Favorite Game
Favorite Character
What do you want to see in the next one?
Favorite Game
Favorite Character
What do you want to see in the next one?
Other urls found in this thread:
A Happy Ending for the MC.
Velvet had a hard life
Presea is cute
Give me 2~3 words that describe each game in the series.
Symphonia: Fuck those Half Elves
Abyss: Fon
Graces: Friendship is awesome
Xillia: Bazongas
Xillia 2: Pay your debt
Zestiria: Malevolence
I am quite taken with Eleanor
I don't know how you make a character blander than Asbel but Sorey found a goddamn way
Vesperia: Muh Flynn
Asbel has the whole protect thing going for him. What does Sorey even have?
Eleanor is my wife
Piss off, Eleanor is an angel
She's not the one running around setting fire to the join trying to murder people
Graces and Berseria are the only ones where you can easily control all the party members.
But she does like show her tits to shota's
shit waifu, man
I don't remember it being that hard in Xillia.
Is Rose still worst Heroine?
Rokurou's pretty cool.
Tales is shit after Vesperia.
Graces F had the best combat system, though.
Tales was shit before Berseria
>Tales of Symphonia
>Jade Curtiss
Tales games haven't been good in a long time tbqh
Graces maybe hated for its story and characters but it does have the best skits and combat.
Zestiria has nothing going for.
I loved that Zesty anime had full homo end
Would you take Velvet out for dinner?
I'd argue that Berseria's skits are already better.
Whenever it's Eizen and Rokurou, they're always good.
Velvet wouldn't want to be taken out to dinner, user. She can't taste.
>Berseria: Why do birds fly?
Why do birds suddenly appear?
Gave me a mind break fetish
Tested my limits for how unlikable a protagonist could be
Yuri and Judith were quietly fucking throughout the entire game and no one can tell me otherwise.
Fuck your gay plot and give me more of that sweet combat. (The story before Richard became an obvious, whiny villain was actually pretty good though)
Tested my patience for most annoying character trait with Milla's lisp.
Inverse of Graces: love the story and characters, bored out of my mind with the combat.
What would the general consensus be if Rebirth, Destiny 2 and Hearts were on the same popularity as the others?
I liked Hearts R a lot for what that's worth
Sexualize the shota
Shame they never really properly used that aspect of his personality. Someone like say, Justin who was eager to explore ruins to the point where becoming an adventurer was his life's dream. Sorey was just kind of interested in them but it always comes off as HEY NEAT and more HOLY SHIT WONDERS OF THE AGES!
I haven't played Destiny 2 and Hearts yet, but Rebirth is probably my favorite Tales game. Interesting and challenging combat with a good story, the characters didn't stand out as much as most other games but I don't remember one standing out as being particularly annoying either.
...I AM the dinner aren't I. Not complaining really.
Hahaha Hahaha
>muh air combat
why does Phi get all the onee-chans
This thread has been up for 2 hours? How did I miss it, I spend my days pressing F5 on the catalog to find them, fuck.
I would torture, behead and rape everyone on earth to touch Velvet's hair.
She can taste blood
>She can taste blood
Sooooo Arby's?
I'd let her eat me
Too bad it's gonna die before it reaches 100 posts like most tales threads.
Berseria: birds 'n shit
Exploring ruins to study history is Sorey's dream, but when the game is released when it's not even 50% done then shit is gonna be cut.
He punched God in the face for that right
Than he died
- I want 16 Clam Chowder
- I want 23 Don's Special
- No forget the last one
- I want 6 ice Cream
- No forget the last one
- I want 27 Special Menu B
- No forget the last one
- I want 17 Special Menu A
- That will be it
Waiter!!!! Where is my Food!
Vesperia is just above Symphonia for my, if just for the QoL improvements. And Yuri is my favourite character.
For the next Tales, get old Team Symphonia back alone again and bring back TP instead of endless combos. And bring back World Maps to walk around on, much better than huge empty field after field after field.
Tear is cute and no one can convince me otherwise!
>Favorite Game
Fuck man I dunno. I'd say Ludger just for design I guess.
>Favorite Character
>What do you want to see in the next one?
