I like this new Far Cry 5

I like this new Far Cry 5

I'm sure if we keep ostracising muslims they'll integrate

i didn't even know about far cry 5 before all these threads popped up. so far the game looks pretty radical!
thanks OP now i'll know what game im buying next!

Does it still say "sinner" in arabic?

It's missing the peaceful Muslim truck of good tidings and peace

We need to be more nice to them, after all they dindu nuffin

The ones who profit from the 60s counter revolution (that revolution I'll remind you was started by jews, blacks and white liberals. See every Martin Luther King Jr. rally it was backed by jewish rabbis and white liberals) are these:

- blacks (welfare, affirmative actions, etc)
- white liberals (work in mass media, university, schools, educational system in general and anti-racist organizations)
- jews (they own universities, mass media corporations and they invest in anti-racist organizations)

As long as this system is alive there won't be 1 day of peace in United States

>we want muslims here in the first place

I don't know about your country, but in mine we try to do everything for them, and they still act like apes.

Hello, Sup Forumstards, my old friends

Isn't the full reveal supposed to happen today?

Can't the Sup Forumsfags wait a few hours to actually see what the game's about, instead of kneejerking some more?

>tfw canadian citizen

They're only gonna get more butthurt. Today is gonna be a fun day.

>canadian video game developers

this is abhorrent

Liberation of Canada when?

>showing the face of MohaMAD

you earned a decapitation, congratulations

because the USA is any different kek

>Takes place in Montana
>Main character takes on a cult of rednecks
So this is gonna be Outlast 2 with guns?

So do I.
I love advertising.

>come and chat
Man what happened here? They don't even bother trying to pass it off as a "lel let's shit up the stream chat" anymore

These people happened.
Newfags storming and hiro openly allowing advertising.

-People regularly beat up Sikhs in the street after mistaking them for Muslims.
-Thousands of women stopped wearing hijabs after 9/11 for fear of being shot
-We literally invade random countries and murder millions of dune coons whenever one of them kills our people

Consequences: Every few months some sandnigger tries to murder some people and usually fails.

-Total submission to Big Arab Cocks fucking their children
-Make islamophobia illegal
-Make criticizing Muslims illegal
-No-go zones
-Most cuckolded outreach program ever
-Muslim mayor of London literally saying that terror attacks are just a part of living in a city
-99% of "New German" immigrants unemployed, have no intentions of working

Result: Weekly terrorist attacks that kill dozens of people, bi-weekly beheadings, no signs of slowing.

Turns out we know how to deal with Muslims better than you do. I'll save you the lengthy explanation--they're Right Wing, meaning they're actual men. You wouldn't know how to deal with an actual man, all you know how to do is simper and apologize to people who hate you. We lack your white-guilt laden bigotry. We treat Muslims the exact way we expect to be treated--which is with zero tolerance and suspicion of foreign ideas. Guess what? It works. Muslims in America are the best integrated Muslims anywhere in the Western world. Our way works. Your way doesn't. Now go get disassembled by a truck you faggot, if you're an American, leave the country. Go move to Sweden. Enjoy the rich vibrant diversity of a knife in your belly.


whoops, left joke name on from another thread

go on Wikipedia and look at how many terrorist attacks happen every month in the Muslim world. it's literally like 3 a day.
more Muslims=more terrorism
rip Europe

this is a nice edit

europeans everybody

Muslims will never integrate because what they believe is the diametric opposite of the ideals our civilization was founded on.

Western society was never meant to be a multicultural shithole. This trend started in 1500 with Protestantism and humanism garbage

Humanism is illogical. Different races act in different ways, you can't place them in the same society and expect anything other than the one without scruples exploit and mistreat the one with scruples.

tell it to protestants they will call you a racist just like a jew or a liberal

>somebody was ass-blasted enough about whites being the villains for the first time in the franchise to make this image

reminder that you're arguing with children from the ages of 12-17

They should be happy they are allowed to live honestly

Protestants sound like traitors and traitors should hang first.

This is false. There would be more edgy nazi memes if that were the case. Judging by the tone these threads usually take, it's mostly 22 year old liberal numales.

>Result: Weekly terrorist attacks that kill dozens of people, bi-weekly beheadings
You know if you're going to shitpost at least stay in reality. All that brietshit news is doing your head in kiddo.

Well the Sup Forumstard audience is 20 or younger so you're not entirely wrong. It takes a very special type of entitled spoiled brat to make a Sup Forumstard

Sounds more like a liberal to me. They think monkeys are entitled to the fruit of your labor.

