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Did you buy his game, Sup Forums?
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I'll buy once they are done with their jewish DLC practices.
What's the best way to get cold planets going. Playing as riftborn and im moving some of my heroes around for their industry boost
>What's the best way to get cold planets going.
put heroe...
>Playing as riftborn and im moving some of my heroes around for their industry boost
Well you're already doing it right then.
Alternatively colonize the planet with the highest industry in the system first and then take it from there. Also mass colonizing every planet in the system for the +10 industry per planet quickly is a good idea
I pirated it and got bored somewhere around turn 100
combat is really and the rest of the game doesn't offer much
also lots of bugs even in 1.01
Every Amplitude game is literally the same shit. If you've played one, you've played them all.
Oh alright, just wanted to see if there was a better way. I think I screwed up a bit by colonizing a lot of cold systems with no production, there should be more ways to nullify expansion disaproval desu only 12 or so systems feels like its too small.
Horatio is the best girl.
Make Horatio great again!
Am I bad or is it harder to go no prod, only dust this game?
So I started playing and I have no idea what to do. I picked the humans since I figured they would be easiest to learn with.Tthe game is giving me tool tips and I'm trying to follow them but I think they are broken since I cant complete the actions they are asking me to do. Like it wants me to buy out tech and buildings but its turn one and I have no influence.
Is there a guide I can read somewhere or something? How do I play this game?
Of course . Music is top comfy.
>12 or so systems feels like its too small.
On a normal sized galaxy it's plenty enough to win.
It's not a game where you're going to get to autistically colonize every single scrap of rock.
That said, if you go over the limit of 12 by 2 or 3 systems your empire is going to be able to manage that and keep up with happiness buildings (using happiness luxuries for your system levels is also a good idea).
The biggest thing you can do is play a custom race because there's a custom trait that lower expansion disapproval by 50%, making it much less significant of going over the limit.
If you really want to colonize everything Unfallen are also a good idea because they have shitloads of happiness already.
There is a tutorial built into the game
I downloaded it to try it, but i got fucked by overcolonization→unhappy population→anarchy/dictatory loop hard around 120 turns in, what is the best way to prevent it if i were to load an earlier save??
>that music
literally goosebumps
it's harder.
Crashes on start no matter what.
How do those faction specific questlines work when you make a costum faction? Do you even have any?
How do I destroy planets in this? Its pain in the ass that I need to invade and keep every planet after war against someone.
yeah, you get the quest of whatever appearance you choose
here's a pick of Vodyani with Craver depletion and Riftborn time bubbles. But the quest remains as Vodyani
>How do I destroy planets in this?
in the highest tier of military you get planet cracker tech
Carriers when?
Isn't the last class you can unlock a carrier?
But it doesnt actually carry fighters, its just basically a bigger ship
Wait really? ES2 doesn't have fighters/ bombers although 1 did?
A few days before release they announced they wouldn't be in 1.0 since they didn't have them finished in time, apparently they'll be added in a free patch later on
Looks complicated... Is it?
It has an okayish tutorial ingame and you can probably find some tutorial vids on jewtube. The basics are kinda easy but what's a bit harder is understanding your faction and how to use it's skills most efficiently.
Played the tutorial for 25 minutes because I wanted to get familiar with the new features.
Ran into missing and fucked up tooltips right away and the tutorial refused to trigger and progress properly every other turn.
I'm picking up the giga nigga edition in 2 years or so.
Short question, did you play in English or your own language?
Uhh.. Is this game new or? I'm seeing content from 2016.
early access started in 2016
>your own language
Are you using a laptop?
This will forever be the best theme
>used to be huge 4x fan
>no reason to play this over MoO2 or the fantasy equivalent over MoM (although AoW is pretty good)
>tfw you will die with no proper spiritual successor to these games
I feel bad for the art and sound guys.
Btw do you guys have some sort of Sup Forums group for ES to organise some mp matches?
How does it compare to Endless Legend? What does it do differently?
I prefer the Unfallen theme.
Also, the best versions are in the prologues.
It's in space
The normal unfallen theme really need the drums that it has in their prologue
I played MoO2 for 1 1/2 years 6 hours a day on average when I was in school, I've been looking for a successor every since, but I think with ES2 I've finally found it.
ES1 was close, even at release. All the features I needed where there (except for combat), on paper, but the game ended up feeling lifeless and bland. ES2 basically fixed every single one of my complaints to some degree, even the combat is likeable for me now.