Dude this unappealing...

>Dude this unappealing, $1 indie game that I only played for 30 minutes tops is very refreshing and way better than actual quality video games

Why would he say this?

Other urls found in this thread:


He's redpilled and knows that AAA is diarrhea

It's on PC and runs at 60fps.

Its the only fucking thing PC has, if he didn't review this cookie-cutter flash game shit then he could release videos every 6 months.

This is like the 4th time you've tried to make this thread. Don't you have anything better to do, kid?
saged for good measure

>threw a major baby tantrum when a certain woman didn't become president and said his wife was literally Hitler for voting for a 3rd candidate


I'm sorry he didn't like your favorite game, user.

>taking twitter seriously

He wrote like a 6 paragraph diatribe saying just that.

I never forget, and I never forgive.


>This is like the 4th time you've tried to make this thread.
More like 24th.

He acknowledged that was a stupid thing to say and apologized for it.

Because he's a professional videogame critic with a Law degree from Leicester and youre no

im trying to imagine what being this assblasted feels like.

Because he's gotten old.

wat a pathetic loser, i feel bad for his parents

Because you're stupid enough to watch his videos even when you don't like his shit. Worse yet, you waste your time giving any importance to it.
I swear people bitching over shit an e-celeb said are the dumbest fuckers in this board.

>total bizkut employing CTR now

His father was an Anglican Priest.

Don't feel sorry for him.

I'd feel for anyone who has a kid suffering from asperger's syndrome tbqh

But he's right. AAA games are garbage and indie shit is often more entertaining than them.
I'm not even being a hipster, if big companies started putting some effort in making good games rather than in marketing bad ones I'd play AAA over indie/retro in a heartbeat.

So what game are you talking about OP?


That means he was molested as a kid.

I'm more annoyed by how he ended his long-running SEGA boycott after he smelled money was in the air with all the upcoming ports and releases.

what archive is this

>my job is hard
>I'm jaded and I can't stand video games
>its my personal policy to NEVER beat a game
>lmao wow my fans are big pieces of shit
What did TotallyMadBiscuit mean by this


what games?

He's always been full of shit. Remember when he took to lying about DeS' framerate when he got called out over that retarded Bloodborne thing? Then when people in his chatbox brought it up, it was suddenly "I'M NOT ANSWERING ANY MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT OTHER GAMES".

This is after he was sucking himself off for supposedly being the reason DaS got ported to the PC, which is something he's done several times.

>Spend all life as Anglican Priest
>Raise son as best you can
>The dumb fuck even manages to get a Law Degree
>Not from a good university though
>After University works at GAME, says gaming is his passion
>slowly moves up from WoW radio host to YouTube celebrity as you grow to be dissapointed in him more and more for ruining his life
>He gets terminal cancer
>You know those prayers you tried to push out of your head have been answered by God

Who said Anglican faith wasn't the correct one?

>confusing Protestants for Catholics
nobody is actually this dumb right?

Catholicism is the only way.

le spend 40 minutes in the options menu man

You forgot

>raise another mans child

That post gave me ass cancer.

I kinda like him even if I don't agree on all of his views.
Him getting ass cancer was karma, though.
However cancer is fucking horrible and I don't want anyone to suffer.

Because hes trying to take global view of reviewing games and support new developers you autistic virgin

Did he really? Hahahahaha that's fucking pathetic

>>Not from a good university though

do you really think uni prestige matters when it comes to law degrees, passing state bar exams and execution in the field?


Yeah fine, they have differing political views and all that, but they didn't talk about it amongst themselves behind closed doors like anyone halfway reasonably, instead opting to spaz out at his wife on fucking social networking in an extremely vicious way about the whole election thing because she voted for Gary Johnson.

He's a legitimately very nasty person.

Not as pathetic as you, what have you done with your life recently? Claimed benefits, masturbated and posted here? Yeah, other people are pathetic

>voting for aleppo man

Its all the same shit. They are all just fucked up white boy cultists brainwashing people and fuckibg kids on the side.

why do we care about this cuck again? and why is he still alive, he have cancer for 3 years now.

Nobody even knows what you're talking about.
What's the name of the indie game and the quality game?

>'quick look' at a game
>smugly rambles for 2 hours

>his wife is getting ready to move on from him the second the will's done being read.
Can't blame her to be honest.

