Let's have our meta thread

what can we do to stop the blatant farcry 5 shilling that's going on?
this board is literally infested with farcry 5 threads

Shift-click hides threads.
Hide, move on.

They are fueled by attention, attention given by the population of underage retards, flase-flaggers and shitposters on Sup Forums.

Hide, move on.

not an option, kid

It'll stop when the game launches, has denuvo and die down. Sup Forums had been been through worse.

We need MORE *Braaaap* posting on Sup Forums!!

I don't get it. Farcry is shit and it's UBISHIT. Any other time nobody would care but now it's politicized so there's people mad and people trying to spite the mad people. So ridiculous, fuck those faggots at Ubisoft for stirring the pot.

You underestiamte autism. People are not mad because they see those threads, people are mad because they exist. This is a safespace for autists, that's why generally everyone who doesn't share the mentality of this echochamber gets shat on. It usually goes so far that people see different opinions as ironic bait because they can not understand the basic concept of opinions. Same with threads about things they don't like. Usually there wouldn't be enough people on Sup Forums to keep farcry threads alive but through the power of sheer autism and trying to shit on them they actually bump those threads.

Same as always. Stop taking the bait for every thread you see.

If people wanted to truly be meta about Sup Forums, then they'd quickly realise that Sup Forums has been a literal designated shitposting board for some time now, and while some discussion does still happen you have to sift through heaps upon heaps upon heaps of shit to find it.

The most telling thing about Sup Forums is the screencaps.

A screencap from /his/ or /k/, for example, with have the funny post screencapped.

A screencap from Sup Forums or Sup Forums will have the post screencapped, with a majority of the image being taken up by reactions to the post.

The difference between boards like Sup Forums or Sup Forums or other boards is that other boards are for talking about stuff, while boards like this are all about tyring to make le next epic screencap.

The board is dominated by people trying to get reactions, rile people up and spam the same shit content constantly in an attempt to get a big drop of (you)s and see their thread posted later in "best of Sup Forums" threads.

That is the Sup Forums meta, realising that the best way to avoid shitty Sup Forums content is to stop posting on Sup Forums.

>reddit spacing
Not even gonna boither reading that shit

Get some fucking mods that nuke Sup Forumsacks on sight

The reddit spacing thing is yet another forced meme by an autist who read too much into people typing how they would anywhere else, with natural progression of a typed document using a new line for a new paragraph of sentence.
Doesn't always come out well on Sup Forums, but the reddit spacing meme is one part of the obsession with that faggy site despite it being common knowledge that a huge chunk of Sup Forums's regular userbase are probably reddit users.

What is going on with this board lately. Between the bizarre hate boner for Prey, the 24/7 hour "outrages" about Far Cry 5, those bizarre "shitting on every classic old-school game" threads popping up, people genuinely rejocing after the Hitman studio being laid off:
I've seen this board in a really bad shape before, but it was always due to some one individual specific problem - like a big popualar game causing everyone to go into meltdown mode.

Now it's just a weird random slow bubbling of angst and resentment. I've never seen so much impotent, directionless spite here in the many, many years I've wasted on this board. It's getting way out of hands.

it's fucking b a i t

>how they would anywhere else
Too bad this is not 'anywhere else'. Just like you don't call people faggots or niggers or chinks on facebook, you don't double space your paragraphs here. It's not hard to understand.

some years ago we were shitting on niggers
since when niggers are equal to reddit?
i don't mean i like reddit either but shit i prefer to shit on nignog

If you wish to be a racist fuck go to Sup Forums or /r/The_Donald

stale pasta is stale

Except conduct isn't defined by spacing of fucking text, you autist.
Sup Forums is no longer a bubble, everyone fucking knows about it and people from all over the place lurk and post on it.
This is just like anywhere else, the only difference being its anonymous.

What really isn't hard to understand is that retards like you sperging out over """reddit spacing""" and demanding I type a particular way so as not to send you spiralling into a "get out of my sekrit club" rant is exactly what brought those faggots here so they could post and trigger you to hell and back.

Taking Sup Forums and Sup Forums as a whole so fucking seriously is what brought all the shitposters, and continuing to do so is what is making them breed like rabbits.

