Saturday 10th:
>EA: 8 PM
Sunday 11th:
>Microsoft 10 PM
Monday 12th:
>Bethesda 3 AM
>PC Gaming Show: 6 PM
>Ubisoft: 9 PM
Tuesday 13th:
>Sony: 2 AM
>Nintendo Direct: 5 PM
Saturday 10th:
>EA: 8 PM
Sunday 11th:
>Microsoft 10 PM
Monday 12th:
>Bethesda 3 AM
>PC Gaming Show: 6 PM
>Ubisoft: 9 PM
Tuesday 13th:
>Sony: 2 AM
>Nintendo Direct: 5 PM
Other urls found in this thread:
>Pass user since 2012
>Pass user since 2012
>Sony at the end
what a fag
Why are they so spaced out this year?
I'm thinking about getting a pass and a permanent username
Everyone is a special snowflake and wants a day to themselves.
I'm sure Microsoft moved forward one day so it was no longer sharing the same news cycle as Sony.
Staying up for the funposting is nice but it's never worth it for the actual announcements.
God I wish Sony would fuck off with these late time slots. Don't care about the Sup Forums shitposting so I'll just get the news whenever I wake up.
>Sony and bethesda at stupid times
I didn't care before but now I care less
>Using the old flag
>Playstation is extremely popular in Europe
>Sony's conference is at a time when no Europeans can watch
What did they mean by this?
>stupid times
its not stupid times in LA you fucktard.
Also remember E3 isn't a consumer expo, i.e it wasn't originally directed at marketing to faggots like you
It's an industry show set in LA. They're not going to schedule the conference around the preferences of consumers living in Europe. They're going to schedule around the people that have to bus around LA for 3-4 days.
it's still stupid because they are international businesses with millions of costumers and potential viewers in Europe
Sony fucked up with their time
It's the same time every year.
>E3 isn't a consumer expo
>'New for 2017: E3 is now open to the biggest fans of video games'
A few years ago I would have agreed, but now E3 is very much a consumer expo
Pretty sure they used to be at a decent times then it changed a few years ago.
>potential viewers in Europe
do you understand what E3 is.
It is not marketed for consumers. it is an expo for developers, producers journalists etc.
iirc last 2 years are the first time they let the public attend.
it's not originally an expo for consumers to "watch"
we are supposed to hear the news and marketing that comes from the expo itself, not watch the expo
what's the flag gonna change to when scotland cucks themselves, brit/v/?
E3 serves a double purpose now, since so many
love sucking corporate cock, but the main purpose is to get potential investors to invest and news sites to hype up AAA garbage.
>Implying they'll leave
Scotland are tsundere as fuck mate.
Hey fuckhead, how about you just use this, instead of trying to seem intelegent
Now everyone knows when its on
>Always book E3 week off work
>Work week runs Sunday-Saturday
>Find out EA has moved its conference to Saturday 8PM
>My schedule is different every week so I have no idea if I'm going to be working Saturday evening or not
>Finally get schedule for that week
>I finish work at 5:30 PM
>Just enough time to get home and bunker down for E3.
Could be worse.
>tfw no job or anything to do during E3 time
>tfw job where I can watch the whole thing while getting paid
Can't be a very good job then
Thanks. I put this in my diary.
I'm a programmer in vidya, it's relevant
>Bethesda 3 AM
guess who's not watching that shit
>not staying up to watch the marketing
bad goy!
also it's actually at 2am unless your a fag who lives in london
all of GB uses GMT+1 in the summer, idiot
>You in charge of understanding time
>also it's actually at 2am unless your a fag who lives in london
Fucking no words come close to how retarded you are.
>being this england-centric
The English are the Americans of Britain.
>you will never be able to drink the nectar of the gods
Enjoy wallowing in pain and misery you fucking cowards
Can't wait until we leave this shithole.
You should consider necking yourself
They sell Irn-Bru in England dummy.
>Sony 2AM
welp that's one I'll be unable to see.
Why don't you explain your ignorance of other countries timezones?
oh wait you can't cause you're fucking retarded cockneys
I live in Wales and they sell that here. It's alright, I guess
Ah, right, so you're trolling. Ok.
yet for past years the conference was in the "not that good but you can do it" time slots. 2AM UK 3AM in europe is just fucking impossible.
>log in to four chan dot org
>some anonymous shitlord tries to make fun of me for being a paid user
I can live without it. Their games aren't exclusive and will be shown again in different conferences.
They've always had those timeslots,
I'm pretty sure Sony's has always been around 1-2am.
Scotland doesnt have a seperate time zone and we get Bru south of the border EVERYWHERE now, straight from Glasgow
tfw live in the only town that sold bru for like 60 years before it spread around.
Nigga I watched E3 in Australia once. This is nothing.
>I watched E3 in a country where E3 is broadcast at a relatively normal hour, maybe an hour or two before normal people get up
fucking bogan
Not when you're on a cargo ship doing watches