> literally killed each other over the differences
> "no big difference lol - ameripork, 2017


Are Witcher autists still mad at him?

>He's a legitimately very nasty person.
I thought everyone knew that by now, he hides it completely in his content but the disabled comment sections will always be there.

He loves the sound of his voice, after all.

>that bullshit movie-length excuse for Andromeda video

>white boy
Drop this from future bait attempts lad, far too obvious.

I would fuck his wife desu

This shit is so baffling. I am so glad that anons go to these archives and search for filenames/threads like this for proof because i've seen a lot of screenshots like that, just one person posting the same thread over and over. It's so mind numbing to me, how sad and pathetic do you have to literally post the exact same copypasted thread with the same image OVER and OVER and OVER.

Just what the fuck, we joke and meme about people being autistic all the time but shit like this is genuine real autism. Seek help OP you fucking retard, for the better of your life.

You would have a point if he didn't have cancer that Healthcare is helping him pay for. As it stands, Trump's not only reducing Healthcare, but increasing taxes too.
Meanwhile his wife went the "I''M NOOTREL!" route. You know, that thing that has worked maybe twice in the entire history of American Politics?

So she lost weight in order to cosplay?

For her health, if I remember right. She was on the verge of something bad, I think, and the doctor managed to tell her before it happened. Pretty sure TB was about to start too, and then fucking Cancer happened.


She lost weight because TB is dying and she needs to find a new cock to ride.

No kidding

You mean complain about lack of graphics options then not know how different AA modes work man.

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

how come he's not dead yet

Premise could only be more hilarious if his stepson was actually black.

He and his cancer fused into one being

>busted ass face
>them tits though

Eh, put a flag over her face and fuck her for all her glory

I lost my old_and_bald.jpg comparison pic of him several years apart, anyone has it?

>Remember when he took to lying about DeS' framerate when he got called out over that retarded Bloodborne thing?
What exactly did he say?

Ass cancer is nowhere as terminal as practicably sure-kill lung cancer, for example. He also discovered it too late and still survived.



Indie games can get experimental and offer new stuff to the table with low risk. AAA is high budget with high risk.

>he was so buttblasted on regular basis he eventually developed a terminal illness

She'll have millions to play with for plastic surgery in a few months and odds are she'll be moving out to either LA to get it done or Korea given contacts she's made in Exports.

I hear he's on the mend though, so that would be nice...

you can always tell an actual real video game because it costs $60 and comes in a box that says "only on Playstation" isn't that right fellow video game-players? :D

>in a few months
The cancer isn't terminal any more.

>those hips
>those tits
Good God, she's probably got fleshflaps going every direction but that body is made for BREEDING


We were so fucking close to a world without Totalbiscuit. What God do I have to suck off to get this to happen?

Me. Now get down.

>Wanting anyone to die from cancer
Nobody deserves cancer. Not TB, not (You), not anybody. It's a fucking menace, and the closer we get to curing it, the better.

It actually does. If you don't go to a prestigious university you might as well not go. The law market is insanely over saturated right now, unless you wanna crawl your way up in a shit firm like a peasant, go to duke or don't go.

You are so cool

>that feel when mine are even bigger
I should just kill myself at this point

t. Summerfag

Nigger you can filter this shit, try filter the things that trigger you

>if a game doesn't have billions of dollars invested in graphics and marketing, it must be terrible

that's not the point nigger, most of the games he reviewed are utter fucking garbage.

Dude, you set up a bot once to post a thread every day. At most you'll have to fill out a captcha after that.

He's one of those "muh games are art" people. So of course he'll have bad taste. But it doesn't nullify the fact that even the worst clickbait steam greenlight pixel trash is better than your average AAA waste of space.

Boogie could learn something from her.

He'd try for ten minutes than make a twenty minute video on how its alright to be a fat fuck.

your standards could not get any lower

Billions of dollars invested in demand-increasing tasks like graphics and marketing allow companies to take on greater risk than companies without those. With greater risks come greater rewards. Not to mention, graphics are one of the primary elements of the aesthetic experience that vidya provide. If a company is putting that much money into marketing and graphics, you can bet they don't need to cheap-out on all the other costs towards making classics games, too.



hi dj orwell

Why do you think I'm that website-hacking scum?

This is pretty true.