Just finished Vanquish in 60fps

No, it's not a masterpiece. Binary Domain is better.
It's not an ''arcadey'' shooter like Sup Forums told me.
It's a 4 hour shooter with fast gimmick to give you the impression lots is going on in your screen

Cool, go finish it on God Hard and tell me the boosting is a gimmick.

Seriously, if you actually think it's that shallow then you're just not good at it.

>the game itself is 2gb
>the other 16gb are cutscenes
that tells a lot about Platinum.

Not really. For all we know the video files could be bloated to discourage piracy; I think that's unironically happened before.

Don't really understand how that has anything to do with the games actual gameplay, though.

2GB for gameplay, engine, assets, weapons, enemies etc. Even Koei Tecmo Dynasty Warriors has more variety.
And in fact the game has 16GB of cutscene.

Not really.
Furthermore, the game clock doesn't count cutscenes or retry/continues.

>not really
it is 16GB of video files.

Probably to discourage piracy.

binary domain is trash. no need to be upset because no one cares about it you autistic fag.

the entire game is 2GB.
Without cutscene the game is a 2,5 hour repetitive gimmick

You need to look at filesizes to see through Platinum's tinnily veiled "cinematic entry tier action games" ruse?

>reads "don't know what that has to do with the gameplay"
>repeats themselves like it somehow makes what they said the first time more valid.

Are you a little autistic?


Guy sounds like a turbo autist.

>the video files could be bloated to discourage piracy
how does that even work? wouldn't that also discourage actual customers? pirates just repack it anyways

It is. 2,45GB to be precise.

vanquish on god hard = shitty cover shooter with le epic oneshots

>game comes out on consoles
>relatively low buzz but the people who like it really like it and praise it publicly.
>gets released on PC
>shitposting shifts into full throttle suddenly every new player takes it upon themselves to be the guy who tells everyone who liked it their wrong.

It's Dark Souls all over again.

Told you it was shit. It was never good. Bought it for $5 on 360 years ago and was not impressed at all. Only retarded Platinumdrones praise this trash.

So repack when?

Cool bro

Dark Souls being 25fps on PS3 was not a problem but Vanquish in 60fps on PC doesn't show any depth or interesting combat. It was a meme all this time.

It's Gears of War with boosting. It's not a bad thing, but every minute I'm playing Vanquish I'm just thinking how I could be playing any other Platinum game instead.
Maybe I'm just growing tired of shooting games

You= faggot mutt with shit taste
>cover shooter

Dumb jap garbage - looks like something a crayon eater might enjoy so of course Sup Forums likes it

>God Hard
>Where AR mode duration and recharge is cut in half and enemy health is buffed
>Chump enemies are replaced by stronger enemies, mseveral of whom have big one shot kill attacks
>Causing far fewer situations where using boost and slomo is actually viable over just rolling around like a retard
God Hard turns the game from a somewhat okay evasion shooter to a really fucking bad cover shooter with a faster than average sprint.

>Binary Domain is better.

>Binary Domain

Epic same faggotry

>fell for another Platinum Games are good meme and bought this trash game

When does this board stop sucking Platinum Games dick?

Mod that let's me run through and melee everything to death when?

Binary Domain is a very good shooter that never gets repetitive. Very well polished too
Vanquish is praised because it's Platinjew

>comes to Sup Forums
>loldumJap garbage right??
You meme'd yourself cuck.

Hello, console player here with just a laptop he uses for fapgames.

Vanquish is the biggest turd floating on the Platinum sewage

When you head back to lé Réddit.

it takes like 15 mins to dl 16gb

how is that gonna discourage piracy? lnao dumbass platinumshill

Who cares, bro?

We all played and forgot this game six years ago, what's your point?

>The one game where you need to aim is the worst
>Coming from someone who uses a controller
Color me surprised.

Cool bro

Sup Forums is not diehard weeb as it was pre-2013. Pic is totally related

You must have really shit internet m8

Yeah sure you definitely take cover more, but there are specific portions where they force you to deal with really garbage cover, and the final boss in particular forces you to move around constantly and rely a lot on audio cues. It's a lot more engaging than something like a GoW campaign.

Not really? You should be boosting and dodging really frequently, and smart quick bursts of slow-mo are pretty much required to get through it. Yeah, I can't argue that you end up behind cover more because a couple bullets will send you to critical health, but if you're spending all of your time doing that then you're just not using the resources you have available to you.

I like vanquish and I'm glad I can replay it on pc.

I also like binary domain.

Something about deep black never clicked with me though.

Vanquish has some cool techniques you can mix together, I didn't even know what the cigarettes did for a while.

You must be autistic, faggot.

>boosting and dodging really frequently,
because they have to make you forget about lack of enemy variety. They just throw you at a shit semi-closed place that you have to boost and dodge every 2 seconds

Doesn't matter how good your internet is when all the public torrents have 800% more leechers than seeders for the first 3 days.

>let's make upgrading retarded
>also let's make our gimmick have a short duration
>also let's make a cool thing like melee use up all your boost and you can't use it again

Is Vanquish an experiment into how to ruin a games fun?


I can download 20 gigs in less then an hour but whatever you say samefag

Binary domain is all around a better shooter, I agree. More different situations, actual and cool bosses.

Vanquish has more charisma and a more engaging gameplay thou.