Symphonia combat.
i dont know about you guys but i like the tales of the world radiant mythology series on PSP than the actual tales games.
something in me loves those crossover games and their skit.
>Leave the game running for 4 hours
>Maximum profit
Why is the "Rita 100 Man-Melee" is considered the best way to raise grade in this game again ?
How do people solo the arena with Rita? Just spam tidal wave? Any necessary skills for that?
>Favorite Game
>Favorite Character
>What do you want to see in the next one?
I've played many Tales games and enjoyed all of them on different levels but the cast, story and lore of Berseria just appealed to me a lot more than any of the previous one did.
well, it depends on your level, but with the good skills it's fairly easy.
You just need the skills that help casting, endure and everything associated to overlimit.
Then you spam tidal wave (and meteor storm sometimes) in level 1 OVL.
Symphonia: *blocks your path*
Vesperia: eggbear
Graces: RICHARD, WHAT'S HAPPENI-*rrrriiiiip*
Xillia: lisp
Zestiria: muh armatus
Berseria/Zesteria's world seems kinda shitty, bad emotions can convert you into a monster without recovery. I wish there is actual resolution to this problem like other tales had.
I'm at the end of the game so I guess I'll try it out. I don't think I have the skill that enables Rita to go into a short overlimit after doing a magic combo of a certain length, but maybe it's possible without that one.
Japanese folklore
>Favorite Game Vesperia PS3
>Favorite Character Sheena.
I want to see something new and a very complete game please.
Abyss n Berseria.
Jade. Always Jade.
How anyone else can answer anything else I will never understand.
>Favorite Character
Velvet. I didn't thought I would loved her as much as I did. She deserved better.
I can't wait for trails of cold steel 3, did it release for the nips yet?
>that awkward moment when you take your 0 years old nephew in a slow-mo smiling run...
>... to brutally murder a pig
Hearts R
Love how he doesn't act like a healer at all.
Would you not do the same if you were a girl?
Just when I thought I had seen the epitome of bad character designs with Zestiria Armatus, the cast of Hearts R just takes it to a whole new level of "who thought this was a good idea?"
>Favorite game
Berseria or Abyss
>Favorite character
Jade or Yuri
>What do you want to see in the next one
Everything they did right with berseria(Story,cast,gameplay) but with a new engine and hopefully a world map
There's a solution, massacring seraphs, but will never be shown.
>Playing Graces on the Highest Difficulty
The Nova element can go fuck itself.
I'm sure none of you people will like Berseria if Velvet were a guy instead.
Obviously, there's such a thing as human nature and you can't just go gender switching your characters blindly. Humans aren't blank slates after all
Besides, Why would a guy be so possessive and over protective of his shota? Velvet's personality works out for her because she's an onee-san, and we accept that women can have strong maternal instincts, become highly emotional, be super protective toward her stuff, etc.
I wouldn't know because I refuse to even play it nor any future Tales regardless until they fix the shitty lazy dungeon designs.
>Favorite Game
>Favorite Character
In the next game, I'd like to see a more inspiring, unique world. There wasn't much special or particularly memorable about any of Zestiria or Berseria's locales, other than the open reef area in Berseria.
Sorey has far more charm than Asbel. He managed to be a sheltered and optimistic nerd without being dangerously naive or passive. His unabashed passion and cheer made him consistently enjoyable in skits.
Game: Vesperia
Character: Marta Lualdi (Tales of symphonia: dawn of the new world)
I'd love to see a cell shaded game again (not happening).
Xillia concept art was amazing, a shame they didn't have the resources to fully realize it.
Vesperia has the absolute worst villains though.
And don't get me started on Duke.
>Besides, Why would a guy be so possessive and over protective of his shota?
Is it that different than Ludger slaughtering the Xillia cast and dooming the world for Julius?
The vast majority of Tales fans are willing to excuse Vesperia's shit story because muh vigilante and muh graphix.
Why is Marta your favorite?
Is there a more badass character than Shigure?
should i bother playing tales of berseria without playing any other tales games?
I've gotten big into jrpgs lately, playing through personas, shin megami tenseis and even nier automata.
I never really played berseria but know some of the story, should i?
I think its a good start into tales
Because she's a flat tsundere and I really liked her seiyuu.
Rokurou didn't deserve a bad end