Being a Sup Forumstard I dont expect you to understand the nuances of politics, or the fact that you're just a mirror reflection of the very people you cry about.

Have your only (you)

That word is borderline meaningless again. Try again without buzzwords.

>Sup Forumstard

Ah yes, that self-sure moral superiority. Tell me more, oh great progressive one!
Minority rights activists take the side of a group which seeks nothing less than their total destruction and the benefits of the success of western civilization. What does the average Moroccan contribute to the French? What does the average Negro contribute to the American? What does the average Turk contribute to the German? They take, they rape, they murder. This is obvious for everyone to see. Nationalists want this to stop, internationalists simply see this as the cost to pay in their quest to repent for perceived sins, the notion of which has been implanted in them since childhood.

when leftists say they want to get rid of white society, do you think they are joking?
They never say those thinks as a "joke".

That's ali, not Muhammed, you stupid faggot

Ah, yes, pol is definitely behind this. Even though if they wanted a circlejerk about killing a specific race they'll just post this on Sup Forums not Sup Forums. Why don't you fuck off where you came from, newfag.

I don't want integration.
I want them all dead.
Every last man, woman, and child.

You know, sometimes the anime right can be ok,

>then turns around and generalizes a entire group of people

Do you people not see the hypocrisy of your idiocy

Retarded political views, non vidya posts. Sure sounds like Sup Forums

Salty Sup Forumsfags have done an amazing job at advertising this game. Far Cry wasn't even on my radar until this.

>Retarded political views
Nothing about the point of view I posted is political. It's examining the current political climate from a realist, anthropological standpoint.

It's pretty obvious what its about.
>Muh extremist christian cult
I mean I'm into it but you're an idiot.

I got bets they'll bungle it like every nu Far Cry story.

I like how when this game doesn't even mock you, but you still got mad, unless you are some sort of christian extremist. You have become pretty much same as SJWs.

Lol the lack of self awareness it takes for you to talk about hypocrisy

Pol has been the site's blight for years. They even fucked up the Sup Forums ball.



>You have become pretty much same as SJWs
What I wouldn't give to be so brainwashed that I can't conceptualize taking my own side.

Literally this. A rain will come that will clean the streets of this filth

It says disbeliever

Oh my god, Everyone is talking about why make a videogame about bad christians when its muslims that are doing wrong. But were hypocrites for not wanting a group of people being made fun of out of politacal correctness because thats what this game is.

yeeeeh, counter signal memes are the best


Its not even about Christians, its about a new religious cult because they didnt want to offend any. Want would a game about muslim extremists even look like? Just another middle east shooter? Who wants that?


Let's guess protagonist

>No brownie points

>Few brownie points
Black male
Gay male

>Medium brownie points
White female

Black female

>Want would a game about muslim extremists even look like?
It's like Where's Waldo where you have to pick out which Paki to shoot on the streets of London. There's no penalty for shooting all of them and that's how you get the good end.

The Witcher TV show was weird. According to it, part of the Witcher fighting style is not dodging, they're all like
>Geralt, you're dodging, that's haram, it's not the witcher way.

I can already see the buttblasted Sup Forumspol/ comments under the trailer, including the obligatory pepe avatar

I think what would cause the most butthurt would be a latino, a muslim, or a black woman.

Might want to edit that.
Male cuck "femminist" shot his GF. Not so virtuus now are you?

To be frank, if they do make protagonist a muslim then this will bomb harder than Hiroshima.

Muslim killing white christians would cause biggest shitstorm ever, bigger than GTA3.

>you were assblasted enough to make that post

I think he'll be Hispanic but Im not sure why it'd cause butthurt especially if he's white.

Sounds like it'd make a terrible game if thats all there is to it. Not something suitable for Far Cry either.

Well, Far Cry is just running towards objective markers and crafting menus, so not sure what you mean by that.

I can't wait to pirate this game and play as a tolerant Muslim shooting American hick racists.

It's going to be a white female. Probably a carbon copy of pic related.

>Just be nice to terrorists and they will be nice back
Kys Antifa cuckold


>still not knowing Islamic terrorism is a tool/symptom of global jihad and internationalism

Nigger the same people that hit the WTC hit Afghanistan and Iraq and syria

>Sup Forumstard
Don't use those retarded terms

Get out

God she's so independent and powerful