ITT: What casuals say

>"It's like Dark souls!"
>"So much better than Call of Duty."
>"This game is giving me nostalgia!"

Other urls found in this thread:

All of these are valid statements under certain circumstances you autist

>So progressive!


>my first console was a PS1

I wish a game would give me nostalgia.

>I really identify with this trans-ethnic demi-queer polyamorous bunself femwoman mk. II!


"I like playing video games"

>"So much better than Call of Duty."
Anyone can say this about nearly any video game.

But that's such a cliche though.

Bro, are you aware the PS1 was released 22 years ago?

>posting vidya in your tinder bio
literal cancer



>stop saying it's shit, videogame quality is /subjective/
>The /gameplay/ is the best in the series.. but there's no story!
>Can't wait to dig out some of the /retro/ games in my attic
>[JRPG/WRPG] is the best /RPG/ of all-time!
Because of developer independence, /indie/ devs provide fresher ideas than AAA devs
>The game has an astounding amount of /emergent/ content
>You didn't understand the /message/ behind the game
>a console /doesn't need better hardware/ to make better games
>/cutscenes/ detract from videoGAMES
>[game] is /art/
>If you think it's bad you then don't understand how genius a /parody/ it is
>[game] is too short for its pricetag

I will never date a young baby mama no matter how hot she is, sorry.

why not user?

roasties get out

>because it's fun!

My Mother was a young baby mama at her prime.

She would always tell me, all the boys she dates is that she is our main priority and is simply using him to feed us.

I understand a mama needs to do what a mama needs to do but I do not want to be a fucking tool for your children.

It's most likely these women will only use you for your income to care for their children.

It's a sad world but I'll never stoop that low, good luck though mom.

>negating immunity
You monster.

Just because your mom was a gold digger doesn't mean you have to give money to every woman you date.

>implying my inmunity can get negated
get fucked you dumb cunt.

Then why did you reply to his posts you milk drinker?

>"Witcher 3 is the best game ever made"
>"Skyrim is my favorite RPG"
>"Crusader Kings? That sounds dumb"
>"haha only nerds play strategy games"
>"Nah, dude, I don't like CoD, I haven't played it in like a six months."
>"Le cake is a lie xD"
>"Nah, I only played Portal 2"
>"Who cares that everyone has a sub-machine gun in WW1? Maybe the developers wanted the game to be fun?"
>"Bioshock is better than System Shock. System shock is just generic sci-fi y'know?"
>"Everyone can be a gamer. You're a gamer if you play sudoku on your phone!"
>"Ugh, I can't stand old games"
>"Oh yeah, I love Borderlands 2! It's super funny!"
>"Yeah, I play really obscure games, like Dishonored"
>"What are you talking about? Mass Effect 1 was the WORST Mass Effect"
>"I don't mind the Mass Effect 3 ending, it's more about the journey rather than the destination"

>It doesn't feel right on PC
>25 FPS looks better to me
>I like to pay twice to use my internet
>VNs are videogames
>Here's my list of approved youtube channels
>It's not like you have to buy all that DLC

>"So much better than Call of Duty."

I can't tell if this is in defense of CoD, or if it's just an obvious statement that doesn't need to be added to other fps games.

Honestly, what counts as a obscure game nowadays?

Good thing mine was a PS2

>Trump is finished!

>>"haha only nerds play strategy games"
*only autists

mario, zelda

>>"Bioshock is better than System Shock. System shock is just generic sci-fi y'know?"
Bioshock isn't better, but it's definitely less generic in setting.

that's not casuals, that's actual retarded people

>"It's the Dark Souls of X!"

Obscure and the sequel Obscure II

>This game sucks because the graphics are bad

>I came from the_donald

>This is too hard. I play games for fun, not to think or get frustrated!

I thought this meme died.

I hate this game because the politics don't agree with me

>Singleplayer games are boring
t. my friend who plays nothing but csgo

So how does Trump's Super form look like? He has all the emeralds, why doesn't he show us his final form?

>"Witcher 3 is the new standard for open-world RPGs! based poland xD"

cool shilling bro

This game is so much better than Call of Duty because it's giving me nostalgia like Dark Souls.

My first console is a ps4

Seriously though.
>Woman has kid
>Starts being high maintenance as fuck
>Slowly distance yourself and cut them off

It's that easy. Usually though the quality of the woman goes down the longer they stay single after the kid. Mostly because they start to get used to someone in the household being under them / showing them love unconditionally, so they in turn expect the same shit from you.

>games shouldn't be challenging
>we should appeal to a wider audience
>story should exist in anything other than the manual