ITT Games that got abandoned
ITT Games that got abandoned
Long War 2 sucks a gigantic bag of dicks. But not in a good way like Long War
Until they fix it, X2 will remain dead.
What's the problem with LW2? I never got around to playing XCOM 2.
games that got aborted
>Until they fix it
Lmao, this game got released when, 2015? Even devs already forgot about this piece of shit
I don't care what you guys say XCOM 2 had one of the best box arts of this decade
the correct way to play the new xcom was always to see the aliens, back up into full cover, and then go into overwatch, hunker, or smoke grenade
this strategy draws the aliens forward into partial cover, for better shots from your entire team, or sniper kills
rather than fix this immediately apparent design error, the developer created timed objectives that forced you to make non-optimal choices if you wanted the shitty little upgrades
Not really viable when the devs force a time limit on you for almost every mission in XCOM2.
You can only do so much to polish a turd.
you couldn't make it all the way to the third line?
I'm adding to your post, my man. In XCOM2, shit's no longer an optional objective for shitty little upgrades. They're forced on you if you want to accomplish your objectives. It's absolute shit.
>this game got released when, 2015?
That was the strategy pushed for EU, except it doesnt fucking work. The aliens arent that stupid and they'll just fucking wait.
But they're still working on chapter 3
It's more of an issue with the way X2 operates in general.
Aliens have incredibly strong abilities, lessening the value of cover. There are also many missions with turn timers, which cause a mandatory mission failure if you take too much time (unlike MELD which just incentivizes you to move faster).
Concealment is a stealth mechanic in X2 that allows you to get the drop on aleeums for free as well. It's pretty cool, until you realize the objective timers were built around it, and that the AI cheats while you're in it. So, you actively fuck yourself if you try to play stealthy, so you just end up using it to free-kill the first or second pod you see. On the other hand, if you lose it early, you have a tough time meeting the arbitrary mission timer, and can lose your entire A team to some random fucking RNG rather than a tactical mistake.
Furthermore, while procedurally generated maps are cool sometimes, their tactical complexity is severely reduced when compared to EW maps.
There's more to it, but basically the entire game pushes you toward a single style of play. Basically, you alpha strike with explosives then mop up, or you get skullfucked.
This gets boring before you even reach the end of a single playthrough.
Long War 2 did little to fix this. Though you have more classes and abilities, it doesn't matter because you still have to approach every fight the exact same way. In fact, they played up the stealth aspect, which is INCREDIBLY boring.
Now, while XCOM:EW had a similar issue with overwatch spam, you could mix things up with Waifu-bots and gene mods, and the game gave you the flexibility to approach a firefight how you saw fit. XCOM:EW Long War increased this tactical flexibility in a very substantial and fun way.
That sounds really unfortunate. I remember being pretty hyped for XCOM 2 before it came out.
Xcom 3 when?
Never. Sid Meier's Pirates! please.
He's exaggerating. Spamming explosives is simply the easiest way to win a fight.
Xcom 2 aquatic boogaloo when
man I can't get over how amazing the cover art is
No, user. That's what you tell yourself to justify the purchase, not what's really happening. We've talked about these delusions of yours and how lithium helps. Put your mother on, I need to speak with her.
>shitty little upgrades
Meme skins break the game
There'll probably be one obligatory expansion.
I loved XCOM 2. I don't see a reason to continue playing it once I've beat it
What do you mean? We've already gotten Shen's Legacy and the Alium Kings.
In a while. It's called Xenonauts 2, though, which may confuse some.