Achievement: Defeat the first boss

>Achievement: Defeat the first boss
>"62% of games owners have unlocked this achievement"

Other urls found in this thread:

>he doesn't pirate and finish games and then buy them on steam afterwards


>"62% of games owners have unlocked this achievement"

That gif hurts my feelings

>Achievement: Customize Settings
>2.91% Ultra Rare

is this the Sup Forums waifu thread

Guess what its fake



game's complete garbage, i dont blame people for playing 10 seconds of the tutorial then returning it

What game am I looking at?

>Acheivement: play the game
>80% of games owners have unlocked this acheivement

>Achievement: *something hard*
>"0.01% of gamers have unlocked this achievement"

what's her name Sup Forums?

hard mode:

>"0.00% of gamers have unlocked this"

>Achievement: Start the game
>"48% of games owners have unlocked this achievement"

>Achievement: Backed the game on Kickstarter!

>achievement: press the start button
>"78% of players have unlocked this achievement"

38% bought the game and didn't play it

>buying a game and not playing it

They might not have had time to sit down and play it, obviously.

If only st Vincent wasn't gay as shit and dating cara delevigne

Hype and brand loyalty.
You often see people in streams saying how they'd "have the time to play it"

>Achievement: Play with a developer online

Is there a game that has worse achievement unlocks?

Is there a game that is worse period?


ninja gaiden II
>beat the game only using x weapon 5 points
>acheivement exists for ever weapon

>start the game you just bought for 20 bucks
>only 87.4% of players have unlocked this achievement

I brought the Diablo 3 Expansion when it was on sale for $10.

I haven't touched it since, but I figured it's probably not gonna get much cheaper than that and at some point I do wanna check it out.


>press enter
>achievement doesn't unlock
>21.4% of players have the most common achievement
>18.6% players have the achievement for completing the first stage of the game
>despite this, 0.7% of players have completed every achievement; which is about a thousand various level bonuses, some super grindy stuff, and some that you just have to be extremely good at the game to do


>popular game is released on steam
>everyone completes it
>years later, achievements are added
>"2.5% of players unlocked "start the game"

Never understood this one.

>Start the game

Did 10% of people install/put the game in and then just never even play it?


Should have specified on PSN
You have to have the game installed/in the system for the trophy list to show up.

Yes. Welcome to capitalism.

A man sells to you a machine for twenty pence that gives you infinite delicious hamburgers that you can't give or sell to anyone else. Who cares, though? At least I get ostensibly free hamburgers for life! You eat half of one hamburger. It's good. You never eat another. What is wrong with you? What is wrong with us?

Deals and how gaming sales work. If it's the middle of the year and a store has a daily deal on a AAA videogame, I tend to buy it.

he said
>pirate and finish games and THEN buy them

>It's good. You never eat another.
Please, sir.
I am American.
I eat like 10 Cheeseburgers a week
Not even memeing. I love burgers and get small burgers a day at BK on my way to work

>give away free copies of an obscure game
>someone who pirated and finished it takes one to "make up for pirating it"

I have plenty of garbage I've got from Humble Bundles that I bought for one or two games that I've never even installed.


This is from Helldivers, I shit you not
>Complete a mission: 75.1%
>Customize your character: 73.6%
>Complete the tutorial: 67.4%
>Reach level 7: 58.3%
>Play against each race at least once: 51.6%
And my favourite
>Join others through the matchmaking system: 48.5%
What the fuck is going on?

Game is shit, that's why people drop instantly

I'm sorry you have shit taste, user

I never got this.
I've finished like 90% of the games I own or at the very least finished enough that I felt like I got the whole experience.

>Game where you need teamwork to survive
>Game where you need skill to kill stuff
>Game without a story about LGBT being oppressed
>Game without walking section with nothing to do
>Game last more than 2 hours
It's shit

I like burgers too, and I'm sure you know the rodeo burger holds it down going to BK that often. But holy shit 10 a week?!!? Is that a burger both ways, or do you just down multiple ones in the drive to work? No lie I'm so American I eat BK burgers once a week for din-dins consistently.

>when you've given up on dieting the post

match making is shit dumbass
wen u gon lern?

>Achieve victory through any means

something like 60% of people who own dark souls 3 have beaten iudex gundyr on ps4. what a fucking joke.

>>Achievement: Press Start
>>"92% of games owners have unlocked this achievement"

>achievements for the most out of the way autistic social media shilling shit but nothing for finishing the game

Welcome to PC gaming then. Everytime there is a sale, I get buy a lot cheap but neat looking games out of impulse, but after I find that really hooks me up, I tend to forget playing the rest.

>Achievement: Defeat the first boss
>"19% of players have unlocked this achievement"

>masturbate to your vidya waifu
>100% of Sup Forums users have unlocked key this achievement

What's her name?


Maybe get some friends to play with you like I did?
>Sup Forums

The one and only, of course

How did people ember for Gundyr? Where does that 0.5% come from?

Probably CE


They broke up like last year.

Damn it Garry



>Achievement: Beat all of the campaigns on Legendary (Solo or Co-op doesnt matter)
>1% of players have this achievement
What the fuck else were people doing when Multiplayer didnt work?

Some people buy it on sale then put it on their backlog or are just buying the digital version to have it on their library forever.

That's the most embarrassing thing I've ever read in my entire life

>Achievement: Kill a dev in a multiplayer match
>Game is like a decade old

Yes, in fact Let it Die is pretty good for a f2p, and would be truly excellent if it wasn't for the fp2 features.

I don't understand why this achievements is so rare. Speedrun mode is pretty fun and can be completed in 20 minutes.

it's a gif from /gif/. They post all kinds of dick shaming gifs. Not to mention, subtle sissy mind control gifs that make you start craving dicks. If you don't already.

>achievements expose him as a shitter who never finishes his games and plays easy mode
>"achievements are for plebs anyway"
my favorite type of poster

Whenever my friend attempts to do this it crashes. Crashed on me too once, didn't happen again.

>30% of owners have never scored a goal in rocket league

Whats you rarest achievement?

>You have to have the game installed/in the system for the trophy list to show up.
I think you have to have started the game at least once for it to show up.

Playing better games

>capturing a single fighter lets any person from their country retaliate from any level and even steal your fighters
>theres not even enough room for that many kidnappings
>there are pools of max level players waiting for rescue missions since they cant be matched with that many other players and want free rank bonuses
>doing this a hundred times

humble bundle. Ill get 1 game that comes with 4 others that I dont care about

>play an online match

>Multiplayer only game

what if i play offline? will steam still track my good goy achievement points?

Tons of people buy shit on steam and never ever touch it.

>achievement: play the game on launch day

Why is she so perfect?

newgame plus ding dong

I actually missed the first three standing stones on my first playthrough.

I like the one in Battleblock Theater that's contagious, play with a developer OR anyone else who has the achievement already

Mostly because it's called Chicken Toucher

Fine with me


I can explain a bit about this.
Pre-ordered the game and played day 1, but my shitty toaster couldnt run it at something more than 800x600 and so I had to drop it.

At this day I haven't upgraded my pc and I still don't have that achivement.

Loose roastie with plain looks is entitled. Damn I wonder why people don't get married and stay together for 50 years anymore


Lmao at this poorfag


I have something like 650 games in my Steam library, a couple dozen on Origin, another couple dozen on GOG, probably 40 or so on PS4, I don't even know how many on PS3, a handful on 360, a bunch on 3DS and a few on Vita. I haven't played a video game in 6 years. I just like building up huge libraries, I guess.