Shift-click, hide faggy threads, problem solved.

how to spot a newfag

>farcry 5 is being shilled by upset Sup Forumstards
This makes me giggle, but yeah something needs to be done as it's the same thread over and over again.

fuck off


Theres no shock value in saying "nigger" anymore, most people who still use it in Sup Forums are people from Sup Forums

>pokemon threads everywhere
>people are fed up with it
>/vp/ is made
>generals everywhere
>people are fed up with it
>/vg/ is made
>threads about old games have no chance on Sup Forums
>/vr/ is made
>gaming culture&politics and offtopic discussion everywhere

>Politics threads
>There's 3 whole boards for it
>Mods busy eating hotpockets
See the problem?

Thanks language police, but maybe they just want to trigger people like you. Faggot

But then i can't practise my arguing abiout mundane shit skills. If you've been here long enough, you'll know how to differentiate between a good and a bad thread.
>What really isn't hard to understand is that retards like you sperging out over """reddit spacing""" and demanding I type a particular way so as not to send you spiralling into a "get out of my sekrit club" rant is exactly what brought those faggots here so they could post and trigger you to hell and back.
It's because we've been lax with the lurk moars that this site is falling out. or maybe the influx of new is too much it can't be contained. as much as i love Sup Forums as a board, i'd trade having Hillary as a president over Sup Forums having this much influence and being the gateway into Sup Forums.

>hello i'm new and i don't like how the people in 4chinz is racist

If you're not willing to adapt to this site's culture, conduct and whatnot, you should fuck off back to where you come from.
People like you are just like the muslim immigrants, and no I don't browse Sup Forums. The analogy simply fits the situation.
You would know if you had been here 10 years ago.

>implying politics is Sup Forums's only problem
All the tertiary shit has to go. A dedicated board for that kinda shit would fix a fuckton of problems.

Le spicy meatball



It's a fucking image board.
Shift-click to hide shit you don't like.
>board culture

Sup Forums is no fucking different to anywhere else.
It isn't the hayday anymore.
People here don't remember days before catalogues, they don't remember days before hirmoot, they don't even remember shit as recent as Chris-Chan anymore.
Sup Forums is known to fucking everyone, and Sup Forums was the only real "notorious" place, and then they made themselves accessible through spamming of kek and pepe and all that shite.

What is REALLY happening here is that all the kids who had access to internet at a much younger age than all of us did are hitting puberty, getting older, and are being targeted by politicians more and more. Thusly, they become more aware of political tropes, issues and situations, and that bleeds into Sup Forums which they use all the time.

They all want to be the next epic post, and there's no way to effectively stop this.
We can't go back in time to when Sup Forums was clunky and awkward and still a weird place that normal people avoided, but why would Sup Forums's owners try and limit their userbase?
It's a pity, but it's how it is and denying it is stupid.

>Taking Sup Forums and Sup Forums as a whole so fucking seriously is what brought all the shitposters
Except that less newfag-frienldy boards are still doing way better than shitheaps like Sup Forums

You mean the niche boards which aren't about things so widely discussed by the average twat?

Why do you think VIDEO GAMES and POLITICS are so popular? What absolutely dominates internet discussion right now?

The reason boards like /k/ or /his/ or some of the more obscure ones do fine isn't because they are unfriendly to newfags, it's because people don't bother with them.

Facebook is dominated by video games and politics.
Twitter is the same.
Tumblr is the same.
Reddit is the same.
Every popular site will always pander to video games, or to politics, or to both.

Thinking that just telling people who are new to fuck off will change that isn't just retarded, it's absolute fantasy.

> just telling people who are new to fuck off will change that
except this used to work, but people simply stopped.

That was back when people still had a level of reservation for Sup Forums when the traffic wasn't quite so high.
In the past few years, traffic has absolutely spiked when people realised that one anonymous faggot or 10 anonymous faggots telling you to stop posting couldn't actually make you stop posting unless you are breaking the rules.

Then people figured out that an easy way to rile people up is to ACT like the newfags that people hate, or to post opinions known to be unpopular.

A couple years of this, and here we are.

well it doesn't anymore. and nobody knows how to fix this

Except shit like anime is widely popular with the millenial crowd, yet Sup Forums still manages to maintain some level of quality (although arguably diminished). Telling obvious newfags to fuck off/lurk more still does work, if it's done consistently

Do a demographic survey