They are both good, but I see your point - thing is unless you play bd from start to finish, you wan't have this opinion, because the game is uneappealing for various reasons.

Can we just appreciate for a second how FUCKING GOOD THE PORT IS?

>crank up literally everything to max on a mid-tier PC
>130 FPS

Enjoy not playing for three days then. Mine is downloading and will be finished in oh, and hour or so.

>Binary Domain is better.

Pop robotic moles in the head is better than Vanquish? Bitch you baitin'

Too bad you can't download how to not be a virgin.

It's a game for masochists, like Dark Souls.

I'm not losing that until I get married.
I'm not a sinner.

It honestly wouldn't work at all if the intent was to discourage piracy. Pirates can just get repacks that have smaller video files or highly compressed files. Actual customers are the ones who would be discouraged.

>2017, still parroting the controllers can't aim meme
>Console players would be the ones who can't aim with the peripheral they use all the time

I mean there's retarded, and then there's you


Good for you, m8. You and the other 3% of pirates who get their games that way are not SEGA's main concern.

Dark Souls is repetition meme but it has somehow good variety and decent music
Vanquish's highlight is on cutscenes.

>controllers can't aim meme

memes can be facts so I don't know what you're implying here

Fucking rekt

It's okayish at best. Still better than shityonet
ta. Bald twitter man is a hack as it gets.
Yeah, console kids have low standarts, more news at 11!

>let's make upgrading retarded
upgrading is pointless, hardest difficulty removes it completely
>gimmick have a short duration
if you want to spam the dick out of bullet time, go play Max Payne 3.
>melee use all your boost
Oh no, attacks that do large damage, some of them having I-frames have a limit to them as balance.

stop being a shitter

keep beating that dead horse /r/pcmasterrace

Speaking of this PC port...
>A GTX 1060 with i7 can't do 4K/60fps
>People think Scorpio will be 4k60fps


Not that user but If it takes that long to download stuff, I'm pretty sure they are going to go out and buy a fucking 360 or ps3

>game is legit shit

What's the point in arguing with this cuck. It's just nu-Sup Forums's need to complain about every tiny thing.

I like both Vanquish AND Binary Domain.

Fight me.

>let's make upgrading retarded
Baby didn't play on hard mode, I see.

Cranking up the graphics and framerate without adding any new missions isn't that hard to do.

Not what I was saying. I know plenty of console players who didn't like the game, I'm just saying they didn't bitch about it obnoxiously like PC players always seem to do.

>console kids have low standarts

Dude, No Man's Sky is one of the steam top sellers. You can't find bigger shit eaters than PC.ucks

what's so hard with admitting a controller is shit tier for aiming, why do you have such a claim in that fight?

"it's shit but it's all I have/all I care to use" is a valid viewpoint because it's just video games dude, but being deluded into thinking it's in any way comparable to MKB doesn't seem very honest

>Aiming in slow motion

Guys what other CUHRAYZEEEEEH skill intensive thrid person games can i play besides Vanquish and Mass Effect?

God hard*

At least get it right faggot

wow Sup Forums doesnt like a shitty game even though it has anime tits alert the presses

I'm enjoying it.
Thanks for the beta test, console friends.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day user

>I'm not thoroughly autistic

the only legit shit thing here is you, shitposter-kun

I don't know, it's just hard to contradict a lifetime of first hand experience for the sake of platform wars faggotry.

Thats because you are a fucking retard this is like the dmc of third person shooter you fool.
You take an opinion of a loser that finished dmc3 on easy or normal fucking ONCE never even started DMD that forces you to actually learn shit seriously when he then states "lol this game is shit"?
Do challange mode and play on hardest difficulty learn to learn the fucking combat then and only then open you mouth. Unbelievable.

It's just Op being ass mad and samefagging.
Shit's hilarious.

Every game is shit on Sup Forums. Nothing is good. Nothing will ever be good. If you like any game at all you're a weeb and an autist.

its fucking gears of war except you move faster between cover get over yourself

You should change that to
>even a clock that doesn't tick is right twice a day

play on a difficulty that actually matters instead of easy or normie .. but i guess we would then read shit from you ala "lol cheap shit game die in 2 hits pure rng"

I used to play nothing but consoles too until I had the money to build my first PC, it took a little while to get used to it but there are obvious advantages you shouldn't just rule out because you don't like them

I'm a complete and utter faggot, the post.


It's Max Payne except that you have rocket skates.

Okay whatever, but I don't give a shit whether console players "have lower standards" or not. I'm just making a sweeping generalization about the PC community being obnoxious as fuck. That's literally all I was saying.

Naw, Gears is actually a shit game.

Heard similar shit from dark souls
>come talk when you beat NG+7 fag
After my first play through I never died again. That includes all the dark soul games

people who said this probably just boosted around and didn't know there is shitload of hidden mechanics that you can use

that's equivalent to finishing bayonetta with pkp combo, however to be fair, vanquish does a shit job at actually showing you that you can do way more

Nope its not retard on the highest difficulty you get fucked playing peek a boo and are forced to play in the open with dash sprint and dont even get me started on the time trials on the hardest difficulty. This is all typical v shit from people that played the game/finished the game once.
Its pathetic its as if you only play bayonetta on the easiest setting and then complain about the game even thought you didnt even experienced or learned 5% of the combat then go online and complain about it.