gameplay since you're good at action games and like them after all.
They know that countless players all over the world love the game and it shows in the success that it has had. This is their way of showing their thanks. Few devs are as talented and generous desu.
Is that webm suppose to be impressive? Because animation wise it looks repetitive and gameplay wise it does as well.
>have an actual FF protagonist design that is good
>only feature it for 40 minutes and make it only accessible for the open world through glitches
The same for the other bros. They look so much better in their thirties.
>Yet the very video you post shows how Noctis can only perform one fucking combo and how when the weapon connects the animations frames do a sudden jump to the finish not fucking smooth whatsoever.
Except that video is showing doing only crush attacks intentionally because I recorded that clip to show another retard that those opening attack animations have been in the game since Versus.
>no fancy swirling, no acrobatics,
Seriously just stop, the lance attacks are the same ones since Versus.
and here's some more
I was wondering about this after I finished the game for the first time, which was last month.
Why won't they make the older characters' skins available for free roam? I'm honestly curious, it seems like a no-brainer that doesn't require any work.
I chose AraAra.
I'm not a plebeian autist like you so not going to go through the hassle of getting my gameplay footage from my PS4 to this thread. Nor do I play vidya to prove anything to anyone. Feel free to own up to the challenge though shitlord.
Where did I say it was hard. This game is pathetically fucking easy. The gameplay just sucks massive cock and its funny watching you guys defend it. Maybe because I am not a brain dead troglodyte but when an action game has a weapons with literally only one moveset its fucking dull with intuitive animations and gameplay it makes me want to play something better.
>it seems like a no-brainer
Remember this is square